President and grizzly bears

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President and grizzly bears

Post by HisBlood »

I had two dreams last night
I was in intercession a long time, afterwards!
Interesring that I am Canadian and our elections are tomorrow

First one - I woke at 4:45 after seeing a large flashing news headline
"President" (neon sign) I also saw our site with 3 such titles/
seemed as though it was something major that was coming
Then I saw a list of 12 "President" 's with a word beside each -
The only 2 I remember
President - Robot
President - Holy Writ

There were 10 more all listed below each other & if I remember them,
I will share. I knew I had to pray and began to speak the Word -
1 Tim. 2:1-3 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications,
prayers, intercessions, [and] giving of thanks, be made for all men;
For kings, and [for] all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet
and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this [is] good and
acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour

I woke up praying in tongues.....I thought it was ironic that it was the
president of the U.S, when our elections are tomorrow! I keep
pleading the Blood over our elections

Next dream -
I dreamt that we were warned that there were 2 grizzly bears in our
area (out of their natural habitat). They had been driven out of their
natural habitat by hunger and taking ground. I looked across the road
where we live and saw a huge male running wildly in the field opposite
our land! Someone's little dogs were chasing it & I thought they are
going to get killed! I was with Jamieson (son) & said to him, those
grizzlies are not allowed on our land or near here! We have nothing to
fear! He agreed! It was winter and there was lots of snow, the road
had a big drift going down the centre & a lady in her car was trying to
drive down thhe road! Jamieson said she can't drive through that, it is
getting deeper & she is going to get stuck! We thought how silly she
was for even trying! She suddenly went on the left tire track off the
drift & went a little farther, but still got stuck! We went to help her out
so the grizzly wouldn't get her & Jamieson took our new snow blower
and began removing the drift to get to her. I looked over & could see
the grizzly, but thought he cant hurt us, we are covered by the Blood!!
The grizzly watched Jamieson, but did not come near him, as he cleared the road!

It is definitely a call to intercede for our natiins leaders and our countries and draw nearer to HIM!!

Blessings Rev. 12:11
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Post by GaAngel »


In wake of the announcements last night (Sunday, May 1) in regard to terrorist leaders, this might extent beyond Cananda, but to the world as a whole.

Retaliation might be highly likely, so prayers are definitely needed to keep world peace at this point.

Many blessings.
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God isn't looking for perfect vessels, simply willing ones . . . :)
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Post by HisBlood »

I have been watching the news and praying, since this dream!

1 Tim. 2:1-2 Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, [and] giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.

Titus 3:1 - Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities, to obey, to be ready for every good work,
:2 - to speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men.

I pray America and Canada to be filled with His Glory from sea to sea
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Re: President and grizzly bears

Post by Newbie »

HisBlood wrote: First one - I woke at 4:45 after seeing a large flashing news headline
"President" (neon sign) I also saw our site with 3 such titles/
seemed as though it was something major that was coming
Then I saw a list of 12 "President" 's with a word beside each -
The only 2 I remember
President - Robot
President - Holy Writ

There were 10 more all listed below each other & if I remember them,
I will share.
Hello HisBlood, I believe that this dream is in regards to 12 major Presidents of the world and each title represents that of each President. The fact that you awoke at 4:45 is very significant to me. 4 = the 4 corners of the earth; 45 = preservation; 4+4+5= 13 = rebellious, backsliding, or apostasy. So in other words, the world as a whole is in a rebellious or apostatic state; however, there is a change that is about to transpire to bring preservation.
The 2nd dream, brings to mind some kind of regional dominion that is attempting to take over; however, you and your family is covered in Blood. I agree with you that this is a call to intercession.
Toss out if it does not resonates and I hopes this helps. God Bless!!!
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Some Things Picked Up While Reading This

Post by janmar »

Hi His Blood,
Just a few things that come to mind about this when reading it:
This may have to do with the government of God coming against the worldly government in which the Lord is about to really expose (neon lights/headlights) some things about the leadership in the world. It may be the separation of the sheep from the goats (the 2 names He did help you recall : ‘robot’ – which means someone who is like a machine; works mechanically & emotionlessly – ‘Holy Writ’- means Holy Bible); who is truly serving Him & who is not.
The fact He showed you 2 at first, may be Him saying there will be 2 revealed at the same time, and then 10 others will follow in suit. The grizzlies were probably representing the reasons why the Lord is revealing the first 2. ‘They were driven out of their habitat by hunger & taking ground,’ could have meant because they are causing a famine in the land for the word of God because of their actions they are taking by force & executing their authority wrongly in the sight of the Lord, by not doing what is good, according to the Truth (Deut. 18:14-22; Matt. 11:12; Matt. 24:4-14; Rom. 13:3-4).
Regarding the woman, it could mean that you & Jamieson are about to minister to someone the Lord is going to put before you while this is going on, to help them see the Truth in the matter (why at first she was trying to get out on her own accord, driving down the drifted driveway; you 2 saw what she needed – Jesus; and came to minister to her – that it wasn’t necessary to strive on your own). By the Lord showing you Jamieson can’t get hurt because of the Blood, it may mean the Lord is showing you that He’s protected you for this assignment; to walk in your authority in Christ to do this assignment.
I really do feel as if there’s something about to breakthrough in this ‘revealing process’ which will allow for an opening for you & Jamieson to minister in ways you haven’t been able to before, even though it may be a ‘cold season’ (hence the winter time symbolized); the Lord will breakthrough with His servants to minister His Truth to those that are in need of a Savior (‘plowing her out of the drift’ Prov. 20:4-5). Definitely shows the mercy of the Lord in this, even though we see the foolishness of mankind in situations, by His grace we still are able to stand in the heart of God to help those that do not understand the seasons we’re in & His ways.
Hope this may help in your intercession for what the Lord is leading you into next.
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Post by ReBorn »

from sea to sea

I can't believe it! my daughter and i were singing that song yesterday!

America America God shed His grace on thee......

from sea to shining sea......

incredible how Holy Spirit moves among His people.... :shock:
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Something That Came Up

Post by janmar »


The Lord brought up your dream to me the other day, and mentioned something that I felt led to give to you also. The Lord revealed to me that there are 2 states in the US that have the grizzly has their 'state animal.' They are Montana and California. Don't know where the Lord is leading this into, but felt led to pass it along, as it just may be something helpful in what He may be having you intercede on behalf of.

Maybe He will show you more about it, for prayer purposes.

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Post by HisBlood »

It's interesting this post of yours was brought back
to my attention Jan, as well as the other responses.
My husband had a dream where he was being chased by a grizzly. My
oldest son and I were also in the dream. Eldon went up a tree behind
me and the grizzly grabbed his foot twice, but Eldon kicked it off! Then
he saw our oldest son Jamieson (12 in the dream) running down the
dirt road away from the grizzly and the grizzly began to chase him and
Eldon said he knew the grizzly would catch him, because he wasn't fast
enough. He then awoke.

Intersting thing is that Eldon, his mother and our other son are in
Redding CALIFORNIA, right now......hmmm!

I am interceding, for sure! Thanks!
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