Evil man claims I'm going to die

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Evil man claims I'm going to die

Post by kbasmommy »

Hi everyone, first let me say my personal belief is that not all dreams come from God. Whenever I dream something That I feel I'm supposed to pay attention to I wake up differently. Hard to explain but this is why this dream scares me so much.

Here is my dream: I'm in a small surfing competition and I surf really well winning the competition.

I'm now at a huge church function with my husband. It looks like a meeting of thousands of Christians all races and ages from all over. I have a make up kit with me (I adore because it represents an answer to my prayer that God would bring me and a family member back together and she bought it for Christmas when she hadn't spoken to me in a year.) anyway, I sit down and put the makeup on during the service and A man who I thought was a minister was sitting behind me laughing at me.

I turned around and he said " you're gonna die today."

Horrified I began crying hysterically . Trying to shut me up he said still laughing. " ok not today but you won't make it to your birthday in June ."

I wailed and cried so loud the minister came Down from the pulpit and asked me " What did he say to you?" I was crying and saying" but I have kids!" I knew the evil man did not want to be exposed because he was a respected minister and quite scary in the dream. Finally, I told the minister.

He pointed at the evil man and rebuked him. Then he pointed at me and all I remember was he said" I speak life!" but he prayed for me too I just can't remember the prayer.

I got up and headed out of the church and everyone kept saying " what did he say to you?"

I cried until I woke up thinking I'm not ready, my children need me.

I literally woke up with tears feeling like I've been crying all night.

This dream was terrifying for me. please help. Even though the minister prayed for me I feel like" before June " is stuck in my brain.

Thanks in advance. K.B.A.'s mom
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Kbas, I had dream similiar to yours years ago in which my husband was stabbed to death in our house and his so-called friends took of running. I recalled that I had stabbed him but was both fearful in the dream and IRL. However, years later with a lot more wisdom, I come to realized that the knife was symbolic of speaking over him and him dying unto himself.
Sometimes when we get dreams from the Father, the enemy has a way of twisting the message for it appear to be negative. I am not sure if this dream is from the I am not sure but I believe this dream may mean "death unto oneself or the flesh". However, the enemy is planting seeds of fear and doubt (twisting the message) so the underlying message will lost its effect (looking more like Him). I see the evil minister as a spirit that is attacking you; perhaps one that is casting doubt or causing you to second guess yourself.
Do you believe this is Godly or evil?
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Post by Realisticdreamz »

Hi Kba’s mommy,

This is the way I see the dream.

The surfing the “waves” is your overcoming doubt and moving in the Holy Spirit; thus winning the competition or challenges.

The minister speaking evil words represents one who is trying to steal your victory, your joy and cause you to doubt. It is an attack by an enemy. It may also represent something trying to impede your relationship to keep you two from "making up" [applying make-up]. Your tears is pain that will be overcome... the words of the pastor is to speak "life," walking in faith, truth and love in the Holy Spirit -- which brings life to hurting souls.

Perhaps this is a challenge coming that you were given the result, victory, in the beginning of the dream. When the trial comes, remember that you have already won, by placing your faith in Christ --- you have overcome the doubt of the waves by your placing your faith and trust in Him [James 1:6].

Don’t accept the lies of the enemy who comes to steal, kill and destroy! The answer can be found in Matthew 14:22-33.

2 Samuel 22
“The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer;
3 The God of my strength, in whom I will trust;
My shield and the horn of my salvation,
My stronghold and my refuge;
My Savior, You save me from violence.

4 I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised;
So shall I be saved from my enemies.

5 “When the waves of death surrounded me,
The floods of ungodliness made me afraid.

6 The sorrows of Sheol surrounded me;
The snares of death confronted me.

7 In my distress I called upon the LORD,
And cried out to my God;
He heard my voice from His temple,
And my cry entered His ears . . .

I hope this helps. May you know the Lord will take you by the hand, comfort you through trials that you find yourself in, bring you through it stronger and more purified and refined like gold, and give you a wonderful testimony of His faithfulness through your victory in Christ. :)
With love in Christ,

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
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Post by kbasmommy »

Wow! Thanks realistic and newbie for responding! Both of you helped so much. The making up part is so true because the enemy has tried to come against our relationship from the beginning. Love the scripture thanks! I feel much better. I've been struggling with depression and chron's disease and I really really needed a word of encouragement. Thank you and God bless you both!
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Post by Realisticdreamz »

Hi again kba's mommy,

I am sorry about your suffering. Many suffer depression along with illnesses. For some reason, when the body suffers sometimes depression is right behind it. I will be praying for you. But it is awesome to see encouragement and victory in your dream!

I just wanted to encourage you to keep up the good fight and keep believing God for healing and blessings on your life and your family... rebuking the enemy when he comes to whisper doubt and discouragement as he only comes to take the great things that God has for you and what given you and to keep you from blessing others through the gifts and Holy Spirit that He has given you. We are MORE than conquers through Christ! Romans 8:37

Additionally, while you are fighting this ailment, do some research into adding organic aloe to your diet... drinking it helps to sooth and even has some natural healing properties especially for the stomach, intestines.

May God continue to strengthen and encourage you through every trial and challenge. God bless you! :)
With love in Christ,

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
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Post by kbasmommy »

Thank you for your encouragement! I am definitely going to try the aloe. Can you send a link to a seller just so I know what it should look like. Thanks again!

God bless!
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Post by Realisticdreamz »

Aloe is a plant which has long been used for burns and other medicinal purposes. I grow it and sometimes put leaves in my blender and make smoothies with it. I use ice cubes with fruit, my favorite is strawberries and peaches. Bananas added to it makes it sweeter. Or, you can drink it with orange juice. It works great for small burns as well!

There are also scriptures in the Bible about aloes. Recently studies have found a similar link between the skin and the intestines.

I use the "Lily of The Desert Aloe Vera Juice Whole Leaf Preservative Free." Here is a link for it but you can probably find it locally.

http://www.google.com/products/catalog? ... CGMQ8wIwAg

Here is more on the aloe plant.


I hope it helps. God bless you. :)
With love in Christ,

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
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Post by kbasmommy »

That's awesome thank you I'm definitely going to try it !
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Post by imavessel »

I also do not believe all dreams are from God. Some, odd spurrings off of what I have no idea . . . some flesh . . . and weirdness.

Others, I believe are either corrupted by evil trying to confuse me or scare me.

& Then the God dreams. & One thing I know is that when I have a God dream, even if the content is not what we would deem to be "good" or something we would want . . . I do, just as you wake differently. *There is always a "calmness" even reviewing what I have seen -----even when it is not or does not seem positive.

Tormenting dreams . . . I do not believe are of God. God does not give us a spirit of fear, . . . but there is one that does . . .

There is such thing as fear of God and that is a good thing. It is almost the ultimate respect of Him, who is higher than all and it helps to keep us trying to pursue, walk after, seek Him.
God isn't looking for perfect vessels, simply willing ones . . . :)
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Post by kbasmommy »

@imavessel, I've had dreams that I believe were warning dreams I believe were from God signifying trouble. Storms, tornadoes coming, muddy water etc. Sometimes though, I can't tell because there are positives in the dream as well. I continuously pray for the gift of interpretation understanding some things just are not meant for me to know or are meant for a later date. Thanks for your response!