IN Kingsland, GA W/ Men W/ X-Ray Vision & Eavesdropping

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IN Kingsland, GA W/ Men W/ X-Ray Vision & Eavesdropping

Post by Newbie »

Kingsland, GA
In this dream, my family and I are in Kingsland, Georgia. We had rented this house for our vacation. Somehow, I had discovered that the house we were renting out was for sale for only $39,999. It was not a bad house and it was affordable. I was going to tell my husband the good news after thinking on this myself. The house was out by itself (meaning that there were no nearby houses).
We had walked around the back of it and noticed that there are 2 young men there going inside. One was white and one was black. I had a feeling that they were trying to plant something inside. Then the dream shifts, we are all getting ready for bed. There are 3 bedrooms: me and my youngest are sharing a bed in the master bedroom; my husband and 2nd oldest are sleeping in another room with two beds (this room on the left) and my oldest gets the smaller room with one bed (this room was on the right).
I am sleeping and recalled that I was praying while dozing off and hearing a voice instructing me to have faith and using my authority. I do not recall the exact message but the gist of it was to have faith in other for me to use authority (along those lines). I knew that I was sleeping in the dream and having a night vision. I knew beforehand that when I was to turned to my left side that I was going to be attacked but keep repeating what was being spoken to me. Lo and behold, an invisible force came from out of nowhere and began to choke me. I knew in the dream, if I could yelled out loud that my husband would come to my rescue. (IRL my husband said he heard me making these noises in my sleep).
My husband comes in to see what was going on. I do not recall the conversation but he gets into bed with me and my youngest and place the two youngest in the same room together.

Dream shifts…
Men with X-Ray Vision

There is a white teenager and a little black girl running for their lives. There are a group of men that are trying to kidnapped them. These men remind me of Eastern European soldiers from the Cold War era. It looks to be two or more teams of them. The teen is running down this grassy hill towards a sleepy willow and she is trying to find some place to hide but cannot. However, she is able to see that there is a second team of men ahead strategizing a way to get her. Then while this is going on, there is another group that grabbed the little girl and they were looking for the teen. There were in this weird contraption with legs (think of War of the Worlds or Wild Wild West) and they could see inside buildings with x-ray. That is how they grabbed the little girl. The teen saw all of this and was grateful for not going into the building. Her plan was to blend in with the crowd but the men could see her with the x-ray vision.

Dream shifts…

The girl and teen is connected to us somehow. There is another couple with us and the man tells his wife to leave because we are in danger. The wife is holding a baby and she is crying. I could feel that they were angry with me. Now the weird men pull up with the little girl and drop her off. The told me that they heard that I hated the way they talked and could hear everything that I had said. They stated they hated my voice and they are letting me off with a warning. My husband said something to me in regards to this but cannot recall. I was dumbfounded that they repeated what I had said word for word verbatim. At that moment, the black and white teen that was at the back of the house came to mind. They had planted bugs in the house and the house may had belong to these men (I am not sure about this). I recalled I was ready to go before anything else would have transpired. I knew this house was too good be true, especially for the low price of $40,000. EOD

This dream is on the same themem as the Israel dream in that each time my family and I are prepping for a trip. Each time we are enountering things to hinder us from getting to our destination.
Last edited by Newbie on Sat Feb 11, 2012 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Newbie »

I know that states can be symbolic of a state of mind and or something else dealing with our walk. In this case, I have no ties to GA, I was following JB for a while and she is in Atlanta. So I do not see this being about her. Kingsland is at the border of GA and Florida. GA is called the Peach State and peaches are stone fruit: so hard heart comes to mind. Perhaps this is in regards to a kingdom/dominion (Kingsland). In regards to the rest I really do not understand it.
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Post by Demon_Buster »

Quote " Each time we are encountering things to hinder us from getting to our destination.

I have the same feeling where I am, its hard where I am. I am all alone here meaning there are no other Christians here that I can interact with. A lot say there christian but from there actions and there fruit I can see there not

But going back to your dream it sounds like spiritual warfare.
I will life you up in my prayers.

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Post by wellstravisa »

What came my mind when I read your dream was black and white things seen, things unseen. Things in the natural, things in the spiritual.
It would seem the Lord has been showing you what has been blocking your efforts. What I really like and got from your dream, was an answer that you were given, before everything that happened after it.
I am sleeping and recalled that I was praying while dozing off and hearing a voice instructing me to have faith and using my authority. I do not recall the exact message but the gist of it was to have faith in other for me to use authority (along those lines).
Ephesians 6:16
The Message (MSG)
13-18 Be prepared. You're up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it's all over but the shouting you'll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You'll need them throughout your life. God's Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other's spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out.
Job 33:14-18
For God does speak—now one way, now another—
though no one perceives it.
15 In a dream, in a vision of the night,
when deep sleep falls on people
as they slumber in their beds,
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Post by Newbie »

Hello DB, thanks for words of encouragement. After a good night sleep and a clear mind, I see this as an attack on lines of communication. The enemy hates when we praise and pray and this is perhaps about that. The bed is symbolic of meditation in my dreams and it was where I was attacked. Yes the enemy can hear our prayers in our natural tongue; however, when we pray in the spirit he cannot. Once again this goes back to a dominion or kingdom. Currently, I am finding it hard to pray or praise at the moment and this dream is showing me what is going on. Thanks again.
In regards to you, I am sensing a dominion over China. If you recall in Daniel,we are first introduced to this in which Michael had to fight the Prince of Persia. I am not an expert but have heard that you can tell what dominion is over a region through the behaviors of others. I am by far no expert on China and do not want to insult you. But this is what I know about China: it is a Communist state; childbirths are regulated; Christianity is a no-no and heard that they are persecuted there; there are dominate dragon symbols in the culture. For example, I have a beautiful red Sam Cheung dress that I purchase from Chinatown in Hawaii and my husband bought 3 for our daughters when he went to Beijang several years ago, and all 4 dresses have dragons on them. What I am getting is a strong anti-Christ spirit there. I will pray on my end here but encourage you to pray that there is a shift in the atmosphere in your country. Ask the Spirit to lead you on this one and God bless!!!
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Post by Robert2.0 »

I just want to share what I got from reading this dream, please disregard if it seems silly to you.
There is a white teenager and a little black girl running for their lives. There are a group of men that are trying to kidnapped them.
Ephesians 6:12

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Soon we will all see we are not a bunch of racial groups but have a common enemy and thats the satanic kingdom.
These men remind me of Eastern European soldiers from the Cold War era. It looks to be two or more teams of them.

I believe the same evil spirit that was active then is active now.
There were in this weird contraption with legs (think of War of the Worlds or Wild Wild West) and they could see inside buildings with x-ray. That is how they grabbed the little girl. The teen saw all of this and was grateful for not going into the building. Her plan was to blend in with the crowd but the men could see her with the x-ray vision.
The demonic are using technology to accomplish their goals on earth.
There is another couple with us and the man tells his wife to leave because we are in danger. The wife is holding a baby and she is crying. I could feel that they were angry with me.
People will easily perceive those with the spirit of GOD in them and because those in authority have so much tech and power those that are not believers just want peace and will submit to evil authority just to keep the peace. Those in authority will persecute believers.
The told me that they heard that I hated the way they talked and could hear everything that I had said. They stated they hated my voice and they are letting me off with a warning. My husband said something to me in regards to this but cannot recall. I was dumbfounded that they repeated what I had said word for word verbatim. At that moment, the black and white teen that was at the back of the house came to mind. They had planted bugs in the house and the house may had belong to these men (I am not sure about this).
Again the latest tech out there is leading to this sort of thing. IRL there are new hummingbird like spy devices built specifically for eavesdropping for the military. The Congess just voted in the use of 30,000 spy droans to be used here in the US in cities to "protect" us but these things will in many cases be armed as well.

Regardless of this, your spirit and the spirit that lives in you of GOD is what is hated by the demons and fallen angels and they dont want anyone else believing so they will do anything to discourage activity that bring about more believers.
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Post by Newbie »

@Wellstravisa, I did not see your post. I agree wholeheartedly with your thoughts and thank you for your encouragement.
@Robert, I was thinking along the same lines. I recall even in the dream I was irritated about being told my voice was annoying. Yes, this is a motivator to get back into the groove of things. I never understood why I was strangled before IRL but this dream is giving me closure on the previous times of being strangled and boy I do hate to be strangled.
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Post by wellstravisa »

Regardless of this, your spirit and the spirit that lives in you of GOD is what is hated by the demons and fallen angels and they dont want anyone else believing so they will do anything to discourage activity that bring about more believers.
I just love that part !!!:)
Job 33:14-18
For God does speak—now one way, now another—
though no one perceives it.
15 In a dream, in a vision of the night,
when deep sleep falls on people
as they slumber in their beds,