sheets/blankets-crescent fold? i'm a cleaning lady?

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sheets/blankets-crescent fold? i'm a cleaning lady?

Post by ReBorn »


I am in this huge school building by myself (at least I think I'm by myself)- I believe it's after hours because it's kind of dark in there.

I am walking through the halls and notice all the doors are closed. I go to the front of the school and look out the front window. I see a gray colored truck pull up and park where the school buses should park

I see that it's my boss (IRL I'm a stay at home mom) and I get nervous because I'm not finished with my work, (???-weird)

Before my boss comes into the school, I turn around and open one of the classroom doors. When I open the classroom door, I see a large bed in the classroom and there is a woman asleep in the bed- (whom I accidentally woke up)

Then I realize this room is some type of hospital, nursing home, or hotel room. (not sure) but the woman says she was sick but she's not now. (I guess because I woke her up, not sure about that though)

Anyway, Apparently I am there to change the sheets and bedding on her bed. I tell the woman I need to change her sheets and she says she needs me to fold the comforter in a crescent shape.

Then she got out of the bed and folded it. After she was finished, it had something tied around it like a bow that was shaped like a fan.

In the dream I felt embarrassed because I didn't know how to fold the sheets and blankets like she wanted.

I had this sense that everyone thought I was a professional room service person (cleaning lady) but I didn't really have the experience and I was just pretending to know what I was doing.

I tried to change the woman's sheets quickly before my boss walked in and just as I finished tucking in the sheet, I heard him pounding on the front door then I woke up.
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
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Post by piano »

Hi ReBorn,

I have some ideas for your discernment..please leave what does not rest.

A special assignment of learning from the Holy Spirit that is between you and the Lord.
When I dream of it being night instead of day, I sometimes take that as a time when things may not be as bright as wanted, feeling wise a bit isolated.

The grey truck also reminds me of the Holy Spirit (or Holy Ghost)

The doors were all closed, but once you reached out to open one, it was not locked.

Changing sheets... starting fresh in regard to some private matters.

The woman in the room reminds me of someone who will teach you as well as your being in service to her.

She says she needs the comforter folded like a cresent, and then actually shows you how to do this.

A cresent moon is an increased view of the moon... from no view at new moon and onto its fullest view.

The bow reminds me of a promise.

I am curious about the bow/fan combination...first thought is promise of deliverance.Blowing away the heat...keeping things circulating?

A friend recently showed me photos from a cruise where the towels in their rooms were folded like different animals..very artistic.

This folding perhaps is a special talent that you are/will be learning.
For example: Oragami takes practice, patience, direction, and a steady hand and precision along with the desire to create something of beauty for others to enjoy.

I believe the part of your dream that depicts others seeing you as a professional cleaning lady also has to do with deliverance ministry, and you are in training.
Acting as if is like standing on faith when unsure how to proceed.

It seems as if the Lord is pounding on the door for You to let Him into this training completely. He is being direct.

Peace to you,

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by ReBorn »

Thanks Piano,
I've been praying about your interp all day! Anyone else have anything to share--please?
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
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Post by piano »

Hi ReBorn,

There is this word that keeps coming to my mind, I believe associated with this dream.


•An individual recruited prior to implementation of a change; must be representative of the user population, understand the reasoning behind the change, and help to communicate the excitement, possibilities, and details of the change to others within the organization.


2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by ReBorn »

Love ya' piano :wink:
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
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Post by ReBorn »

Then she got out of the bed and folded it. After she was finished, it had something tied around it like a bow that was shaped like a fan.
i think the quote above (from my dream) was actually explained to me this morning as being symbollic of the winnowing fan that John the baptist spoke about, before the coming of Jesus
I am curious about the bow/fan combination...first thought is promise of deliverance.Blowing away the heat...keeping things circulating?
Also, piano I believe you may be right on with this interp because when john the baptist spoke about the winnowing fan he also spoke about a separation of the wheat and chaff where the chaff will be burned in the fire, hence the heat of the fire.

thank you for your interp by the way! :wink:
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
The Lord is my Shepherd
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Post by piano »

Very cool indeed.

Heres scripture for your references..

"The ungodly are not so, but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away" (Psalm 1:4).

The chaff is burned as Scripture often indicates.

"And the flame consumeth the chaff" (Isaiah 5:24).

John the Baptist was familiar with the winnowing process and the burning of the chaff. He said:

"Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire" (Matthew 3:12; Luke 3:17).

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by ReBorn »

Anyway, Apparently I am there to change the sheets and bedding on her bed. I tell the woman I need to change her sheets and she says she needs me to fold the comforter in a crescent shape.
I am also thinking maybe the crescent shape could be symbollic of the harvesting sickle mentioned in revelation! :wink:
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
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Post by ReBorn »

I have been thinking about this dream a lot lately and wondered if anyone else had any other thoughts.

thanks :wink:
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
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Post by ReBorn »

Note to self:

BJ Collins wrote:

a crescent moon is symbolic of Islam
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
The Lord is my Shepherd