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Post by justme »

I had this dream a few weeks ago.
I was sitting at a table in a restaurant, at the table there was a bunch of ladies. I knew two of them, one I work with and the other I have seen at meetings. The lady beside me to my right(one I knew but not the one I work with)was being rude to the waitress and the waitress gave it back to her. She was then complaining to everyone at the table about how rude the waitress was. Everyone was agreeing with her but I was quiet and so was the lady that works with me. She turned and looked at me and said well don't you think she was rude. I replied with well she is only being rude to you, Why do you think that is? The whole time while we were there a man sitting at a table just across from us was watching and paying attention to the conversation at the table he laughed when I replied to her. She then got all in a huff and got up to leave. The next thing i knew we were all out side on the step and my best friend from high school was there. The man came up to me as I was walking down the stairs he rubbed shoulders with me(It felt as if someone was really touching me when I awoke) and asked me to go to supper with him, I said yes and he said had to go back into the restaurant to get his wallet and he left. My old friend from high school asked me what he said and I told her. We were at this point by my car she then turned to the group of ladies and told them I had a date. I replied with way to be discreet and I laughed and woke up.
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Justme, the restaurant spoke as a representation of a public place of feeding (a public place that we feed our spirit man). So I view this as something that is occurring out in the public eye or out in the open. I viewed the ladies as various spirit types that you encounter and the wait staff as a symbol for servants of the Lord. The rude lady brings to mind the spirit of instigation (it looks like she was instigating an quarrel) and/or being two-faced (hypocritical/double dealing/deceitful). It appears that you discern this spirit in the midst and call it out. I felt the unknown man was no other than Jesus who was sitting back and observing how this all is going to play out. I view His laughing at your response as Him being in joy at how you handled yourself in a mature manner. The rubbing of shoulders may be a play on rubbing shoulders with Him; in other words, spending time to get to know Him better. The old high school friend may symbolize a fellow sister-in-Christ that you came up with and perhaps may have lost touch with but you two will reconnect. These are only thoughts and toss if it does not ping in the spirit!