Mowed grass?

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Mowed grass?

Post by cbutler »

This dream begins in my childhood home. I'm looking out the front window. The grass is very tall. It looked tough, like it had already gone to seed. I have to mow it but when I go outside someone is there telling me that so and so already mowed it. They mowed it so that you couldn't tell there had been any grass there. Although on the right side of the yard the grass was taller than me, but that was not my concern.

Now I'm in the livingroom but the leftside of the room is completely gone. My grandmother is there. (irl she has gone to be with the Lord) She is talking to my mother. She is telling her to let Cheryl (me) make the rolls. She tells me to use the hot roll mix. Not bisquick. Bisquick is good but not for this.

Then someone is telling me that they are hiring dishwashers down by the lake but you need to know someone. I had the feeling that I did. I was in!

Now I'm down by the lake working in a resturant. I feel very comfortable. I like it here. I belong here. There are other waitress there but the owner asks me to bring him a drink. Ice tea. Its a resturant that has an open porch that over looks the lake.

I have a feeling of being in the right place at the right time. Satisfied and content.

I was happy the he had asked me to bring him the drink. I took it to him. He was in the bathroom sitting on the throne. I didn't see any part of him as the door was opened on an angle and his knee prevented it from opening to far.

Now I'm outside the owners house in the backyard over looking the lake. The property sits high above the lake. I see a big paddle boat down on the lake. I know that he owns the boat and the lake. I see a big pile of sand and decide to dig in the sand. I just lightly brush away the sand and find a gold nugget. Wow, I wonder if the owner knows that there is gold in his sand pile? So I brush away alittle more sand and find another nugget. This is worth alot of money. So I tell to the owner, I found these two golden nuggets in the sand. One is bigger than the other. Do you mind if I give you the big one and take the small one for myself? No he says. The end.

Thanks for reading.
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Re: Mowed grass?

Post by cbutler »

cbutler wrote:Hi.
This dream begins in my childhood home. I'm looking out the front window. The grass is very tall. It looked tough, like it had already gone to seed. I have mow it but when I go outside someone is there telling me that so and so already mowed it. They mowed it so that you couldn't tell there had been any grass there. Although on the right side of the yard the grass was taller than me, but that was not my concern.

I am being corrected.

Now I'm in the living room but the left side of the room is completely gone. My grandmother is there. She is talking to my mother. She is telling her to let Cheryl (me) make the rolls. She tells me to use the hot roll mix. Not bisquick. Bisquick is good but not for this.

I have to make some changes. Be humble.

Then someone is telling me that they are hiring dishwashers down by the lake but you need to know someone. I had the feeling that I did. I was in!

I have work to do in my thoughts and intentions.

Now I'm down by the lake working in a restaurant I feel very comfortable. I like it here. I belong here. There are other waitress there but the owner asks me to bring him a drink. Ice tea. Its a restaurant that has an open porch that over looks the lake.

I like it!

I have a feeling of being in the right place at the right time. Satisfied and content.

I was happy the he had asked me to bring him the drink. I took it to him. He was in the bathroom sitting on the throne. I didn't see any part of him as the door was opened on an angle and his knee prevented it from opening to far.

I am very thankful and find peace in serving the Lord.

Now I'm outside the owners house in the backyard over looking the lake. The property sits high above the lake. I see a big paddle boat down on the lake. I know that he owns the boat and the lake. I see a big pile of sand and decide to dig in the sand. I just lightly brush away the sand and find a gold nugget. Wow, I wonder if the owner knows that there is gold in his sand pile? So I brush away a little more sand and find another nugget. This is worth a lot of money. So I tell to the owner, I found these two golden nuggets in the sand. One is bigger than the other. Do you mind if I give you the big one and take the small one for myself? No he says. The end.

God is the Creator of all things and His Word is Priceless! In ALL things always put Him first.

Thanks for reading.