Michelle Obama

Archives for 2013
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Post by LadyinChrist »

ET, First thing I would like to say is I think this is a national and a personal dream, because the Star Spangled Banner is the National Anthem of the USA. But this also goes hand in hand with you answering your call. The call of God on your life.

My reason for posting so late is because I heard so much tonight listening to Christian Harfouche, IMI (International Miracle Institute). 4 hrs of prophecy tonight. I wished I could give you a link, but I don't think it will be in the archive for a few days.

I am so overwhelmed right now I can barely speak. In so many ways your dream was interpreted tonight.

He spoke about Joshua and Caleb. He spoke on 2 Kings 8, the shunamite. What he said here struck a chord. She walked into the kings house. He said you can't walk into the kings house unless your intergrity has been reported. In seven years of famine she was provided for. The lesser blessed by the greater.
In this case you walked into the kings land. He said The Lord is a good Land Lord!!! I believe this has to do with land. As I typed that, I don't know why, but that song this land is your land, this land is my land from the california to the new york islands, you know what one I'm talking about????? Oh my!!!!

He said it's RENUMERATION time!!!

He said it's RETROACTIVE time!!!

So I looked up those words as I always look up words.
I am surprised of the meanings.

Renumeration-1. The act or art of numbering.

Numeration is but still the adding of one unit more,
and giving to the whole a new name or sign. --Locke.

2. The act or art of reading numbers when expressed by means
of numerals. The term is almost exclusively applied to the
art of reading numbers written in the scale of tens, by
the Arabic method. -

**There was a recount of votes today, btw. I saw 2 wooden boxes in the Congress today with the recount. Could mean more also. Tally up, possibly you didn't feel something was adding up somewhere. Could also be concerning a bill. Could be learning a musical scale.

Retroactive -
[adj] affecting things past; "retroactive tax increase"; "an ex-post-facto law"; "retro pay"
[adj] (psychology) descriptive of any event or stimulus or process that has an effect on the effects of events or stimuli or process that occurred previously

Fitted or designed to retroact; operating by returned action;
affecting what is past; retrospective.

{Retroactive law} or {statute} (Law), one which operates to
make criminal or punishable, or in any way expressly to
affect, acts done prior to the passing of the law.

***Hmmmm......That makes sense.

He also said "I will tune you and many into one." WoW!!

In the midst of the church praises will be sung. Confinements will
be broken.

There will be restoration and repayment.

Remembering this....In Him we Live and Move and have our being. We are a Royal Priesthood and Holy nation.

Glory, Glory, Glory!! :)
"He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."
Mathew 3:11