a hurried graduation party for son Matthew

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a hurried graduation party for son Matthew

Post by peggyo »

Hi Dreamers!!

Had a funny dream this a.m. that should have me waking exhausted. Dreamed we (my family) were living at my aunt Pat and Uncle Jim's home. She was my closest aunt growing up and I spent lots of time there.

Seems my son Matthew had graduated and I had sent out invitations for a party but I had forgotten when the party was and couldn't even remember when I'd made the arrangements for. So I realize the house is messy and things are not prepared.

I set out to quickly pick up the house and make it guest ready, tidying up--specifically remember opening up the front window curtains, picking up blankets from off the floor, even a few pistachio shells on the carpet! I see people at the front door. I'm thinking what will my aunt and uncle think about me having their old house so messy when I'm having a party. I don't really have any food prepared. Eventually I do find a cake, a really wonderful graduation cake that says Matthew has graduated with special honors. It's an unusual looking cake--not level across the top, but I am very happy and surprised with how this one-of-a-kind cake looks even so and set it out on the dining room table. I see a nice big lettuce salad that I must have made and also realize that a guest brought a salad to share that was placed on the table. Then I go back to the kitchen to find other food.

One of the guests had requested a glass of milk I guess to go with the cake. All I can find in the refrigerator is milk that is somewhat warm, but I pour him a glass anyway and deliver that. Then I come across a ex-large package of my aunt's cigarettes in the kitchen by the back door that looks half mangled/destroyed. I take one out with the idea I will smoke it later (IRL I do not smoke at all, never have, so that is funny, but my aunt, however, used to and still occasionally has one cigarette).

At some point I am wondering about the time, cause I'm trying so hard to get things ready for the guests. I ask an old woman and she tells me it is 3:30. I'm guessing the party goes till 4:00 so thinking this sort of nightmare of trying to get ready for a forgotten party will all be over soon.

Finally my son Matthew, who I all along am concerned cause this is his party and he has not shown himself, appears like he is coming from a sleeping state. He is wondering what is going on and I'm wondering to myself did I even tell him about this party that I planned for him or not! He complains a little about it, but I tell him that he will not be unhappy once he has opened up his envelopes.

Dream ends!


IRL I would never plan a party against anyone's wishes, and certainly not against this son's wishes, cause he is a really particular guy, always has been!!

Appreciate any input!
Peggy O.
Last edited by peggyo on Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MJ »


As I read your post I had an overall feel of your dream rather than specific or detailed interpretations.

Many times we know events are coming up in our lives---thus, the graduation, an event you would make specific preparations for---we know they are going to happen but many times we are taken by surprise and feel unprepared.

Circumstances are often messy---like the house---just when we need them to be orderly and predictable! "If I just had more time---why did this have to happen right now?".....That's the type of thinking (at least for alot of people) we often have because we feel thrust into an event.

You did what you could do in your dream...even serving warm milk since it was at least milk. Boy, this sounds just like what happens to us in life. We make the best of the situation---it beats giving in and giving up.

At the end of the dream you find that your son doesn't care all that much and seems taken by surprise just like you had been! This reminds me of situations where I (used to) panic and feel stressed because I've done the best I could do in a stressful situation and it ends up that it doesn't matter much to anyone else.

I think the moral of your dream is not to be too hard on yourself. Not everything is your responsibility or your problem. Other people need to step up and take responsibility and also help you out when the need arises.

Hope this is helpful. It appears you had a life-lesson type dream.


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Post by peggyo »

Thanks again for this offering of insights MJ!

This dream makes me feel hopeful for my son Matthew who needs a turning point. YES!!! It is time for him to face his graduation into life (he's a late bloomer). Son has shared with me over the past year he believes he has Asperger's syndrome, a mild form of autism. He is 26 years old and been trying to find himself for a while now.

The aunt whose home this dream is staged in likes to have her "ducks all in a row." I am somewhat like her, although more relaxed. I love all the work of planning and having a party, so in real life something like this would NEVER happen!! It would make me crazy to be unprepared like this. But possibly it means that the Lord has some good surprises in store.

I got a kick out of the smoking a cigarette part of this dream as I do not smoke, but can see why someone under this sort of stress would reach for an old habit to bring consolation.

I can see me needing to have a life lesson dream along these lines. I do have a hard time with surprises.

My Matthew, he could still use some prayers!!!

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Post by zadokpriest »

No interp for the dream but when I read this:

This dream makes me feel hopeful for my son Matthew who needs a turning point. YES!!! It is time for him to face his graduation into life (he's a late bloomer).

God dropped in my spirit - the last shall be first..... :wink:

Love You Peggy & Blessing Upon YOU AND YOUR SON!!!

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Post by zadokpriest »

Oh - just came to me - Matthew was a tax collector and I believe he was the LAST disciple whom Jesus called...... :mrgreen:

Just something to ponder.

Zadok :D
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Post by peggyo »

Hello again!

I am seeing this dream come to pass. Indeed it was prophetic as I thought!

Matthew got a job at a convenience store across the street. He has been stewing in my living room for longer than I want to say, very angry at life, God, his older brother and especially me. Although he had worked from age 15 to 20, he hasn't worked much after that. He had a nervous breakdown about that time and went into a hole.

After the dream I finally told him I was going to drop him off to a homeless shelter if he did not get out there and get himself a job, as no able-bodied person should be sitting idle as he has been.

I do like that Matthew graduates with honors in this dream, cause I think so often people judge by worldly standards of what is honorable to God, and I don't think anyone would feel good about where this guy has been over the past years, but God knows...!
And I see how God has taught him much, through many of the TV programs that he watches, some on the church and Bible, and he has acquired a good foundation of understanding even before the revelation of salvation has opened to his understanding. He has such a strong sense of what is true Christianity already, although says he is atheist/agnostic. I am amazed. I love that God esteems those who have gone through such a rough patch, even though it looks bad to those on looking who just can't understand God's handiwork (I've had a few people really rag on me about him), but quite a paradox that God would give this difficult and lengthy time out special honor.

Matthew says he has got Asperger's syndrome, which may be true. He has extremely high IQ but is way behind emotionally for his age group, although his thought processes are like a much older person. He could use some continued prayers!

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven."