Upside down piano

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Upside down piano

Post by kse »

Hello, I had a dream where I was a part of a musical chorus, song and dance. We were all ladies, all wearing purple. The leader of the group was a piano player and he played an upside down piano. the piano was secured from the ceiling upside down, and he would get underneath it (on his back?) and play. He was very good at it and I imagined he made a good living from it. He was kind of Elton John-ish, with a white suit and glasses.

Anyway, the ladies and I were performing for some (talent?) agents. After our show we went back stage into a dressing room. Apparently we were in a tall building because when I looked out the window I saw a coastline from my home town. A lot of the ladies were crying because the agents didn't choose them. I noticed they didn't have nicely shaped bodies, but assured them not to worry about it because body shapes go in and out of style.
"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not." Jeremiah 33:3