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Post by sigmon2 »

Hi All
Been a while, mostly purposely forgeting dreams because of my upsetness with the Lord. I am tired of the layers and then no movement or at least not in what I think is movement......
Here are 3 I got recently...........
My daughter, my youngest son and I were in a car traveling down a road. in a town of some kind......I was driving past warehouses....my daughter was in the front seat with me and my son was in the back seat....I was driving......My daughter was connected to my hip withe her butt....her feet were in my face......It was hard to drive..I kept trying to move her but could not and she kept kicking and moving and it made it harder to drive......her feet waying around all over my face and toward the steering wheel....her legs kept bumping into me as she was kicking trying to help get free........I would try to push and I even tried to quickly push the brake and get her to roll forward into the floor of the car and that did not work.....finally I pulled in to a warehouse area and was blocked by this extra long trailer that seemed to have a double opening into 2 warehouses on both sides of it.....I did a loop and turned around and stopped the car and was able then to move her but she partly went to the floor and then I lifted her and she helped ...moved her to the back seat where then we continued driving down the road and all of us were happy...........

The other day I was driving in a dream and I had my son and another lady, she was in the back seat and my son in the front seat.....we were going along and I was doing something church related....I was near a lake where people were having a good time...a church had left a ball, maybe volleyball, I slowed down and thought I saw the initials on the ball and knew the church....so I had my son go get the ball to take it to them........as he was getting it I mentioned to the lady about the fruit trees and how it was easy to get the fruit and it was good tasting........my son got into the car and handed me an apple....but someone had taken bite out of it and it had started browning in some places.....I thought I heard someone tell me to bite from it but I did not want too....it was not me......it was icky to me......the dream was over.

I had this one this morning.......I was on a hill over longing a city....It was an American style city.....I was sitting or laying there with a pad of paper and a pen.....someone, a voice told me to write about going to school and learning but I do not remember the full detail....but I do remember being stuck as to what to write...then 2 fully amoured dressed Muslim soliders came up to me and were looking at me and the area and the city......they suddenly put their swords in the ground point first and I saw their faces and the gold chain mail swinging below their chin down to the upper chest....their armour was made of silver or a shining metal...they had those pointed rounded helment on with a open face........Their swords were on the hill in the ground facing the city they looked at me and walked away....I was not sure but one of the sword was in a dead garden or a grave yard like place.....Fully dressed Muslim women, in the Muslim outfit were around me and them....some brought flowers and placed a big display of flowers at both swords......the one in the grave yard or dead garden was the sword of the leader as the woman put the flowers at the sword it fell over.....the other did not....the sword that fell over may have been bigger too......I turned and was watching the soldiers leave and the women were sad and going different directions to leave and the men were following a narrow dirt path...........the dream ended........
The daughter dream is symbolic......actually all 3 are symbolic but where is He going with it.....
see ya
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry
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Post by louisemlc48 »

The "movement" you are waiting for is on hold until His church repents and is reformed. Then revival will come to the church, the harvest will be reaped then the Lord will come back.

Your dreams shows the condition of your heart and of your life. Things seem to be out of order and out of place.

Repent, make a full commitment to God and draw closer to Him so that He can help you get your life in order.
May God's love rest upon you.
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Post by sigmon2 »

Thanks for writing louisemlc48........
I will look at my life....but to my sight at this moment I am unable to move left or right, forward or backwards unless He allows it........and to me He seems to be allowing.....
as to the other part you mention.....the scripture says we are destined to watch the love of many wax cold and the rise of the evil one.....it is this falling away that must come first as said in Scripture - 2 Thessalonians 2:3 KJV. That is why we must endure to the end to our last breath or his return no matter what trouble finds us.
I do not look for a mass return....I look for a seperating...those who believe from those who fake it.......
I see it a little different in the dream but that is because I tend to the literal side of the dream......like if I were to view this I would wonder if it meant due to the other muslim dreams if somehow Islam is stopped in the NW from its rampage in its future attack on America. It is hard to say...............but I can only hope for now.... my dreams tell a story with many details but I am frustrated because though they tell me a story of what to do and fill in many gaps of a story I wondered about not to long ago - nothing happens..........
Thanks again
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry
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Post by louisemlc48 »

Yes, my explanation of what is to come was not detailed. But you are correct about the falling away that is a big part of the "reformation". During the reformation there will be the falling away but those who remain will do the will of God.
May God's love rest upon you.
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Post by sigmon2 »

Hey just a note about my daughter....she was a pt employee at her job is sales but now she is fulltime.....so she can be more independent....I wonder if this part of the dream was the meaning because of the location....she helps with taking deliveries from the trucks and puts them on the floor of a major dept. store..........just thinking..
see ya
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry
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Post by sigmon2 »

About the other 2 dreams..........the apple deals with other ministries and a warning..........I recently had a warning very specific not to let personal family or the boneless church interfere with the plans given to me and based on that dream this one means do not do another's plan but follow the one the Lord has given me.....eat of my own apple not someone else's...................

the second dream I will take a more literal turn too....because of some other dreams..........Islam will come only so far and stop....it will not take every city, it will lose many......but it will stop at a point at time so resistance is possible......they will push the sword of war in the ground after destroying much and killing much and leave on a narrow path.....they will honor their dead and the women will leave too....... but the city they wanted will be saved.....their general will fall - maybe, because the bigger sword fell...this takes me back to G. Washington's vision - I wonder?
see ya
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Post by sigmon2 »

self serving I know but this one was one month before the ft hood killings by the maj hasan in the name of islam. hmmm.
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry