3 part dream-part3

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3 part dream-part3

Post by cbutler »

Now I am in a white place.Looks like a kitchen/theatre. Chef Bobby Flay is there. He is the head chef.
There is a young blonde girl there. She has applied for a job in the movie theatre. I hear the head administrator tell her that the test room has been prepared. Lets walk this way. So as we all walk towards the test room the administrator asks me if I applied for the job? No, I'm too old. "How old are you? She asked" 45 I reply.(IRL not 45)
Well here we are and she tells the blond what the job duties are. Then she leaves. Closing the door behind her.
Everything is bright and light. There was a very large screen were 3-4 people were seating down front. I thought the movie must be over. Maybe its intermission as the room was so bright. How could you see the movie?
I start cleaning. I had a vacuum in my hand sucking up popcorn kernels that had been left on a podium of some kind. I looked up to see the blond talking to another employee. I think thats why she applied for the job.Her friend works here.
Then I vacuum the walls. They are covered with a lilac shag carpet. Then I move over by the stairs. There are two sets of short steps with hand rails. The wall in-between has a rainbow colored shag carpet that I am vacuuming.
I hear a husband and wife, along with a friend walk by me. They are above me- off to my right. They are laughing and happy. I hear the wife say to her friend," He tooted! I guess I won't feed him that anymore."Then something about heroin. You know, that white powder?
Then the administrator walks back in to collect the blond girl. I go with them. We go back out into the kitchen/lobby. Bobby Flay is there. He knows that we are there but continues to work.
The administrator says stay here while I check your test room. She goes back to the room but leaves the door opened so we can hear what she says.
Its' so clean! Its' so clean! She comes back out verrry happy and tells the blond she is hired. You did such a good job cleaning and hands her a pack of papers with all the job benefits. Excuse me,I say but I cleaned that room. You did? Yes. She gives the blond a disapproving look and takes the pack of papers from her and gives them to me. (S & S divorce?)
She asks, "Did you fill out a job application? ' No. Well lets' not worry about that right now. This top list is all your benefits, look them over. I looked but couldn't read Bobby Flays' handwriting. The administrator saw I was having trouble reading it and said let me help you.
These are your benefits:
1- You will get 3-4 gallons of gas per day
2- You will have a tithe taken out of your paycheck every week to help feed the poor. Chef Bobby Flay is a big believer in feeding the poor. I already do that I said.
3- You will learn to catch and cook sea bass. Sea bass? Will I have to eat it? I don't like fish. "Have you ever tried it? she asked. No. Then lets try it before you say that you don't like it.
4- Every now and then you will get on a airplane with Chef Bobby Flay and travel to where ever they make the BEST box of chocolates for yourself. It won't happen all the time but it will happen.

I know that it is a long dream. Thank you for taking the time to read. God bless.
Last edited by cbutler on Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by cbutler »

3 to 4 gallons of gas per day? The strength to do what I need to do on a daily basis.
Feeding poor people...helping people who are poor in the knowledge of Gd. Catching and eating sea bass. Going beyond myself and helping people who make it hard to do. Doing this will bring me on a higher spiritual plane,closer to the Lord. Chocolate= divine presence. Chef Bobby Flay is the Lord. The Master Chef. He is in control of my life..the kitchen. My circumstances. Timing...Aug 8th 2011?
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Post by cbutler »

She asked for a divorce on July 26,2011