The Playing Field Is Leveled!

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The Playing Field Is Leveled!

Post by zadokpriest »

Ok - this is a very interesting dream. It is about the state of Delaware - which is were I currently live.

In this dream my mother, my son and I where leaving Delaware. The foundation of this state was being shakened and things where falling apart and down. The buildings in Delaware where completely leveled! It was an earth quake - the ground began to crack and upon up.

I gathered my son and my mother and together we got on a train -that was taking up to the mountains.

This disaster took place in the winter. There was snow on the ground. The train was going up, up into the mountains.

In the dream the train cart the I, my son and my mom was in somehow fell of the tracks and turned completely over!

In the dream I was able to position myself that I would not break my neck or get hurt. My mother and son also where able to position themselves accordingly.

The people around me where amazed that was able to position myself in such a way. They were shocked!

The train cart just turn over, got back on track and then continued.

In the dream - I, my mother and my son got off the train - at a stop that I thought was ours.

However, I found out that the trained had went full circle and taken us back to Delaware.

When we got off - that was when I saw the building leveled and the ground open.

I had to keep my son's attention (he was not bad or misbehaving - just being a child who wanted to run and have fun.) - I had remind him to stay close to me.

In the dream we had left all of our belongs on the train - my son seem to be excited about this - not a maliouse just a child like humor.

In the dream I said we have to get back on the train. We had to leave Delaware and we had to retrieve our things.

End of Dream.

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A Warrior's Heart
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Post by A Warrior's Heart »


Sometime last week, I had a dream about an aunt who lives in Delaware. I don't remember everything that happened but just remember seeing her really depressed and unhappy. It could be that something major could be coming to Delaware (snow, foundation shaken). Snow can be symbolic of perils. Since you mentioned train and leaving, maybe you'll have to relocate because of what is coming. I'm not sure but I'm going to be in prayer for Delaware and for your family.
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Post by zadokpriest »

Bumping this dream as I recently read about foundations being shaken - so I thought that it was time to bring this to the front again in hopes of getting some understanding.


Zadok :D
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Post by A Warrior's Heart »

Hi Zadok,

I just went to look for news about delaware after you last posted...saw something about the economy being weak. The aunt that I was talking about lost her job recently. I didn't remember to post this.
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Post by bjcollin »

As for this dream, I feel that it is more of a personal message to the dreamer that she is coming full circle in the things that have been happening in her life and her sons life these last few years rather than a specific warning just for the state of Delaware, but it could have some implications for the state that are being shown as well. *on soapbox* IMHO My personal feeling is that there will be a national financial level shake up sometime this winter/early spring.... I think that the Govt is finally realizing that it is in a crisis mode and debt is the next problem child that they are going to go after. The major credit card companies, most of which are based in Delaware due to favorable business laws there, are basically loan sharks in business suits. I think the Govt will shake up their industry very soon causing ripples in that state of Delaware and in those businesses which it should have done many years ago. *off soapbox*

Now back to the dream I feel that it is more of a personal message to the dreamer that she is coming full circle in the things that have been happening in her life and her sons life these last few years. You notice in the dream the train and fleeing to the mountains in winter with all possessions and then leaving everything behind in the train wreck and then coming back full circle. To me the fleeing to the mountains in winter speaks of seeking the refuge of the Lord in times of great trouble (refs Genesis 19:17-19, Psalm 11:1, Zechariah 14:5, Matthew 24:16, Mark 13:14, Luke 21:21). The Foundation earthquakes and train wrecks speak of the devistation and destruction that the enemy has tried to bring and that is occurring all around the dreamer and in her family life these last few years. (YES I still pray for you and AJ on occasion when the Lord reminds me to) Between Delaware, NJ, Philly, and back to Delaware you have come full circle these last few years and you have positioned yourself in such a way that it is a maricle to many of those who know you. The level of destructions that have been thrown your way one after the other would have wrecked many of us, but by the Grace of God you have positioned yourself in such a way that you have made it through it all and you have survived. For better or worse, you are also teaching your son to be a survivor through these times and to be able to position himself should he need to do that in the future. I hope this helps you further with this dream. God Bless you.

in Christ,
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Post by zadokpriest »

Thank BJ - it is blessing what you have shared! I will ponder and pray!

Much Love!

Zadok :D
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Post by ditte3 »

Hi Zadokpriest
Peace be with you.

I had a dream of earthquake a few weeks ago.It had probably more meanings.One of them is that maybe we feel the whole world is slipping from under our feet,and everithing is shaking.
When the train turns over,maybe it means your life becomes up side down,but you don't panic.More over you try to position yourself,not to eb hurt,as wellas your mother and son.The people see your faith,I guess.Then the train is back to as it originally was.

I don't know if getting back to Delaware,means going in circles,that you have to sart again.I'm praying about it.

It's good to see in the dream that you are strong and not afraid.
Can it be that you notice the building being leveled and see the ground open,that you see more clearly to the depth of things and it's different levels.Just a thought.

Dreams are symbolic.So maybe the happenings are about your life or spiritual life.Persons may be themselves or symbolic.They may be family or church family.

These may be my own thoughts.Please ask the Lord about these.if these are not what the lord tells you please toss it.

God bless you. :)
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Post by zadokpriest »

Yes I believe what you have shared about me seeing more clearly in the depth of things is true. I seem to see what others don't see or choose not to see and when I address the what I see many are offended and that hurts deeply.

Thank you for sharing.

zadok :D