There are zombies...but I'm going back for the church!

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There are zombies...but I'm going back for the church!

Post by dbliss22 »

This was my fiancee's dream:

We were in a church that was empty. We were in a "confession room" (?) playing cards with each other. No one else was around. Suddenly, she gets an ominous feeling and pokes her head up through the vent to see the floor above us. It is dark and she can't see anything, but she feels that heavy ominous presence and tells me what she is feeling. I take off running outside, and she grabs our keys and my wallet and follows behind me.

Suddenly zombies start swarming from everywhere as we are running. We are running toward our cars, hers is parked inbetween mine and another car. She also becomes aware that someone else is with us but she doesn't actually see anyone. She jumps in her car and yells out to me "Get in!" I tell her "No, I'm going back to the church!" She says again "Get in!" Again I say "No! I have to go back for the church!" And I take off running toward the church.

She punches the gas in her car and shoots off down a really bumpy dirt road, hitting all the zombies she can since she can't go back and help me.

Psalms 144:1
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Post by Newbie »

Hello DBliss, the confessional room spoke to me as a representation of your beloved becoming more honest and opening up to the Lord. The card playing may represent a strategy of sorts.
The church may represent an issue that your beloved is or may be contending with. The church in her dream spoke as a symbol for what may be going on in the church: emptiness (void of love and Light) and an evil, demonic force. By telling you what she feels, I viewed this as confessing her feelings to the Lord and she is taking back her authority and identity in Christ (wallet and keys).
The zombies represents those who are driven to feed their hunger on fleshly things; those who are devoid of life, light, and emotions. I viewed your going back into the church, as the Lord is about to make a mighty move in this situation. Your beloved running over the zombies spoke to me as removing those who do not belong in her life; those who are seeking to devour her. Another thought on the zombies:
On the real-world side of things- people do act like zombies- we have a tendency to be driven by our lusts (flesh); never truly satisfied by them; also seeking more. These lusts can become so strong that one cannot be reasoned out of the path; lusts can change a personality and destroy those closest to us. (for an extreme example, drug addiction)
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Post by TexasTransplant »

I love Newbie's post! Here are some added thoughts I had while reading it...may or may not fit.

My friend and I have had a recent conversation about 'zombies' so I felt compelled to post something. I told her that I was thinking the other day about how people who do not know the Lord ARE like zombies. Walking dead. They live and move and feel, but their spirits are D-E-A-D. Zombies. This bizarre conversation led to us thinking we may need to rent some zombie flicks and look for any hidden prophetic messages hiding out :lol:. I need to add that the subject of zombies is NOT our thing usually so it must've been the Lord bringing it up. We usually just chat about girly, hair, kids, the Holy Spirit. Hahaha

What I thought about the cards is different, as usual, and may not ping with you at all...but what I saw was an absence of people confessing in there. People play cards when they're bored! At least where I'm from. There just seemed to be a LOT of zombies and ZERO repentance. If my theory on zombies is correct, then repentance (confession) is the only remedy for the condition. We confess and he makes us into brand new ALIVE creatures. Living life abundantly.

I wonder if you are 'you' in her dream or representing the Lord. (My husband and sometimes my dad represent the Lord in my own dreams.) You were determined to go back for your church. Interesting that SHE held the keys and the money too. That's all I got, but I hope it helps!
You didn't choose me, I chose you.-John 15:16
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Post by Newbie »

In regards to the cards, this just came to me, "Laying all your cards on the table". Meaning to be very candid about one's position on some issue.
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