Ordering @ McDonalds

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Ordering @ McDonalds

Post by keilani »

I was at the counter waiting to order. My husband and sister were there but he didn't want anything to eat so he went to sit down and wait. I was standing then with my sister deciding on what to order. I was indecisive, having an idea of what I wanted but couldn't seem to find it on the menu. Beside me on the right was my sister (of the heavens) and every time she spoke, the young African American cashier kept remarking on her assertiveness/authority when she spoke, how she was so "impressed" by it. Not in a bad way but that the authority with which my sister spoke was so powerful.

I couldn't find my order so i decided to go with my usual (IRL) since i knew that was on the menu but after ordering it (I didn't really want it), i changed my mind and asked for a special that i knew had existed at one time (which is what i wanted but couldn't find on the menu). The cashier said ok and asked what kind of sauce I wanted and i was indecisive on that. My sister spoke up authoritatively and the cashier remarked again at the authority at which she spoke. I noticed after my sister chose the sweet and spicy sauce for me that the sauce she indicated now meant we were in Burger King not McDonalds (the difference in sauces vary between the two places was what I knew in the dream).

I went to pay and noticed the cashier had already begun taking the order of a younger African American man who had an MP3 player thing where he was listening to something in one ear. He was with other friends. I hadn't even paid so i went to give her the money and she said pointing at the younger man, "Oh, he's putting it all on his card." I said, "OH!" and I had an $11 bill but realized that my total was 11 and some change and that i was short. Since he was covering it, i knew it would be okay although I felt bad that i was short. We move off to the side to wait for our order and then the younger man who paid for the order comes to me and begins to talk. I hand him the $11 and he takes it. Then he stops with money in his hand and pauses as if he is listening; I know he is listening to the Lord's directive. Then he says, "Oh okay" and he said, "I'm sowing this back into you." the 11 dollar bill had now become a 12 dollar bill and I said, "OH! I'll be sure to sow this!" Then I went to sit with my husband who was waiting for me.

Don't know if this helps, but irl, I am NOT indecisive. I'm the type that plans out what and how to order before I get to the drive-up window. mahalo!
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Post by peggyo »

Interesting dream sister K! So you like a little MkD's too, but maybe just in dreamland.

Wondering if God is not saucing up, spicing you up with some excellent teachings regarding the law of reciprocity, bringing you into a greater place of authority.

Your dream reminds me of something going on in my city over Christian radio called the "drive-thru difference." It is put on by KTIS and I am not certain if it is just something here in Mpls/St. Paul or is known elsewhere, cause it is sort of a catchy thing. But the basic idea is Christian people in drive-thru lines at coffee shop or fast food, or just anywhere I hear, are taking the initiative to pay for the customer's order behind them.

In your dream though, seems the man behind you has paid. I thought I would share the story anyway. But that particular scenario--the man has paid for you, but then you pay him back, so he is reciprocated, but then he hears from God and gives it to you with an increase, and now you have continued plans to sow.

Indecisiveness--possibly you have been indecisive in how to go about gaining a fast increase. Fast food-fast increase? Keeping in mind though, money can often be symbolic for spiritual power.

Sorry, haven't given you a complete interpretation, but maybe a start. Like you always say, may Jesus give you insight!
Peggy O.

P.S. Seems almost a mandate to teach this!
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Post by keilani »

aloha sister peggy:)

wow, u actually hit some things right on the head here! I've got to go back and read through this but you put things together (ie reciprocity) i hadnt even seen. been a little busy w/family but u have given me so much to ponder! big mahalo and have a beautiful Christmas!!!
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Post by keilani »

regarding the law of reciprocity, bringing you into a greater place of authority.
Yes! This is something He has been teaching me more in-depth about, the law of reciprocity (give and it shall be given, or sowing and reaping :)
possibly you have been indecisive in how to go about gaining a fast increase. Fast food-fast increase?
lol I have been trying to figure out what fast food joints mean!!! I have been seeking understanding on the principles of sowing and reaping but because my days are so full, the "food" that i get is "food on the go" (ie fast food). So as I'm doing things for the children or my daily house chores, I try to listen to teaching that He is leading me to delve more deeply into. Then when I get my breaks I sit down and take time to savor and digest the Word and then i'm off again. I benefit off of the labors of obedient men and women who put the teaching out there, Jesus knows at this point in my life, I have to make every minute count :lol:

I really did want to say mahalo again to you peggy! Your insight gave me much to ponder on and then when He led me to the place where I understood its meaning/relevance to my life, your words came back and I "got" it!

Many blessings on you in 2011!!! May there be breakthrough and freedom for you in all areas peggy!
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Post by peggyo »


I continue to ponder on this dream and also really wonder about the fast food.

I'm glad you brought this dream back up cause I had more to share about the law of reciprocity. I first learned about this concept back in 1982 when I got filled with the Holy Spirit watching the 700 Club. Of course I joined the 700 Club as a member and had received a book called The Secret Kingdom. There is a chapter on the law of reciprocity in there. But the whole book is just full of the paradoxical new testament teachings which set me on a good course at that beginning point for me. It was what I needed at the time.

I'm always cautious about the whole $ thing, cause I know it is an area with pitfalls. But I know also that there are those who have a giving motive gifting and desire so much to provide into the kingdom and also make provisions for those who are needy. I grew up in a home that was overdosed in charity and my mother wanted to be a philanthropist, which my father allowed her to do. It was something that was just so in her. My father was more the family provider, but she had a big heart and in spite of whatever flaws she had she always seemed to be the first one to get her checkbook out. My parents did not get along very well, but in that area of giving they had really good agreement and I got to watch. It was a very beautiful thing. Keeping in mind also there are a whole lot of ways to be a giver and a sower beyond just $.

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Post by GaAngel »


Truly awesome dream!

Perhaps you have trouble with asking for what you want. Many circles teach that it's inappropriate to ask God for personal or selfish blessings.

Your "sister," who could represent the Sisterhood of Christ, boldly made her request. The young lady, who could represent a heavenly host, angel, etc. hinted that you should ask with authority, too.

Even though you didn't have the resources necessary to get what you wanted, as a child of God, you were "covered." You offered to pay, but instead got more than what you were willing to give up ($12 instead of $11).

The young man could also represent Christ, as he seemed to have a "card" to cover the "cost" and he paid the "price;" he incurred your "debt" and it seems the "debt" of others. So, maybe this is telling you that Christ has paid the price (and is still paying the price) for you as a child of the Most High to have more than just the basics of life (i.e., the spicey sauce, meal that cost more than the money in your pocket, etc.). Just maybe...you might not feel comfortable having more than a certain amount of resources, pleasures, etc.

This keeps popping into my mind...
God will always fill the gaps of the things you're willing to give up/sacrifice for Him. Also, if you take a step toward your personal goals, he'll make sure you have more than enough to get your needs met.

Jesus came so that we can have life and have it more abundantly (and not for us to do without, live in scarcity, etc.). It's OK for you to enjoy the pleasures life has to offer. You're not being greedy, you're just living in your inheritance. There's a big difference between greed and selfishness and enjoying your Godly rights. This isn't a "prosperity" message, just a Kingdom message.

Hope this sheds some insight.

Many blessings...
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Post by keilani »

Mahalo peggy! what a wonderful picture of agreement between husband and wife in giving! ANd yes, I'm so glad He answers when we pursue truth!!! Shalom!

This keeps popping into my mind...
God will always fill the gaps of the things you're willing to give up/sacrifice for Him. Also, if you take a step toward your personal goals, he'll make sure you have more than enough to get your needs met.
YES! I take that by faith and know He never receives from us without Him OUTGIVING us in return. HE's such a GOOD God!!
Jesus came so that we can have life and have it more abundantly (and not for us to do without, live in scarcity, etc.). It's OK for you to enjoy the pleasures life has to offer. You're not being greedy, you're just living in your inheritance. There's a big difference between greed and selfishness and enjoying your Godly rights. This isn't a "prosperity" message, just a Kingdom message.
I agree one hundred percent!! He definitely wants us blessed to be a blessing because that fulfills His covenant promise to our father in the faith Abraham!

BIG mahalo for your encouraging and heartfelt words!! Much love and blessed 2011 to you and yours!! :D
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Post by keilani »

Burger King not McDonalds (the difference in sauces vary between the two places was what I knew in the dream)
Led back to this dream and as I saw this, BK's slogan came to mind: Have it YOUR way--much like standing in faith, what we want may NOT be served or available in the natural but when we speak the Word and stand on it by faith and in assertive authority, not backing down, we are PROMISED by Him that "WE WILL HAVE WHAT WE SAY!"

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Post by Realisticdreamz »

Greetings to you Keilani,

Pretty cool interps here! It reminded me of a story that I hope you don’t mind my sharing, also hoping that perhaps the message will also bless you… though it was in reality and not a dream; it is a similar principle as your dream; God has a wonderful way of teaching us. ;)

One day, I had been very busy all day and then running errands with my kids many, many years ago. It was getting late and I know they were hungry but I had no time to go home and cook so I stopped at a McDonalds. There was a picture of this new shake with fruit on it and it looked very appealing. My youngest asked for it. I really didn’t want to spend the extra money at the time and had been trying to be conservative.

When we went in the restaurant, and as I went to order I found that they did not have an ATM or credit card machine and I had no cash. So, I apologized to the cashier and said, sorry, I will go get cash and come back. The stood up manager and asked, what would you like to order and I told her that I had no cash on me and was going to get cash and come back and I proceeded to leave. She said, wait, just order, it’s on the house! I thought wow… and said, really? Well, she took our order and gave us our food, for me and my 3 kids. And then after she gave us our food, she handed my youngest one the shake she had desired that was on the window! Now, we never mentioned it because she was being kind enough!! As she handed her the very shake she wanted, she looked at me and said, lovingly and graciously, “You have not, because you ask not!” She was quoting scripture of course.

I have never forgot that, nor her and her kind act, and have prayed for her too. But another lesson, other than the obvious one, is that God wants to bless us more than we realize… or even think we are worthy of receiving. It also was a witness to the kids that God provides… they saw the lady hand my youngest one (only) the very thing she asked for outside of the restaurant and knew there was no way of her knowing. There were several other kinds, but she got exactly what she asked for. Our Heavenly Father wants to give us the desires of our heart; and we only need childlike faith. :)

Anyway, how great and awesome and loving He is! And thank you for sharing the word to also bless other; with a nugget to chew on …
With love in Christ,

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