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Post by BJHarbaugh79 »

This was a very scary,disturbing dream that I kept coming back to even after waking up several times. I was with someone unseen inside of a house.The predominant color scheme was white.We were in a room full of people,watching,when zombies began to break through the doors and windows.They tore out one persons heart,ripped off others limbs and ate someones brain. Very grisly and graphic. Then we were in another room; a sunroom with lots of windows and a daybed.Also white color scheme. The mattress had been taken off the bed and angled up against the wall to make a hiding place.There was a little girl dressed in a white nightgown and trying to get behind the bed to hide as the zombies crashed through the windows.As I watched I was thinking "no, you can't hide.They can SMELL where you are".I don't know what happened to her because now the unseen person and I were in a third room,also white decor.Zombies again ripping people apart.Then I realized something and asked my companion "why are we the only ones not getting hurt".And the dream ended.I didn't feel like I was part of the dream,I just observed with my companion.
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Post by Newbie »

This is an intercession dream because this is an attack on the spiritual community. Zombie represents things that lack the life, will, and power of God. The zombies attacking speak as an uprising of spiritually dead and hypnotized/glamoured people coming forth from a spiritually dead environment and attacking and consuming His children.
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Post by BJHarbaugh79 »

Thank you for that confirmation!I know there have been many warnings to the true spiritual body of Christ to beware and prepare.I believe(correct me if I'm wrong)this would be an area where WE ourselves DO NOT try to do battle but ask the Father to fight for us!?
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Agreeing...and I find it very interesting that making a place to hide won't work, so maybe it's a spiritual thing (nose is about discerning spiritual things) rather than a physical thing, therefore physically preparing won't work? Spiritual preparation needed maybe.
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Post by King's Daughter »

I too believe it's a call for intercession. I had a zombie dream in June, but didn't post it because I wasn't sure if people would think I was crazy. lol it too was very alarming and the opening scene took place in a church. The zombies would bite someone, and then the life would slowly drain out of them. My former pastors wife grabbed me in the dream only in the dream she was a different race, and told me that he's (the enemy) is going after the ones of value (I took that to mean either believers, or those who God has placed a special call on.)
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Zombies are the living dead...believers who are lukewarm.

Someone said something to me that really struck me...there's apparently a tennis player whose strategy is to go after someone's strength to try to defeat them.

The idea that the enemy goes after us in the areas where God has called/gifted us sort of bears witness to that.
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Post by BJHarbaugh79 »

LOL! I also didn't post this at first because I was afraid people would think I was "off".But this is all powerful conformation to my own interpretation,after praying about it.I believe that Spiritual preparation is essential."for we fight not against flesh and blood..."I did not know the nose had to do with spiritual discernment;Thank you all for your input .
"For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form,and you have been given fullness in Christ,who is the head over EVERY power and authority.
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Post by BJHarbaugh79 »

Warrior Princess,I believe it could be a very effective strategy for the enemy to attack where we are gifted.Knowing this ahead of time can help us ''gird ourselves up" spiritually.Thanks for the heads up!
"For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form,and you have been given fullness in Christ,who is the head over EVERY power and authority.