The Wright Brothers + 83,000 Artifacts

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The Wright Brothers + 83,000 Artifacts

Post by chrisy »

Last night I had a strange dream... it's strange because I somehow cannot describe it clearly but here goes...

I was looking from a distance at the inside of a place that had lots of artifacts (not formal as a museum)... the area facing me was opened; i.e., no walls to the front so I was able to have a full few of the inside of the one-room building. It was on the bank of a a river or canal...

I knew that it concerned the Wright brothers... I saw only one of the two brothers. (My awareness that it was only one of the brothers was very strong.) I also knew that a woman was on her way to take the 83,000 artifacts because there was easy access - no protection. I also knew that it was my responsibility to get and secure them before she could do so?...
I don't know if this is significant but here goes... I researched the number "83" in the Bible. It appears only once in the Bible

"And Moses was eighty years old and Aaron eighty-three years old when they spoke to Pharaoh." - Exodus 7:7

Isn't it strange given that the dream I had before this one was about "Osiris" - the Egyptian god of the dead?

Also, in the NT Jesus is called the "Son of the Man" 83 times!!! These are the only instances of the number "83" in the Bible...

Any ideas, anyone?
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Chrisy, just a few thoughts that I pray may help open up your understanding of what you were given. I believe the woman represents a spirit type that is on assignment. It appears that this spirit is attempting to bring up some things from the past; perhaps outdated ideas or holding on to something from the past (I believe the artifacts symbolize something that is dated). From my understanding on Hebrew number symbolism, there are some numbers such as 83 that may not have relevance by itself; however, when we take the numbers apart and add it may have bearing. So I viewed the #83 as 8 plus 3 equating to the #11, which may symbolizes disorder and judgment; incompleteness; disorganization; or disintegration. Usually when something is in the thousand’s this represent a great magnitude; perhaps the 83,000 represents chaos and confusion on a mass level. The Wright brother’s was credited with the invention of the 1st successful airplane; perhaps they may symbolize a leader who is a determined dreamer.I hope this helps and will post more if anything comes to me. As usual toss if rubbish!
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Post by chrisy »


As usual, thank you! I did consider the 8+3=11 as well as the principles of gematria. However, I do think that it is significant that the ONLY mention of 83 is when Moses and Aaron went to see Pharaoh and this is the first dream that I have had since having the "Osiris" dream. I think that it is an "indicator" of a connection between both dreams...

Osiris - Egyptian god of the dead
83 - the ONLY mention of it in the Bible - Aaron's age when he went with Moses to ask Pharaoh of Egypt - to free God's people.

There is a connection.


Yes, artifacts speak of "old things" - "old things" that are connected with the Wright brothers - airplane - they made international and overseas travel possible, more efficient and effective. The old things were precious - of value - because I had to protect them, secure them so "the woman" will not get to them... I needed to prevent the stealing of them.

My sister thinks that since it was only one of the two brothers that I saw - implies that my responsibilities are 50% or a half of whatever needs to be done... Interesting, don't you think?
I believe the woman represents a spirit type that is on assignment.
I didn't think about that... *thinking*

Thanks a million! If you think of anything else, please post!!!
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Post by Newbie »
Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible
And Moses was eighty years old,.... At this time, which is observed partly to show how long Israel had been afflicted in Egypt; for their great troubles and miseries began about the time of the birth of Moses, or a little before, as appears from the above history; and partly to show the patience and forbearance of God with the Egyptians, and how just and righteous were his judgments on them; with this perfectly agrees Stephen's account of the age of Moses, Acts 7:23 and Aaron eighty three years old, when they spake unto Pharaoh; so that they were men that had had a large experience of things, and had been long training up for the service designed to be done by them; they were men of wisdom and prudence, of sedate and composed countenances, and fit to appear before a king, whose age and venerable aspect might command attention to them. Aben Ezra observes, that"in all the Scripture there is no mention of any prophets that prophesied in their old age but these, because their excellency was greater than all the prophets.''By this it appears that Aaron was three years older than Moses. A Jewish chronologer says (n), that it is affirmed in an exposition of theirs, that Aaron prophesied to the Israelites in Egypt eighty years, which is making him to be a very young prophet when he first entered into the office. The Arabic writers (o) say, Miriam was at this time eighty seven, so was seven years older than Moses, and four years older than Aaron; see Exodus 2:4.

(n) Shalshalet Hakabala, fol. 7. 1.((o) Patricides, p. 26. apud Hottinger. p. 415.

Geneva Study Bible
And Moses was {c} fourscore years old, and Aaron fourscore and three years old, when they spake unto Pharaoh.

(c) Moses lived in affliction and banishment forty years before he commanded his office to deliver God's people.

Wesley's Notes
7:7 Moses was fourscore years old - Joseph, who was to be only a servant to Pharaoh, was preferred at thirty years old; but Moses, who was to be a god to Pharaoh, was not so dignified till he was eighty years old. It is fit he should long wait for such an honour, and be long in preparing for such a service.

Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary
7. Moses was fourscore years old-This advanced age was a pledge that they had not been readily betrayed into a rash or hazardous enterprise, and that under its attendant infirmities they could not have carried through the work on which they were entering had they not been supported by a divine hand.

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
7:1-7 God glorifies himself. He makes people know that he is Jehovah. Israel is made to know it by the performance of his promises to them, and the Egyptians by the pouring out of his wrath upon them. Moses, as the ambassador of Jehovah, speaking in his name, laid commands upon Pharaoh, denounced threatenings against him, and called for judgments upon him. Pharaoh, proud and great as he was, could not resist. Moses stood not in awe of Pharaoh, but made him tremble. This seems to be meant in the words, Thou shalt be a god unto Pharaoh. At length Moses is delivered from his fears. He makes no more objections, but, being strengthened in faith, goes about his work with courage, and proceeds in it with perseverance.
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Post by chrisy »


Whoa! Thank you! If only you knew what you have opened up for me to consider! While reading the link that you provided, other dreams that I had flooded my memory!

Apparently, the Lord has been giving me things that are reminiscent of Egypt and Moses for quite sometime now. If you have a few minutes, take a look at these two dreams...

This dream came to me when I read from the link you provided:
The name "Moses" comes from a root meaning "take out," because Moses was taken out of the river (Ex. 2:10). ... ght=cooler

It was not a river but... I drew a male baby out of water...

This dream came to me when I read from the link you provided:
Aaron served as Moses' spokesman. As discussed above, Moses was not eloquent and had a speech impediment, so Aaron spoke for him (Ex. 4:10-16). Contrary to popular belief, it was Aaron, not Moses, who cast down the staff that became a snake before Pharaoh (Ex. 7:10-12). ... hlight=mtm

All of these dreams appear to have "indicators" that point back to Egypt, Moses, etc...

Thank you so very, very much!!!!!!
Now, is to gain an understanding of it all. *Thinking*
If you have any other links, thoughts please post.

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Post by Realisticdreamz »

Hi Chrisy,

Another thing to consider when interpreting dreams is what you have been praying for and reading in the Bible. By example, I have gone to bed praying for an understanding of something; sometimes understanding of a dream I have had, sometimes understanding of passages in the Bible that I am not quite sure of its meaning. Sometimes, I have sought Him for an answer or understanding of something going on in life around me.

Sometimes when there is an answer through dreams, when I contemplate the dream, the prayer the night before comes back to me and then I realize it is likely an answer to what I was seeking Him about.

Is there something here you can put your fingers on in this regard?

Trying to be helpful... praying for your understanding.
With love in Christ,

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Post by chrisy »

Hi Realisticdreamz,

Thank you for posting! I have not been praying for anything... the Lord finally has me in the season where I am experiencing His faithfulness and seeing the manifestation of His Word biz-wise... what I had been waiting on for years. Oh... now I think I know why everything seems to be coming together so quickly!!!!!!!!!! The new contracts a few months ago and now this!!!!

Thank you and also to Newbie!!! The timing of everything coming together now begins to make sense!!!!

Thank you!
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Post by chrisy »

Whoa! I am in complete shock!!!!

Quote from my dream:
I knew that it concerned the Wright brothers... I saw only one of the two brothers. (My awareness that it was only one of the brothers was very strong.)
This is what I discovered:

"The older brother was a Coptic Christian and the younger brother left the Coptic Church at some point and I'm not sure what he started practicing after that. He was known to visit several different denominations, but there's no record of him ever joining another church."

My dream is about one of the brothers - the strong one. This means that my dream is either about the older brother or the younger one. I am thinking that it is about the older one...

Here's another shocker: "Coptic" means Egyptian and Christians in Egypt identify themselves as "Coptic Christians".

My dreams about Osiris, this one... there is something that the Lord is telling me and I am just not getting it...
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Post by bjcollin »

History check... I don't think they were Coptic at all, I saw that one lone reference and it seemed to be from a dubious source. The majority of well researched sources say that the Wright brothers were sons of United Brethren in Christ minister. The UB's are I think a branch out of the reformed German Lutherns who settled in America in the Indiana and Ohio areas in the late 1700s and early 1800s. They were Protestant Christians, not Coptic Christians. ... thers.html ... /n4/wright
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Post by bjcollin »

On the original dream... What I feel is that it could be trying to say... The wright brothers are the ones who are credited as inventing flight, they were an equal team and they worked together very hard to accomplish what they did. In this dream, you are being shown that one brother is stronger than the other brother. Since there is no historical fact for this, this part is where it gets to be a symbolic representation. Flight is usually representative of flying or soaring in the Spirit or walking in the Spirit. Are you at the stage where you are learning about this and learning that some brothers are stronger and some brothers are not as strong?

When you were describing the place holding all of the artifacts I thought of the sci-fi TV series Warehouse 13 which was about a secret warehouse which houses magical artifacts and its agents which gather and protect the artifacts. I will try and research the 83,000 number later on tonight when I get home. Interesting. Suffice it to say that there are a lot of stored away things that you are trying to move and/or protect which seems to be keeping them away from the enemy finding them first. When you see a number in the thousands like that, it denotes a multiplication effect of the number ie 100=fullness 1000=matured so this is basically 83 come to maturation. So the question is what does 83 represent? That is what I will research later on tonight.
Last night I had a strange dream... it's strange because I somehow cannot describe it clearly but here goes...
I was looking from a distance at the inside of a place that had lots of artifacts (not formal as a museum)... the area facing me was opened; i.e., no walls to the front so I was able to have a full few of the inside of the one-room building. It was on the bank of a a river or canal...
I knew that it concerned the Wright brothers... I saw only one of the two brothers. (My awareness that it was only one of the brothers was very strong.) I also knew that a woman was on her way to take the 83,000 artifacts because there was easy access - no protection. I also knew that it was my responsibility to get and secure them before she could do so?...
I don't know if this is significant but here goes... I researched the number "83" in the Bible. It appears only once in the Bible
"And Moses was eighty years old and Aaron eighty-three years old when they spoke to Pharaoh." - Exodus 7:7
Isn't it strange given that the dream I had before this one was about "Osiris" - the Egyptian god of the dead?
Also, in the NT Jesus is called the "Son of the Man" 83 times!!! These are the only instances of the number "83" in the Bible...
Any ideas, anyone?
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Post by chrisy »

Thanks, BJ!

Did you get the meaning for 83?
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Post by bjcollin »

83000 - matured in speaking against the enemy
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Post by chrisy »


Any additional ideas anyone?