no-see-um on a numbered arm

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no-see-um on a numbered arm

Post by connie »

Blessings in Jesus Name

I had an evening of prayer and awoke with the following dream. Any Spirit led insight is most appreciated.

I was assisting a woman in some capacity- ( possibly helping her get dressed and I was in the role of, maybe, a servant or caregiver. I know I was on my knees.)

She sounded panicked as she told me there was a bug/fly on her (she named it but I don't remember the name only that I had never heard of that bug before that day) . She told me to find it because this type of bug had bitten/infected her in the past and caused her to become gravely ill for an extended period of time. I asked where is it? (on her body) She said 'It's beside the number. I can feel it" I asked what number? She was agitated, frustrated with me, and said " The number on my arm!" and she swung her left arm up towards me.

I saw a strip of white paper taped to the underside of her left forearm. It was positioned from near the elbow down towards her wrist. There were 7 numbers typed on it- (I think the first 4 digits were 3111) I peered very closely at her white, freckled, skin and did see a tiny flying insect which I identified as a 'no-see-um' on her upper arm. I pinned it to her skin as I wanted to kill it but leave it's body intact so that she could see the bug and identify it for herself. Before I could show the bug to her, she said "NO! Look again. It's there". I thoroughly checked the area but didn't see any other bug or bite mark or damage to her skin.

There were other unseen people in the room. I could hear the murmur of voices. I sensed they were somewhat amused by her and the situation although they didn't speak it outright. I didn't sense any real danger from the 'dangerous' bug nor that it was in the vicinity. She was still upset and swatting at her arm.

I had the 'no-see-um' between my left forefinger and thumb. I looked down at it and clearly saw it's entire body structure including the veining in it's wings- I especially noted it's eyes, teeth and wings. I awoke.

I did sense that the lady had suffered greatly from the disease caused by the bug bite. I also felt she was now in a safe place where that bug did not dwell.

I understand this lady needs a healing in her memory system. I have been praying in regards to the symbolism of the white strip of digits. Any ideas?

In His Love,

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Post by Newbie »

Hello Connie, I am not sure if this may help or not. A few weeks ago, my husband had decided to fall asleep on my side of the bed (the dreaming side) and sure enough he had a vivid dream in which these little bugs was going in and out of his skin. Each time he attempted to pull them out of his leg, they went right back in. Shortly after having this dream, IRL my husband would begin to break out in welts and scratch himself to death. We simply did not what it was exactly. I knew that his dream was given to me to pray over. Through your dream, I actually know exactly what the deal is now in regards to my husband’s outbreak: the noseeum aka the sand flea.
Now in regards to what this may mean to you, a flea can symbolize an irritation or inconvenience. Based on the context of the woman now being in a safe place and away from the bug this spoke as the bug being an irritation from the enemy that was causing the woman to take her eyes of God. In other words, a distraction that poses no real harm only irritation. Kind of like getting under someone’s skin. Another thought, is an infliction of infirmity like that of my husband. As usual, toss if miss the mark.
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Post by bella »

There were other unseen people in the room. I could hear the murmur of voices. I sensed they were somewhat amused by her and the situation although they didn't speak it outright. I didn't sense any real danger from the 'dangerous' bug nor that it was in the vicinity. She was still upset and swatting at her arm.

I had the 'no-see-um' between my left forefinger and thumb. I looked down at it and clearly saw it's entire body structure including the veining in it's wings- I especially noted it's eyes, teeth and wings. I awoke.

Connie, just putting some things out for you to check out ...
In moral philosophy, the nature of Sandflies is used as an analogy for a particular implied inference, the "noseeum inference" where one fallaciously concludes that since one cannot see something, it therefore cannot exist. [8]
: Wikipedia.

Is this a real person - someone you know?
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Post by connie »

Blessings in the Lord

He brought this dream back to my mind this morning. I believe I know who this lady is, now. I didn't know her a year ago.

And I hear the phrase 'the devil is in the details'. Also sensing/hearing, she was a 'Grande Dame' type of person or had the persona of a Grande Dame.

Thank you Newbie and Bella for your contributions. I am sorry that I was unable to respond then. It wasn't time for me to know.

I am truly grateful for any spirit led contributions.

In His Love,
