Just saw something.

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Four Years
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Just saw something.

Post by Four Years »

I've posted on here before a while back of waking up from a nap and "seeing" what looked like a spider actually embedded in my bed. Not a dream but seeing it upon waking.

Well, I just had another incident.

I dozed off in front of the computer a few minutes ago then upon waking, almost immediately, I noticed something behind me in the reflection in the screen.

It was black and looked like it was crawling somewhere behind me, there's not really a wall, nor a flat surface, so quite possibly it was "crawling" on thin air...?

Anyhow, I turned around and nothing was there.

I just made a comment about getting serious over not looking at porn anymore...I figure if it really was something, it's probably demonic.

It wasn't a bug on the screen, it was a weird creature-esque figure.

I guess pray. Not sure if it was just my eyes messing with me, brain fog from waking up or something else.
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Post by Jubilee2 »

Hi Four Years,

Well, a spider weaves a web to entrap a fly!!! There is a saying 'Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly. If you saw it twice it could very well be an unveiling of a spirit that is trying to trap you. The fact that you fell asleep in front of the computer could very well have a connection with the spider. What were you viewing before you fell asleep?

Of course, I could be wrong!

Lord, please protect and deliver your child, Four Years, in Jesus name.

May God bless you and keep you.

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Post by ReBorn »

I just made a comment about getting serious over not looking at porn anymore
One reason why God hates porn activity is because it is like idolotry. Your worship of the images you see are destructive to your spirit and He is a jealous God.

Pray and keep your eyes on Him!

I will pray for you too!
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Post by piano »

Four Years,

I hate spiders. I had a dream with a huge web in it last night.
I walked clear around the web in my dream, because I hated it and because it was meant for me to get trapped in.

I hope that you know my love for the saints.
It isnt very often that I am as direct as this post is.

The Lord loves you, period. Believe it and live.

Falling asleep in front of the computer is falling asleep in front of the web.

This is a wake up call to get satan and the web with the poisonous spider behind you on this issue.

There is no time like the present to finalize your decision, not just get serious...but forsake it and walk down a different road.

Dont even walk down the path where you know the adulterous woman lives.

To know is to have understanding.

(I wanted to correct this, knowledge is the beginning of understanding, but knowing can be intimate knowledge, which I do see as understanding)

Find accountability. Here, somewhere from other men.

This affects more than just you.

Be a part of the solution.
Rise to His banner of Glory and Light, today.

Dear Lord,
Make clear the path of deliverance for Four Years. Send the people into his life that will support and reflect your truth and grace to him. Give him the courage, willingness and desire to be set free that You might be glorified, and that the testimony of Your grace will shine into others lives. Thank you for blessing him through this.
I praise You Father for Your mercy and goodness endures forever, Amen.

P.S. Edited by me.

Last edited by piano on Sat Jul 31, 2010 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by keilani »

the demonic spirits i have seen are black shadowy like figures..

ive also seen them as spiders...among other things

HE must be opening your eyes for a reason
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Post by Four Years »

yeah, thanks for the responses everyone.

piano, i truly do wish to obey that.

it's just that, my sin isn't effecting anyone but me. i wonder if that's why i haven't quit at this point.
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Post by charlie »

Four Years wrote:my sin isn't effecting anyone but me.
...there's the web...sweep it out and it won't catch any more lies...and you will be freer to think clearly and act wisely. here's what the scripture says about porn related stuff:

Matthew 5:


27“You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery.’e 28But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.

Porn related activity always affect others and besides...if God says don't do it- ((DON'T DO IT))...

grace to overcome
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Post by Jubilee2 »

Hi Four Years,

Addiction are not as easy to break as many think. It is a seducing spirit that causes a person to want to go back and do the same thing over and over again. However, ask God to remove the addiction from you because you cannot do it by yourself, and replace it with His righteousness. Our righteousness is like filthy rags. He wants you to repent and depend upon Him to remove this addiction. Of course you will have to co-operate with Him. He will give you the grace to do so. But keep asking, keep seeking Him for an answer and keep knocking. He will certainly answer you and set you free.

Sin is pleasurable for a season, but there is a price to pay ---- a great price. The enemy (devil) would like to deceive us into thinking that there is no price but he is a liar and the father of all lies. You can be free. The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run into it and they are saved. You are still the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus because He paid for your sins with His own Blood. Our part is to ask for forgiveness and repent, meaning to turn away from the sin --- with the help of God. Even if you try and you fall, get up and try again. God will see that you are truly making an attempt. He will be there to help you.

Blessings to you,

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Post by piano »

Hi Four Years,

Confession is the beginning of loosening the hold.
Welcome to the beginning.
If I were free of sin I would stone you.
Instead I will walk to the center of the coleseum (its a battle of the mind) and have a seat next to you.

The word confess means "to bemoan something by wringing of the hands" and also "to throw away".

Conviction is not always enough.

I know for me, sometimes it is far down the road that I come to sorrow over my sin.

When it is this way, there is usually a considerable loss due to my choices. Things I can never change or make right. Time I cannot get back.

I thought you may believe that just watching isnt hurting anyone but yourself, which is bad enough, for you, a precious child of God.

Throw a penny into a pond and watch the water rings grow and move out from the center...every action has a reaction. Good or bad.

God is wanting to use you for good.
Thats why the enemy is tailing you.

Still praying for yas.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by Counted4Him »

Blessings Four Years,

May God richly guide you. It's time to commit and preserve (sp?) the gift you carrying. Don't let the enemy take it from you its not worth compare to what the Lord HAS instore for you, just like the enemy trying to keep one blind. God bless you, your gonna be fine, your eyes appear to be opening, you got a job to do for the Lord, and you are seeing into the realms. Keep covered (praying) may the Lord deliver you from the deceptive tactics of the enemy to cause you to stumble in Jesus name!

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Post by Jubilee2 »

You are right, CountedForHim,

God has given FourYears the gift of discerning of spirits but it must be developed in purity. The enemy would like to rob him of that gift. You are so right!!! By the grace of God, this will not be so. Keep Four Years in your prayer everyone that he will be set free.

He has made himself transparent and that is very good so others can pray for him to be free.


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Post by peggyo »

Awesome and AMEN!
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Post by Four Years »

hello all.

is there a way that God says they will leave me NOW/doing deliverence by myself?