adultry 152 times

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adultry 152 times

Post by sing4777 »

I woke up this morning and went back to sleep and had this dream. I am shaken and would really appreciate an interpretation please.

In the dream I was standing outside on the front porch/patio talking on the phone with my husband. My husband (who works at a factory) was at work in the break room. He was confessing to me that he had committed adultry with a woman named Mickey 152 times. I was upset but remained calm and asked him when it all began and he told me, "ever since the baby thing started". ( IRL we have been trying to have a baby for 3 1/2 years). From what I gathered, my husband didn't want to divorce me but like he wanted to let me know what had happened and didn't know how to get out of this situation he was in.

I could see my older brother through the window - he was pacing back and forth in my living room and looked upset (it appeared that he knew what was being said to me on the phone and like he wanted to pack me up and move me out).

That's pretty much the dream. It was so very vivid. Please help.
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Post by samson40 »

I would ask him.
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Post by shesthedreamer »

amen to samson
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Post by sing4777 »

I don't think that this is an interpretation. I would like a biblical interpretation based on the symbols in this dream please.
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Post by bjcollin »


Some of our dreams are from God meant to inform and protect us and some of our dreams are from the enemy meant to stir us up and cause division and strife in our lives. I am not sure which type of dream this is sourced from. however, the only symbols I thought were interesting was the numbers 152 and 3 1/2. For the number 152, it is only one less than the number 153 which was used in John 21:11. In that passage 153 means a never ending progression ie if you add 1+2+3+4+...+16+17 = 153. It is a number sequence that means continuation. To me 152 is just one shy of that so something isn't correct or it just doesn't add up totally. 3 1/2 is the number of years the rain was shut off by God through the prophet Elijah (ref luke 4:25, james 5:17) it is also the number of days the two wittnesses will be dead before God resurrects them in the last days (ref rev 11:9,11:11) I also feel that it is also the number of years in the tribulation that are cut short for the sake of the elect 7-3.5-3.5 and the number of the resurrection half day on the day of crucifixion and rising again on the thrid day. So 3.5 is a number of judgement, death and resurrection. The meaning of the name mickey is "who is like God?". I do not seem to be putting the pieces of this dream together this late at night, so I am going to leave it at the symbols for now and hope that the symbols combined with something yall are going through in real life will click together. Let me know and I will check back on this thread later on this weekend.

in Christ,
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Post by ForHisGlory »

sing4777 (I like your username),

I might be completely off the wall, but here goes:

I am wondering if you have been wondering if your husband is on the same page with you regarding having a baby. Have you recently had some doubts that having a baby isn't as important to him as it is to you? This may hurt and feel very much like betrayal and your dream would be reflecting just how painful this is to you.

May the Lord bless you womb with the fruit of your love and give to you, your hearts desire, in the name of Jesus I pray.

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Post by sing4777 »

Thank you for your insight on this dream. I haven't been able to get on here for several days because my husband's father passed away suddenly Thursday night and we had to make a 600 mile trip to be with the family.
As I read what you had to say about the 152 - I was surprised that you mentioned 153 because I wasn't quite sure if my husband had said 152 or 153 in the dream. I also wondered if my father in law passing away 3 1/2 days after I had this dream has any bearing on this dream. Any additional insight would be greatly appreciated.

After 3 1/2 years, I will admit that there have been times that I wondered if my husband was on the same page because I know that there has to be unity (how can 2 walk together unless they be agreed?) We have talked many times about it and he is adament that he desires to have more children. I can see where you are coming from and I am not offended by your question at all :)
Thank you so much for agreeing with us for a baby and for blessing and praying for us! (((hug)))
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Post by sing4777 »

I forgot to add that a couple of months ago my husband had a dream with a "Joel" in it ( YHWH is God ). I also thought that it was interesting what you had to say about the "Mickey" in my dream.
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Post by sing4777 »

I know this is from waaaay back but I was thinking about this dream this morning. Some things have happened since then and I wanted some input, especially about the name Mickey that came up in this dream.
Please tell me what you think of these names in light of this dream...

Jacob - supplanter
Daniel - God is my judge
Micah - Who is like YHWH?
James - Supplanter
Joseph - He will add
Elijah - my God is YHWH
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Post by Jehu »

The word Mickey means there is witchcraft in operation. Tricky Mickey! If some one slips you a mickey they put something in your drink. Your husband need your help and understanding. When we have been tricked it is through deception. So we are unaware of the forces that manipulate us. Your older brother is a reference to the older brother in the story of the prodigal son who wanted the younger brother to earn his place back. Religion would disqualify him, let him see you by your conduct towards him. Proverbs 6 says; an adulteress seeks after the precious life of the man. This kind of woman does not know her value so she seeks the validation of appearing like the ONE to any man who will be tricked. This may not be a specific woman it may just be a spirit at the root of his doubting and infidelity. I have had this same problem. God added labor to Eve as intercession for her fallen husband. When the Lord finally arrived he made atonement and restored them. There is hardly a woman in the bible who asks God for a child that does not get one. I hope that helps you.
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