9:11 Baby

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Warrior Princess
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9:11 Baby

Post by Warrior Princess »

Meghan is telling me about a major prophecy of a couple having a baby and I am writing it down. I was thinking about her husband Allen playing the part of a soldier in the play and that I didn't trust him, so I was doubtful it was them. Then, I was talking to someone else who was explaining it better. Matt (the worship leader) was reading it and it was much more clear. Matt said it wouldn't be me or another woman because we "think too smart" or something. And I was looking at this other woman who was married and she was like a total airhead, riding on some toy--she was either totally oblivious or really sweet--and I was thinking THAT is a good thing? That kind of person is who is going to bring this thing forth? Apparently, everyone in this fellowship was expecting this event and wondering who would have the baby.

When I woke up it was 9:11. (Got that number in another dream recently.)
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Post by Newbie »

Hello WP, as with your previous posts it looks like you are expecting something. Do you have a tendency to "overthink" or "overanalyze" certain things? This what comes to my mind with the "think too smart" line. Whatever this baby is and whomever gets it, it is someone that has the personality of this woman:
a childlike manner (riding the toy); and her kindness, humbleness (her being nice). In regards to 9:11, the number of expectancy comes to mind (the number 20 can be symbolic of this 9+11=20). From what I am gathering is that whatever, you are expecting the Lord to do, have faith in Him that it will be done. These are thoughts, simply toss if miss the mark and if I had offended that was not my intention. God bless!!!
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Warrior Princess
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Obviously. LOL It's done in the spirit, just supposed to rest in it. The problem is I don't know what "IT" is.....? Nor do I know what the 911 is about.
~Warrior Princess
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Post by Newbie »

What have you been praying over or what are you expecting (your heart desires)? The answer may lie on what has been on your heart. I believe that 911 may be expectancy based on the context of your last few dreams. I would tell you to ask Him for clarity, if you have not already. Just some thoughts once again.
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Post by Warrior Princess »

I don't know what 911 means in my other dream either. Been praying about the same things for 5 yrs...restoration of everything that has been stolen: finances, relationships, ministry, etc.
~Warrior Princess
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Post by Newbie »

Hello WP, I keep getting the same message no matter where I turn, so I will share it with you, if you don't mind. The word I keep getting is 2012 is a prophetic year and we need to start prophesying. Whatever, we have been praying over, we need to have faith that it is already done. I see that this baby may be in regards to restoration and a double portion for you. Although it may not look like anything in the natural at the moment in the spiritual the vision is clear and will manifest soon. So keep on expecting (911) the unexpected. Once again, toss if miss the mark.
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Post by Warrior Princess »

I've been hearing the same things, but I keep getting the feeling (message) I'm missing something...again and again. I'm trying to make some decisions and having a very difficult time figuring out where he is pointing. Plus, I just read this:

The choices you make at this juncture in your life will have far-reaching consequences. Now is the time to carefully consider your options and make decisions only after you have sought Me for wisdom. Making course corrections based on seduction will only bring leanness to your soul. Stay in the flow of My Spirit, says the Lord, and let Me guide you in this season. Then, when you know what is right for you to do be concise and decisive without wavering. "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways." James 1:5-8

Not scary AT ALL! lol I've been doing nothing BUT asking him to show me the right path. LOL
~Warrior Princess
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Post by Newbie »

Just hang in there WP, I have been doing the same for years now and I keep getting just have faith in Him. That is all we can do is wait on His perfect timing. Keep you uplifted in my prayers.
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Post by Jehu »

I would encourage you to give up your assumptions and judgements and then look with the eyes of a child. And I know you hate it. :D
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