This may not make sense

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This may not make sense

Post by cbutler »

Greetings everyone!
I have some bits and pieces again. Could you help?

I remember taking a bottle of red wine out of a white box that belonged to my mother in law.

Then Im in an upstairs apartment baby sitting for my son. The baby needs to be changed. So I lay the baby down and see that it is a girl. No legs or I don't see any. Something to do with the hip bone. I thought I was done changing the baby but when I go to pick her up, she pees. So I lay her down again to clean her. When I wipe her she turns into a boy. Odd.

Then the father of the baby is angry. He stands in the doorway of the kitchen ( where I changed the baby) and throws a long white cylinder tube at me. I don't know why he is mad. I reply OK! I won't baby sit anymore! Don't ask me to ever again. I was firm but not angry.

Thank you,
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Post by cbutler »

God is teaching me a spiritual principle through something natural that will change my perception.