Green Snake Attack Strategy

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Green Snake Attack Strategy

Post by chrisy »

Blessings to All,

I chose the title to my topic to show the connection with the other dream similarly titled that is posted on this board. I think that it may be a warning message to some of us.

Here is a little background information. In my profession (public accounting), auditors and consultants travel to different states and or countries to perform their services, these are commonly called "audit engagements". Now, here is my dream. Please note that I was more of an observer than a participant in the dream.

I was in a hotel reception area. I saw one woman who I knew was on travel for an audit engagement. She was sitting with her legs crossed. I then saw Mary Tyler Moore who was checking into the hotel although she lived in that town. She also was on an audit engagement. The male receptionist was puzzled as to why was she checking into the hotel when she lived in town? As I looked at her, I thought "MtM" (that's the acronym for her production company). The scene changed.

I was now in some sort of hall in the hotel. The hall had very, very high ceilings. Many people were sitting in there at numerous small tables. The hotel was an expensive hotel, the hall was opulent. I saw a closed rectangular whitish colored box (approx 2'x4") that was located very high up on the main wall - close to the ceiling.

I saw a big green snake slithered across the wall and into the covered box. A terrible and very violent fight occurred in the covered box and the snake killed a bird that was in the box. (I did not see the bird, I just knew that a bird was in there.) I saw blood like scattered dust coming down into the hall. I knew that the people in the hall did not see the snake enter the box - only I did.

Still standing in the hall, I looked to the back of me and saw another green snake on top of an owl - eating it at its head - they were both on a sofa. I looked again in front of me and saw many, many big green snakes. Each one was perched on various whitish colored stands/pedestals - it was as if they were "standing" in front of the many doorways. I noticed that there were small spaces between the snakes perched on the stands/pedestals. I evaluated the space between them and where each was located - it was an effective strategy because it made it difficult for the people in the hall to get away from them. The scene changed.

I was walking down the corridor on the "outskirts" of the hall in the hotel. At the end of the corridor I saw a vendor stall that had a roof... but it was dark – I knew that the man who owned it had left. I asked myself, “Where are the Lord’s snakes?” (This is like Moses' snake that swallowed the magicians’ snakes.) The dream ended.
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Re: Green Snake Attack Strategy

Post by charlie »

chrisy wrote: I asked myself, “Where are the Lord’s snakes?” (This is like Moses' snake that swallowed the magicians’ snakes.)
This for me seems to be the key to interpreting your dream by the Spirit. it would seem that you are being shown that places of power (in this case seemingly related to the business world in the area of finance) are being patrolled and controlled by the enemy of our souls. We know from scripture that the enemy can do magical exploits which can be scintillating and marvellous but that they are ultimately deceitful and based on trickery. The bird in the box speaks of the "watchful" observers...we speak of people with bird like observation skills...very accute...that it is in a white box set up high seems to indicate to me that the bird represents one appointed by the Lord to watch over the goings on in this area...maybe little insignificant people in the world's eyes but watchmen in the Lords appointing and they are a threat to the enemy. The owl to me represents wisdom being devoured (wise old owl) or even the wise being brought low...enticed onto the "sofa" to negotiate...

That the snakes were green speaks of envy and greed...these are listed as things the Lord abhors and will not tolerate.

Just my offerings...ditch what does not seem relevant.

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Post by chrisy »

Thanks for your response, Charlie!

You have made some valid points that I would take under consideration - they resonated with me.

I do believe that my dream is connected to PurestPlace's dream given the similar symbology and the timing.
I asked myself, “Where are the Lord’s snakes?” (This is like Moses' snake that swallowed the magicians’ snakes.)
In my dream it seems that there was no stopping the snakes in their attacks and overall strategy; however, in PurestPlace's dream, it seems that, though they would be attacked and on the run, God has provided the weapon and the warriors to have victory over the snakes.
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Post by PurestPlace »

This Is Really Interesting.

Last night; 09-20-09 I had just a flicker of a dream before I woke up and it was that all of these birds, which I think looked like pigeons, were attacking this one, white dove.
The pigeons had this white dove on the ground and had actually managed to break a wing off.
In my dream, I ran over and chased the pigeons away.
I reached down and picked up the white dove and the wing that was detached and cradled the dove in my arms.
Though the dove was obviously in shock, I sensed in the dream that I was able to nurse it back to health and it would live.

Not sure about the meaning but am looking over the symbolic meanings and considering prayerfully.

I only read Chrisy's post tonight and am curious about the commonalities in a couple of our posts. :)
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Post by chrisy »

I think that I finally understand my dream when I give consideration to PurestPlace's dream and what Charlie said.

I am in public accounting but what I did not mention before is that I own my own small firm and I am currently seeking contracts and financing to expand my operations.


I think that Charlie gave me much insight when she said:
"it would seem that you are being shown that places of power (in this case seemingly related to the business world in the area of finance) are being patrolled and controlled by the enemy of our souls......... The owl to me represents wisdom being devoured (wise old owl) or even the wise being brought low...enticed onto the "sofa" to negotiate... "
I think that the Lord is showing me the true spiritual condition of the biz world. In addition, He is also telling me through PurestPlace's dream that the battle is His - He has the warriors, the weapons and final victory will be acheived.

Thanks and blessings to Charlie and PurestPlace! Most of all, praise and glory to the Lord of lords and King of kings.

P.S.: PurestPlace. I think that you should post your bird dream separately so that others can respond.

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Post by piano »

Hi chrisy,

I am bumping this dream.
For your discernment, some thoughts.

I do connect it with PuresetPlaces dream as well.

I am viewing this as something other than wordly financial issues, even if that is also a connection.
I believe it involves the Body and transition. (hotel)
Perhaps there could be prayer concerning this word in particular:

1.An official inspection of an individual's or organization's accounts, typically by an independent body
2.A systematic review or assessment of something.

The two different people conducting audits stand out.
Possibly opposing opinions, MtM = worldly power (production) of images invsion of territory vs freedom (travelling) in Christ power and authority.
Holy Spirit/dove.

Im not sure if PuresetPlaces is still actively visiting.

(Moses staff)= Authority

Pray and toss as needed.


2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by chrisy »


Thank you first for finding this dream! I forgot that I posted it!
The two different people conducting audits stand out.
Possibly opposing opinions, MtM = worldly power (production) of images invsion of territory vs freedom (travelling) in Christ power and authority.
Wow! Very, very insightful! I didn't think about this and it explains something that was very elusive to me - why Mary Tyler Moore and why did I think about "MtM" when I saw her... this is a big breakthrough for me.

Here are the additional comparisons that I noted when I read yours above:

(1) Two types of people - the rich in the opulent hall and the poor vendor outside of the hall who had closed his small business.
(2) Two types of "business atmosphere" - the busy hall and the closed vendor stall.
(3) The lighted hall and the dark vendor stall.
(4) Two types of access to the two types of businesses - the entrance to the opulent hall was guarded by the snakes on the pedestals and the poor vendor was located in the hallway - anyone could have accessed his stall.
(5) Two types of snakes with one absent - the "evil" green snakes and the absence of the Lord's snakes.
(6) Two types of animals - birds and snakes.

I keep thinking about the Lord's instructions, "Be harmless as a dove but cunning as a serpent."

It seems as if the birds were not a match for the snakes...

It also seems as if the absence of the "Lord's snakes" contributed to the evil and the closed vendor stall...

Your response has revealed elements to this dream that I did not think about previously. If you have additional thoughts, please express them...


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Post by chrisy »


I also need to add the following:

The killing of the bird concealed in the white box unleashed the predatory and inhumane behavior in the hall. This violent killing gave the snakes control. I didn’t see the violence and the snakes in the hall until the killing and “sprinkling” of the bird's blood occurred.....

Apparently the bird in the box had to be killed in order for the snakes to take control of the hall. Once that was achieved, the snakes ruled the hall... even setting up "guards" on pedestals at the entrance to the hall to control access...

Oh... now I am beginning to see the relevance of your comment about the "Body"... mmm got to check the Old Testament..

What do you think?
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Post by piano »

Hi chrisy,

I keep reading over what you shared and the dream and am not getting a connection of what you shared concerning world financial (business) areas, but I will tell you, this may because there I do have resistance/lack of ambition to understand that area.
I cannot remember a time when God gave me a dream concerning a business.

I was lead to pray concerning the word audit, in a spiritual sense.

Reading this particular word within your dream is what warranted my initial response.

Perhaps it is outside of this dream that this word holds meaning The Lord wishes to expand upon, because I do not have an interpretation for the dream as a whole.

The way I see this audit is as:

Any thorough check or examination
Archaic A hearing.

This has been a focus that The Lord has impressed upon me as of late.

Do you think there might have been something you were going through at the time of the dream that caused you worry/fear?

This scripture in Luke is in regard to Christ and His Authority, and also the importance of praising Him for what He did for us, not for what He has given us regarding this authority.

Luke 10:19-20
“Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you.
“Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven.”

Nothing beats being in Gods Ledger.

Discard what does not rest,

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by chrisy »

Hi Piano,

Thanks for your response - it's greatly appreciated. I am immersed in the business world and I do believe that is why the Lord speaks to me about that world and uses related symbols in my dreams. BTW - thanks for the scripture! After much consideration, I do agree with you that the word "audit" is very significant. Thanks for your emphasis on this word!

In an audit, one examines evidentiary matter to determine the accuracy of what is reported/presented. When I entered the opulent hall:


I saw very rich people sitting at tables in an opulent hall.


(1) I knew that I was the ONLY one who saw the snake slither to the box.
(2) I was the only one who knew that a violent fight ensued in the box.
(3) Based on logical deduction: I had to have been the only one who saw the blood scattered like dust on the people in the hall.

Objective: Revelation. Also a warning of the need to be aware and "cunning"...

Thanks to every single one of you who responded to my dream - Charlie, PurestPlace and Piano - now I can close the dream - you all are so greatly appreciated.

Thanks again,
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Chrisy, just bumping this one up because my thoughts are in line with that of Charlie but perhaps someone overlooking this one may have something to add!
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Post by chrisy »

Thanks, Newbie!!!
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Chrisy, I am just posting on some of the symbolism here and hopes this will ping something in your spirit. I came across a possible symbolic meaning for the green snake: a green snake may represent selfish thoughts or habits that undermine other more positive areas of a person’s life. It is a strong need to put yourself first or powerful insecurities that derail a genuine endeavor. (Note: not saying the snake is about you but I believe the snake is something that is on a corporate level; hence , the location of the dream – a hotel, which is a public place.)
In regards to MTM, she was known as America’s sweetheart in her heyday and she is an actress. There are other symbols for her as well’ however, I do not want to drag out my post by placing them one by one. I viewed her as a negative influence. When I think of actors, I think of someone whom is pretending, putting on a show. I viewed Mary as a symbol of a false pretense of something that appears to be “sweet” but in actuality, it is something that is “bitter” or unpleasant.
The hotel on a positive note can symbolize a public place for rest and business.
Accountants can represents objectivity toward a situation; looking carefully at the facts to make sure that something make sense. I noticed that Mary was an accountant, so this where that “false pretense” is kicking in.
Owls can also symbolize wisdom, wise choices, good advice, and/or great discernment. The snake eating it makes me think of wisdom/discernment being devoured by selfishness or a powerful insecurity. Brings to mind when scripture states that even the elect will be fooled.
Moses staff turned into a snake a devoured the magicians snakes. Moses staff to me represents the kingly scepter; additionally it brings to mind of the authority of a pastor or church leader. So what comes to me in regards to your question, is that many men and women of God are not using their authority or they have put down their rods. Brings to mind what Jesus said about the harvest being ripe but the workers being few! As usual these are just some thoughts from a rambling young woman but pray it may help! God bless!
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Post by chrisy »


Thank you! Your response is greatly appreciated! Sometimes all it takes is the right word at the right time! It seems that I was being told the "right' thing all along but I was not in a place to recognize it... until now when you said:
Moses staff turned into a snake a devoured the magicians snakes. Moses staff to me represents the kingly scepter; additionally it brings to mind of the authority of a pastor or church leader. So what comes to me in regards to your question, is that many men and women of God are not using their authority or they have put down their rods. Brings to mind what Jesus said about the harvest being ripe but the workers being few!
When I posted this dream and up to a couple of months ago, I had been waiting for the Lord to bless my business therefore my focus was on business and I thought that the Lord was speaking of the business world... the world of finance... I was blind to everything else but now that He has blessed me with what I was waiting for, I can finally see what He was actually saying. Piano saw it and repeated it but I just couldn't see it at the time! My world is the business world therefore the Lord used that world and symbols to relay His message to me. (He did the same thing with Joseph and his dream of gathering sheaves.) I can now see the following:

1) It is a Combination Dream [Combination of objective/impersonal dream and subjective/personal dream]:

This type of dream is for and about others but affects or influences the dreamer as well. What defines the dream is that I was watching/observing for a while then stepped in to be active - there was a clear break between the two sets of activities.

2) MTM - Mary Tyler Moore's production company... in the business of creating lies that masquerade as truth... the lie/production was the opulent room, which was revealed to be a facade for evil and killing of what is good...

You made a very, very good point when you wrote:
So what comes to me in regards to your question, is that many men and women of God are not using their authority or they have put down their rods. Brings to mind what Jesus said about the harvest being ripe but the workers being few!
An audit has been taken and the truth was revealed to me... the only remaining question is "Where are the Lord's snakes?" Your response noted above points to this question...

This dream is about the world and the death/killing of what is good therein... a world that appears to be rich, opulent, elegant, proper but is full of and ruled by evil and death... it's about God's desire for His people to rise up and use their authority, which is in Jesus Christ.

Thank you - and thanks to Piano, as well, who tried to show me what I was unable to see at that time... Thanks to Charlie and PurestPlace.

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Post by Determined2Grow »

Just some thoughts...please toss if it doens't bear witness.

The green snake
Green with ....envy, jealousy, immaturity, lack of skill, lack of experience?

The snake attacked two types of birds....

Birds don't belong in a box
To be boxed/caged in and then attacked and killed.

The attack was done behind (secretly) cover/not in plain view
This bird is meant to fly, soar, elevate in position, ideas, creativity, expansion

The owl is also attacked at the head
The owl is the is known for its ability to see/keen sight especially when it dark....they can see clearly where others will strain to see when its dark ( or uncertain).

If you destroy the head of "sight" then the whole body is destroyed and cannot function or cannot see clearly.

Theses snakes worked together and strategized or planned an attack on "key" areas.
If they can destroy the strongest portion than everyone else will have to limitations.

Just some thoughts.... :roll: please toss if needed.
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