at some kind of Group Retreat with almost no clothes on

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Four Years
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at some kind of Group Retreat with almost no clothes on

Post by Four Years »

in this dream i went with a group to what i'll call a "retreat"

this group or rather my experience with them was sub-par

i started wandering around and manged to hook up with a group of better people who were more welcoming of me

then at one point, i was following them onto a bus because they liked me so much

i felt REALLY relaxed and at peace and just in the moment

i thought were were on a plane at first

then it dawned on me that they were leaving the retreat and going back home but i couldn't leave my original group

the bus driver was female and she was Hispanic and was speaking spanish and one of the group leaders was talking to her in spanish as well

then the bus pulled up to the airport for them to get on their flight back home

at this point, i had to reveal to them that i had my own group and couldn't go with them

i also realized i was only in my underwear when i started walking up to the door to tell them

all of a sudden, it was awkward and not the same with them

i quickly told them i had to go back to my other group

i felt a cold vibe from them at this point, either not caring or just thinking i was weird

then i started heading back to my old group

i started moving past crowds of other kids

the "Retreat" was like at a hotel or something because all these groups had their own rooms

i started moving past people

at this point, i had all my clothes on again

might not mean anything
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Post by Newbie »

Hello 4Years based on the context of this dream, it appears that with the second group of people, you were relaxed and comfortable with them so much so that you reveal truths about yourself (lack of clothing). Whatever, you revealed to them caused an ackward situation. Additionally, when I think of Latinos I think of passion; albeit, good or bad---> emotion; anger; hatred; lust; sin; enthusiasm; zeal. So it looks like this group is passionate and it looks like this may be an area where you and them may clash. It could also mean, that with this group you are not covered; perhaps you step out of your authority and as a consequence you endured this clash.
Because of this situation, when you are back with your group, you are covered again and/or you may not want to open up about yourself. Toss if it does not speak.
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Post by ~Jean~ »

Hello Four Years,
As I scanned dream titles yours caught my eye due to the part which mentioned having almost no clothes on. I have had dreams in the past where I had barely any clothes on as well. In my case, the dreams were warnings showing I was out of the will of God somehow in my life. I feel this is the same for you.
You were following people...which means to me that you were not following God but people.
You followed them because they liked you and when I read this part I heard "people pleasing."
It appears to me that the Retreat was a place of intimacy with the Father and also speaks of fellowship with other believers.
Those at the Retreat had their own rooms...they had their own personal places of intimacy with the Lord as well as fellowship with the others.
When you go back to the old group, you have your clothes back on again which shows me that you get back under the wings of the Almighty and are safe once again.
So in real life you may have gotten off track and the Lord may be warning you that He cannot protect you until you come back to the path that He has for you.
I sense such love the Father has for you as His child and how much He wants you to be safe in His loving arms.
I pray this bears witness but if not, toss it out.
God bless u!!!!!!!
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Post by Four Years »

Newbie could be right about the passion bit

Jean said she heard "People Pleaser"

i would slightly change that to "People Wanter"

it's complicated

on one hand...i have these desires and i can't stop thinking about them

but on the other...i know that God wants me to learn to be with JUST Jesus

if i can't be happy with JUST Jesus, then i can't be happy with anyone
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Post by discerning »

Jean wrote...
When you go back to the old group, you have your clothes back on again which shows me that you get back under the wings of the Almighty and are safe once again.

So in real life you may have gotten off track and the Lord may be warning you that He cannot protect you until you come back to the path that He has for you.

I sense such love the Father has for you as His child and how much He wants you to be safe in His loving arms.
Read it again, bro. Then re-read it. And read it one more time for good measure. Then let these words settle in your spirit.

Papa is speaking to you, my friend.

Hear Him.

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by Four Years »

hello, yes...I am intrigued by these responses

but does anyone sense this dream means something in the first place?

i can't tell...why can't i tell?
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Post by discerning »

but does anyone sense this dream means something in the first place?
apparently, those responding did or they would not have invested their prayers and time
i can't tell...why can't i tell?
see above.. may have gotten off track..
Done here, but will continue to pray.

as always,

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by ~Jean~ »

Also your dream you really wanted to fit in with those people but once they saw you were not one of them things became awkward.
I sense in real life there is something different about you, where you don't always fit in with others.
This may be because of your calling and your supposed to be different, supposed to not fit in with the rest.
Ask the Lord who you are in Him. To teach you about who you are and what you are called to do and be. You will find it will fit you like a glove. You will find fellowship with others in the Lord's timing.

Hope this helps!
God bless u!!!!!

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Post by Four Years »

the only thing is...i don't know WHO or WHAT each of the two groups in this dream represent
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Post by Pearls of Wisdom »

Four Years wrote:the only thing is...i don't know WHO or WHAT each of the two groups in this dream represent

Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding.
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Post by ~Jean~ »

The Lord will reveal it to you! :lol:
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Post by Four Years »

As I scanned dream titles yours caught my eye due to the part which mentioned having almost no clothes on. I have had dreams in the past where I had barely any clothes on as well. In my case, the dreams were warnings showing I was out of the will of God somehow in my life. I feel this is the same for you

am i not supposed to be part of the college group at church?

i don't know now, a recent turn of events could at least suggest that, but god never told me not to do it either
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Post by keilani »

am i not supposed to be part of the college group at church?

i don't know now, a recent turn of events could at least suggest that, but god never told me not to do it either
Aloha Four!

My thoughts on this or anything we join especially if we are young in the faith is that these groups are there to encourage us in our walk and hopefully put us in a crowd of sincere believers who are seeking Him and not just saying one thing and doing another.

The responsibility of you growing in Him really lies with you, just like it is you who decides when you shower, when you eat, what you eat...if you want to grow, don't look to the group to do it for you because it won't happen that way. You joining that group should be to encourage your walk in Christ just like the family does here, not to take the place of your time with Him or to fill empty voids because that place is reserved for Him. Yes, it is good to have friends who love and serve Him whom we can go to but ultimately, that walk you have to walk is yours and yours alone and no one can do it for you but you.

Go to His Word and listen for Him; He's always speaking but we often are the ones unable to hear. Praying for you to continue seeking and not to give up Four. It's in you, He just has to pull it out but seeking and obeying and consistency--all these things are your part in the relationship. Shalom!
***More To Come***

Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
and...enlighten everyone about God’s secret plan—a secret that has been hidden for ages in God who has created all things.
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Post by Four Years »

so WHO are the two groups in this dream?

is one the College Group? but who the heck is the other?

i've never been involved with many groups and there's only 1 now

IN REAL LIFE, as of this weekend, things just got a wee bit more socially awkward in the group

something that has appeared to be god's will apparently isn't
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Post by Jen »

Keep walking day by day with Abba father and THEN each day as you have kept walking with HIM... is one step closer to the reveal.
It is hardly EVER that God just says "John, go to the corner of Main Street live there". It is a process, of FAITH...
You got some really awesome input here.
Praying for you still!
Isaiah 62:1
For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not remain quiet, till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch