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Post by piano »

Hi Charys,
Bumping this to mention an area of the gideon story that I recently have reflected upon.

When God decided to decrease the size of the army to 300, He chose the men that cupped the water up in their hands to fight the battle'. I had to edit this because I had read incorrectly.

The men who cupped their hands lapped up just enough to keep moving.

They were few and far between, which concerns me today enough to ask God to help me cup my hands before I drink.

I asked God what this meant, and read several commentaries about this area of the story.
I believe the significance is the careful study of what one sees in the water IE; cloudiness that could represent impurity, debris of other kinds, etc. prior to taking a drink.
God gives me spiritual tools of discernment to test the waters, His Word and the ability to physically determine truths or non truths with the naked eye based upon knowledge and wisdom through my own experiience.

What else can cuppng ones hands to drink mean?


Last edited by piano on Fri Jan 14, 2011 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by Charys »

piano wrote:Hi Charys,
Bumping this to mention an area of the gideon story that I recently have reflected upon.

I asked God what this meant, and read several commentaries about this area
of the story.
I believe the significance is the careful study of what one sees in the water IE; cloudiness that could represent impurity, debris of other kinds, etc. prior to taking a drink.
God gives me spiritual tools of discernment to test the waters, His Word and the ability to physically determine truths or non truths with the naked eye based upon knowledge and wisdom through my own experiience.

What else can cuppng ones hands to drink mean?



Interesting. I have wondered what the significance of this test was. You made me look up all the commentaries on this passage I could find. Most of them said it bears no symbolic meaning at all; it was just a way of cutting down the numbers. This does not seem consistent with the God I know who doesn't waste words or actions. None of the commentators mentioned testing the waters. They talked about those who drank from their hands as being more wary and demonstrating superior soldiering technique though. I wonder if those who tested the waters, by examining it in their own hands before they drank it, might have done so not due to a natural wisdom as much as from a natural fear. It would be consistent with the story of the battle belonging to the Lord that the soldiers chosen might be the least brave, the least skilled and the least confidant.

Interesting that you bumped this thread today. I received some criticism this morning from someone in leadership that left me feeling unqualified and afraid to go into any kind of battle. After some encouragement, I dared to share just a little tiny bit of what I feel the Lord has been showing me -privately. He shut me down. It wasn't just met with skepticism, but I was told dreams and visions are so unreliable as to be virtually useless and I was on very dangerous ground. Prophecy is Biblical exegesis, period. He said even if what I am seeing and hearing is consistent with scripture, it still doesn't count because I am only looking for scripture I can use to back up my own thoughts.

Ouch. Kinda feel like doing a Monty Python-style "Runaway! Runaway!"

Good timing, Piano.
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Post by piano »


This does not seem consistent with the God I know who doesn't waste words or actions.

None of the commentators mentioned testing the waters.
They talked about those who drank from their hands as being more wary and demonstrating superior soldiering technique though.
Yeah, the testing is what came to me personally.

I wonder if those who tested the waters, by examining it in their own hands before they drank it, might have done so not due to a natural wisdom as much as from a natural fear.
I agree with the natural fear factor, and see it as a part of past experience of drinking in debris in my walk at different points. It makes me more careful, instead of carefree.
It is more of alert active stance.

It would be consistent with the story of the battle belonging to the Lord that the soldiers chosen might be the least brave, the least skilled and the least confidant.
This is the head of the nail. It sounds like humility was the main trait God was seeking.
He needed those who would listen and follow His direction, that He would be glorified, even if the majority were doing something quite different.
Interesting that you bumped this thread today. I received some criticism this morning from someone in leadership that left me feeling unqualified and afraid to go into any kind of battle.
After some encouragement, I dared to share just a little tiny bit of what I feel the Lord has been showing me -privately. He shut me down. It wasn't just met with skepticism, but I was told dreams and visions are so unreliable as to be virtually useless and I was on very dangerous ground. Prophecy is Biblical exegesis, period. He said even if what I am seeing and hearing is consistent with scripture, it still doesn't count because I am only looking for scripture I can use to back up my own thoughts.
A heavy blow indeed.
He is the one who has made your path, thankfully, in perfection.

Why am I picturing trotting making a galloping noise with coconuts now?

Last edited by piano on Fri Jan 14, 2011 8:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by Warrior Princess »

How interesting that I find this here and my Canadian friend has recently had a similar dream of war there...with some interesting details and real life info regarding that. Hmmm...
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Post by Charys »

Thanks W Princess. It has been some time since I originally posted this dream. After prayer I now believe this is referring to a spiritual war that I see unfolding around me.

Perhaps there is more to it in a physical sense, but I don't have any leading to go in that direction at the moment.
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Post by spiritledd »

“My food,” said Jesus “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.

I believe that Gideon chose those who drank with cupped hands because they did not let their guard down.

By drinking in this way, they were able to still see with their eyes, so they could not be taken by surprise. This is a picture of a circumspect warrior.

Indulging the flesh’s needs when at war is where many warriors fall. In today’s culture this could be watching a favorite TV show rather than being in our prayer closet.
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Re: Gideon

Post by Charys »

spiritledd wrote:
I believe that Gideon chose those who drank with cupped hands because they did not let their guard down.

By drinking in this way, they were able to still see with their eyes, so they could not be taken by surprise. This is a picture of a circumspect warrior.
I think Piano and I were wondering if this is evidence of being the most circumspect warriors or being the most scared. But now I think about it, the Lord said anyone who was scared could go home, right?
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Post by spiritledd »

Yeppers Charys... The Lord had already released those who were afraid. The warriors who were seen by Gideon drinking with their hands cupped "lapping like dogs" :) made the final cut.
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Post by piano »

I think Piano and I were wondering if this is evidence of being the most circumspect warriors or being the most scared. But now I think about it, the Lord said anyone who was scared could go home, right?

I believe there is a difference between being afraid to walk out Gods path lack of trust in Him for the victory


Following God even if one is less than confident in ones own ability (Like Gideon) but trusting Him to do what He has promised.

Those who left the battle because they were afraid, did not believe God would bring the victory.

Those who stayed may have been less than confident in themselves or thier surroundings (watchful) but were willing to trust God for the final outcome.

Brokeness shows Gods Glory in clay pitchers in the final battle.

I truelly believe it is in our own inability and brokeness that His ability shines through as we follow watchfully and in obedience.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by ditte3 »

Hi Charys
Peace be with you.
In church I heard a sermon about the Gideon story.It was interesting.
The pastor said that many part of this is symbolic too.I try to say it with my words.
The men lapping the water like dogs with their tounges,may symbolize speaking in tounges.

Also when they later go to the camp of the enemy taking lamps with them hiding in pitcsers,and then after the blowing of the trumpets they broke the pitchers,it simbolizes:the pitchers are our bodies that must be broken so thet the light of God can be seen in us.

I'm gonna pray about your dream.

May God bless you. :)