voice at 3:30 am

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voice at 3:30 am

Post by anyamanee »

i posted this earlier -- i know i wrote it but somehow it didn't get "up".
I am not sure why; but when I sent a Facebook inbox to my #1 intercessor my computer went mental and started typing vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv until it crashed...and I had to turn it off and start again. So hmmmm

Okay so here goes. I'll try again! Praying first...

Time, Christmas Night.
Okay so I couldn't sleep. We had been to a friend's home for a Christmas day party. More rich food I am not used to. So I had a stomach ache. I couldn't sleep b/c of the pain. At about 3:30 am I was drifting off and heard a voice speak to me. No body appeared, but it was NOT a dream. I woke totally awake; prayed and thought about the experience and prayed a lot. I knew it was Noy's voice but didn't remember what was said. I thought it was in Thai language.

Clearly it was Noy's voice.

So the next day, I asked the Lord to reveal to me what was said, and it turns out it was in tongues. and I did get an interpretation...it was this:

"The time has not yet come for me. wait awhile. wait for me, and do not give up on me nor loose heart. My heart belongs to you to give to God"

so-- I am praying for discernment; how much of this to share w/Noy?
(who is as far as I know not yet turned to Christ)

Thanks, Karen
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Post by charlie »

Anya...I have felt for a long time that there is a spirit of beguilement at work in this relationship with Noy. I feel concern for you that you hanker after this one particular man to be saved...doesn't sit right with me. I may be off in my discernment here and if I am please accept I mean no malice...just a sincere sense of warning to you to guard your heart and walk away from beguilement...loose Noy truly to Abba and take your husband's advice on this one.

In addition this word you interpreted does not sit right with me either. No man needs an intermediary before God other than Christ (though I understand culturally intermediaries are more often acceptable in day to day negotiations)...scripturally, when it come to God and our hearts belonging to Him there is no one who has our heart to offer on our behalf but Christ...

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3

Post by anyamanee »

charlie wrote: spirit of beguilement
What is that?

More later; just got to try and understand your word to me. No offense taken but I'm not sure your discernment is correct for NOW. My husband is looking for Noy too. 99 sheep left for one. God really loves this man. He is a man of peace. And, you gotta understand Thai....

I don't think my 'word' from him (i didn't say it was from God -- haven't decided that for sure) isn't saying I am to be the intermediary abut not sure that your theo is all right...we can stand in the gap after all! Right?
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Post by HisBlood »

Wisdom Charlie!
We overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of our testimony.....
Be Transformed......

Post by anyamanee »

Begile: ล่อลวง=betray, mislead, hoodwink, trick, con, delude, swindle

I had to go to Thai and back to English to really understand what this means.

Yes, special spirits swirl around here; anyone who has ever walked here can see why too, such effort and care is taken to appease the idols, giving them a stronger ability to decieve; but yet, greater is he who is in me.

HOWEVER, I cannot walk here in constant fear of being decieved. Like our Thai brothers and sisters who still don't seem to be able to grow to a critical mass to overcome these spirits. I have been sent...and yes, will suffer. Have suffered. It's part of the life.

As for "focus on this one man to be saved" yes, perhaps as i read what I write I see that this is true; but if you really saw my life here -- it is not that way. Today, I spent from 2:30 PM to 1 am with my buddy (as close a friend as Noy) Sow; we went to the "countdown" together...had plenty of time to sit and talk; I shared Psalm 111 explaining that we need to reflect on all the ways God has shown himself praiseworthy in the year ending -- and challenged her to do as well.

Sow is not there yet as well; and hasn't shown the interest and direction Noy has (I have other friends too; many many! in varies stages of moving towards Jesus)

BUT God has not allowed me to walk away from Sow. At one point I almost did; asking God, "if I'm to persverve w/her, make it CLEAR within the week...and He did!!! I cried tears of joy b/c to think of throwing this precious lady away out of my life; it kills me to even think of it..but recently our Thai partner taught me, "bound spirits every time you go to talk to Sow". It has helped!

Anyhow, today we had a good talk. I promised to tell her about the covenant mentioned in Psalm 111 -- but hey, reader pray for her; any time, and I mean ANYTIME I share scripture with this lady she looks as if she is being set in a cloud of gas fogging her away...

Okay so wrote lots of words defending myself...with a true story that just happened..(btw, it's 1-1-11 now! New beginnings!)
as for Noy; my heart aches for him; but soars that my husband is truly seeking him out now for friendship; and they had time this eve when I was out w/Sow. YES! God is giving me the gift I asked for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!But on the down side he looks sooo bad; so beat up and lonely. Those who taste the Holy Spirit and yet do not fully turn are so beat up here! It's scary...yet, I remain steadfast; I must share the treasure!

So, beguiled? yes, in part. Innocent as a dove. But walking with my eyes wide open and in Papa's firm grip, and with His leading. Wise as a serpent.

So I assume Charlie's response to my question is this: no don't share the vision w/Noy b/c it's likely not from God. Okay. Not sure I'll be given a chance anyhow. But since I did as usual whenever we have a spirit visitor saying, "If you do not worship the Lord most High, be gone in Jesus' name" and there was no "leaving", well what more do I have?

My intercessor thinks it is a Word from the Lord. Still do not understand fully why it's not? Can you help me ?

Post by anyamanee »

by the way, my name is Karen; not Anya. :-) If you wish to use my Thai name, อัญมณี (phonetics, anyamanee) you may; or my nick name, ณี (nee)


Karen Elizabeth
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Post by peggyo »

Hi Karen:

If this were my puzzle to figure out, I would take the message I received as information to know where Noy's thinking is and not take it as a message of truth from the Holy Spirit but the Holy Spirit giving you revelation of where Noy is at.

I've run across this a lot where people who love me but also want me to do their spiritual work for them. Almost like their association with me will bring them to Christ or something, often cause their lack of knowledge/understanding makes them feel inept with spiritual things. They do not understand the simplicity of receiving. It is so easy, it is hard type of thing.

Usually there is a basic misunderstanding of grace and in one particular circumstance I recall God did have his own way of parting the fog for this person to a place they could come to salvation, which was apart from me, but an answer to prayer!

No disrespect or disregard intended toward anyone here.

God is able!
Peggy O.
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Post by keilani »

Like our Thai brothers and sisters who still don't seem to be able to grow to a critical mass to overcome these spirits
aloha Karen and happy 2011 to you!

I understand what you mean by this and truly the only way to overcome is to do so with the renewing of the mind with the Word and by the revealing of truth by the indwelling of Holy Spirit. When I got saved and began growing, I had to relearn many things and culturally we used to interpret the Bible through that mindset. It is not uncommon back home for people to go to Mass truly "loving" (in their carnal understanding) the Lord and then go to a witch doctor to get magic done to "help" God bring something to pass in their lives.

The lines of deception can become very blurred especially when our minds are NOT renewed with the Word that Holy Spirit Himself has breathed on and brought life to. There is a difference! I read the word often before i was saved (practicing religion) and NEVER experienced a difference until I was filled with and yielded to Holy Spirit.

On a personal note: I would tread carefully when it comes to disembodied voices NOT because I don't think God can't speak to us that way but because when you live within a culture steeped in the worship of idols (as I did), it is definitely something you need to test. Go to the Scriptures and have Holy Spirit show you Himself that what you heard was sent from Him. He is a Good Teacher and wants us to walk powerfully in Revelatory Truth and Love. Shalom!
***More To Come***

Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
and...enlighten everyone about God’s secret plan—a secret that has been hidden for ages in God who has created all things.

Post by anyamanee »

peggyo wrote:Hi Karen:

If this were my puzzle to figure out, I would take the message I received as information to know where Noy's thinking is and not take it as a message of truth from the Holy Spirit but the Holy Spirit giving you revelation of where Noy is at.

Yes...I agree. And since it is the Holy Spirit it is truth. The message said, "it's not my time yet". This is very hard to hear. I am not sure I should tell him that!

Thanks for understanding Peggy. Must be the shared "Minnesota" thing -- you understand what I'm saying??

Yes, it is as if he is thinking I can 'do' his work...or as if association w/me is enough -- one time I asked, after a discussion on Revelation 3 and I asked, "where are you at w/God" and he admitted, "luke warm". (pretty honest huh?) and then, another time, "i keep connected to God through Karen"

Your suggestion also goes along w/my experiences of "hearing" his thoughts (I've heard others thoughts as well, strange, I do NOT try to do it!)

Blessings and thanks for thoughts,


Post by anyamanee »

On a personal note: I would tread carefully when it comes to disembodied voices NOT because I don't think God can't speak to us that way but because when you live within a culture steeped in the worship of idols (as I did), it is definitely something you need to test. Go to the Scriptures and have Holy Spirit show you Himself that what you heard was sent from Him. He is a Good Teacher and wants us to walk powerfully in Revelatory Truth and Love. Shalom!
Yes, thank you...I have tested at the time of hearing and again later. I was careful to be fully in God's Word, repentant and submissive and in the Spirit i recieved the interpretation. I have heard other 'voices' disembodied that were clearly, very clearly NOT from God but evil.

It is vastly different and discernible -- but I still do not presume to always know for sure.

You do understand i see.

I have been the object of black magic; have been prophesied about; revealed as a threat by fortune teller...and that is what I KNOW about.

Thanks so much! Happy New Year!
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

i I want to caution u though i know i may really irk u, I take the chance e though,, please take this as a caution.

U seem to be developing Strong soul ties with people who haven't accepted Christ. This can be dangerous.I myself have gone through deliverance having God cut most ungodly soul ties to people of my past.
I have no friends except one,. She is a little back slid but a christian. But God has not released me to 'let her go( the opposite i feel encouraged to stay in her life though a little at a distance) ' and i feel he wants me in her l.,life. But i know her well. I have known her 25 years and we are spiritual sisters in Christ. I also know when to walk away and distance myself. We dont see each other much . She has fallen back into some things im concerned about but i feel God has ;let me know that im not to judge her and he has trusted me with these things knowing im strong enough to not allow myself become defiled with them... But again i dont see her a lot and i know her really well and i know deep down her love for Jesus is still there and that whats shes into is out of Hurt and trauma and God will bring her out.

But shes a christian there is a tie there that cant be broken.

MY concern for u is getting overly v lose to people that dont know our Lord. U shoudl be kind gracious,,, and helpful and of course pray ..but please,,if they arnt christian and are into idol worship ,,u need to protect yourself from being ensnared by a soul tie that could leave u confused ,,, and clouded and ur ability to be objective. When these soul ties develop we grow so fond of them that we can become vulnerable and possible to a to a point ensnared by what may be driving them.

If Noy is a christian but is in spiritual murk and is not willing to fully commit same rule applies. u need to know when to distance yourself;f and how much u can take on. My friend who i love a lot loves dragons and fairy's and harry Potter . She once turned away from such things but after a terrible trauma nd hurt from the church went back and has become ensnared by them again. I know deep down she knows better and once in awhile she will try to get me to watch harry Potter but the last time she saw my look and knew i wasn't goign to and she didn't push. At the same time i feel.. " dont nag her about it,she knows deep down and u being the light a quiet one,, will say a lot more" But again,,, i dont see her a lot and am not in a place where i could;d get ensnared by a a weekly engagement with her.. there is a comfortable distance of time and space that makes it possible o remain in her life and be a vessel of God yet not get myself in a pickle with her

I'm not sayign to cut your self off but please perhaps pray about a distancing for a wile,,, and try to find strong Christians to spend ur bulk of time with. ..... Be kind... and be sensitive...but u need to protect yourself at some point.

This may be a unpopular thing to say,,but i have said it and all i cans say is really pray a and think this over

Bless u... in this new glorious year.

Post by anyamanee »

Jewels, I already spend the bulk of my time w/a Christian, my husband. #2 people are my children. All Christians. #3 my Thai partners. Ditto.

On the list next are my friends whom I reach out to.

Frankly I feel that my call is to reach the lost. I am not young in age nor in experience nor in walking w/the Lord. I do not walk but very carefully move forward...with Noy, with Sow, with Gulaab, Nan, Paan, Wirachai, Ploy, Oye, Jai, One, Duum, and others...

Just the same, thanks. I am not without a strong head -- who is totally committed to protecting me, praise God.

And finally, the only reason I write this post is this word. If we walk in fear of contact w/non believers we dilute the power of God. Jesus walked with the people on the road to Emmaus after his resurrection. He went the distance with them. They were in doubt even though they had known him. They were in blindness to whom this person was walking with them, until he broke bread with them; until he ate with them.

In order to have someone actually get to the point where they will eat with you; trust you; you have to take risks. God will never leave nor forsake me of this I am sure. I cannot be taken out of His hand; I am more precious to him than that.

You can help me one way: give me the biblical basis for the concept of soul ties.
at this point i fail to see what is meant. I find this word bandied around but it's so far very suspect for me.

I am confused what people expect of missionaries! We are called. I don't expect others to understand us but i am confused by some attitudes which confuse rather than edify....


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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

I didn't say u couldn't socialize or be kind and supportive to people who are non believers. Jesus indeed did,, but Jesus spent hours of prayer to his Father and was sinless s. Jesus loved the sinner and ate with them but i believe he knew when to back off and withdraw himself.

I never said u cant be friendly and kind but to spend a inordinate amount of time with people who have not given their heart to God or are backslid ,,, finding urself getting into a position of deep emotional soulful affection ( this does not necessarily include family that we are born into and soul ties are already there and are natural due to the family dynamics), u could get entangled. I was given u a cautionary warning.

Take it or leave it. I dont have the last word on it of course,,, and obviously see this type of situation a wee different. Ill say no more.
Be blessed.

Post by anyamanee »

Okay Jewels...i think it's just a matter of you reading what I write; a large amount about Noy and interpretation of it as all my time.

Warnings are good; but I stand w/this: 99 left and one sought. If I was sent all the way from Minnesota to Bangkok; uprooted from family and friends and an awesome home church; taken from middle class down to poor; suffering reproach and all kinds of trials all for one sinner to repent; then who am I to say God isn't at work?

I ponder my own journey and the extraordinary things God did to bring me to himself...and say, "yes he does these kind of things".

What is your warning, exactly? if i spend too much time w/heathen I'll fall from grace? or?

And as for time! I have to disagree again, here, sister.I am so thankful for those who lavished time on me before I walked with the Lord!

Time is just a resource; like money -- we just need to be prayerful on how much we spend and how much we lavish but keeping in mind at all times,
1. eternity
2.God owns it all

I hope these give you good food for thought. I am not saying that in your situations where you've had to pull back, "not watch Harry Potter" or whatever, is wrong! AT times, I too, I have pulled back and not "walked the temple walk" nor several other 'innocent' rituals, which feel like I am compromising.

Now for Noy. He has always been respectful of my faith and even defended me from a time where another (Gaa, God loves Gaa) wanted me to bow down to the amulet he wore! "She can't do that! it is in direct violation of her faith!"When you read what i wrote keep in mind that he was my primary language tutor for a long time. This relationship is over. Now we are merely neighbors.

Yes, I walk at the edge of hell. But God is with me. Where else do the sinners 'hang out' and as for 'hanging out' isn't that what Jesus did? I too, have my retreats and my mountain and my time out...(on a 2 week one presently)...

So let's encourage one another! Keep on!

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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

I'm not getting through.
I did not say you cant be friends and love him.
I did not say not to pray or share the word with him.
I'm talking about crossing that line of ministry and becoming emotionally intertwined with people who are not on the same page with u spiritually to the point all lines become blurred. Family is a wee different as we are born with our family and even with Family a christian sometimes needs to distance themselves ( though i have seen has one gets closer or tries to get closer to Jesus the gap widens naturally,,, i still talk to my family and see them but im not real close to them anymore ( though i still love them).

Enter the new year with enthusiasm . My point is that when budding around with or spending much time with people , interacting,,sharing your heart and becoming possible attached to them)who dont know God can put one in a place that might bring confusion and perhaps problems...,,, be ' wise as a serpent but gentle as a dove"... love,,,, but with wisdom.

nough said, U have the Holy Spirit in u and seek him on all things. I have shared some advise born out of what i feel my own walk with God has taught me.... Shalom,