Daytime dream ~~~ disturbing

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Daytime dream ~~~ disturbing

Post by LadyinChrist »

I didn't even want to post this dream. I just want to forget about it, but it's been bothering me since I had it Sunday during the day.....

It looked as if I was in a basement. A man (whom I don't know) took me down a dark hallway, and was hugging all over me in a sexual way. He then took his finger and stuck it inside my right side ribs very hard, as if to say not to tell anyone. It was as if his finger entered my side. It was so painful!

Next scene, I think the same basement, but looking at a huge map.
I remember seeing it mostly light blue. I was trying to focus on it, and find the state of Utah. I finally found the outline of Utah.
(My older children live in Utah).

End of dream.

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Post by keilani »

aloha Lady,

As a mom, my first inclination would be to cover myself and my family--children, gchildren...

My thoughts were of a familiar spirit that was intimate (meaning knew you and had some workings in your life through whatever entrance generationally etc) that wanted "children" (ie a possible result of intimacy). Meaning, this spirit wanted to be passed down to your children.

Basement--according to the new dream symbols could be basic or hidden issues.

The state of Utah in blue makes me think He is giving you insight/revelation of this "planned" attack so you could bind the spirit from continuing on and release/loose the blessing in words/prayer over your older children. Remember the power of the BLood, when the Israelites put it on the doorposts and lintels of their homes, the angel of destruction could not enter. As a mom, you have the legal right to apply it to your family and all that belongs to you! Do it by faith understanding that the BLood of Jesus is more powerful than any weapon the enemy may try to use against you! Then stay in the Word and speak that word, wield it like a sword for that truly is what it is! It has the power to birth life!

I don't know if you had a hard life growing up or if you're older children were exposed to some type of harshness but I am praying revelation for you and freedom as well! May He direct you and keep you all!
***More To Come***

Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
and...enlighten everyone about God’s secret plan—a secret that has been hidden for ages in God who has created all things.