Ants and a clock dream

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Ants and a clock dream

Post by sigmon2 »

Hi all
this dream happened thursday morning.........
I had woken around 3:15am and was awake for a bit and then finally went back to sleep....the dream happen was a two part dream......first part...I was in a school bus, I drove it up to a house, had no kids, got out went up to a house to go into was my house I knew, but not one I live in.....I went in and started looking around....I saw my daughter there......Many of my things were still in boxes and I remember wanted to go look in the back yard to see if I could do a garden.....I remember saying that the backyard faces east and the front faces west.....I walked into the kitchen to look out the back door but could not see very well so I turned and saw a clock on the wall I looked at it and could not see the time clearly so I squeezed my eyes and saw the time 5:47, it was in the pm till of day........I walked out of the kitchen into the living room and started toward a hallway and saw my little freezer and it did not seem to be working and I played with the switch on the wall and realized it controled the plug I called my daughter to tell her and I checked the stuff but though it had started to thaw it was still frozen and I turned it on and walked on down the hall into a room......the room faced the backyard....I looked out the window and saw how hard it was going to be to have a garden and it was going to take elbow grease...I saw a couple of other people further away......backyard was fenced and sort of small.......I backed away from the window and looked up and saw that the roof had a hole in it, actually it was was from rot....I said I needed to call and have that repaired right away and as I turned to do that I saw a door and I went through it.....I found a room.....not much of one but it had boy stuff in it toys, books, and the like.....I heard a noise and I ran toward the noise and now my daughter was with me.....we know how the airport parking garages have the spiral drives will this had a spiral hallway that went down....I think we went down 2 or 3 rotations, 2 for sure....there we found my middle son leaning on the back of a reclaining chair in a very sparse room, his knee were in the seat and his elbows were where the the head would go, like in a prayer position....he turned and looked at us....the dream ended........................

part two - I was flying as the dream started very close and low to an ant hill....I could see very up close the ants working....I saw different sizes....then I saw the red ones and I got afraid because my nose was so close.....I got see them working bringing food and just working and I could see the red ants enforceing the rules of work and working too.........I was so close I got afraid, I begin to have my upper body just barely touching....I used a stick to try and push away just a little but it did not work....I could see them working and I saw more and more how many ants were working so hard to get ready.......then suddenly the ant hill ended and something turned me over so I am floating slowly away from the ant hill on my back...but on me is these big, at least 6 inch black ants, ants like right out of a pixar movie......the eye looking in my eyes....arms bent and posted at the hips like a scolding parent or teacher...they all were the same.....they started at my shoulder and then evenly spaced down to my feet, had to be at least 6 maybe 7, because I tried to blow the one by my face off and it sort of disappeared over my shoulder....the others just looked at me....with the same facial expressions.....they were black and the eyes were like that shiney black stone you see on jewerly........I was afraid that they were going to hurt me....but they just stared.....the dream ended and I woke up.......

ok, I could be wrong but here goes the thoughts I woke up with....the clock is for time.....I end my work day at 6pm, but it is 13 minutes till 6pm on the clock and it is 13 days till the first of October I got to thinking the Lingering is about over that I had been waiting for......the bus of course means now because I was on my way to return it but I stopped at the house first, the freezer could have been my doubt on a flipping switch, the rotting roof could have to do with the fact the other dream I had where Jesus came and presented me with books to study meant I was not studying the way he had intended for me too.......honestly I have not been in the Bible........the spiral hallway and my son could mean he is in trouble, they are laying people off at his work....or it could be something personal for daughter is on a good track she finally got a really good job and is really happy......
the second part has to do with the cricket and the ant know when you are upset with a indoor pet and you are training it not to potty in the house and you rub its nose in it.....well that is what I felt like in this part......In this part it was like being told to be busy being the ant and prepare for the lean times ahead.....the black ants were to me timing ants.....if I miss my guess the one on my shoulder was mr september and the others run through to problem is the actual number 6 or 7, I guess I will find out in march or april '09.....but this ant count would fit other dreams which point toward this timing...........
now, the how.....I just do not have the the Lord be true and Scott be the follower where is the how do to do it.........I am so far behind right now....unless the first part meant to wait till the end of the month and the how would show up.....well I will wait and see.............I could always be off......
see ya
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Post by keilani »

Hmmm, just wondering if you've got any more revelation from this dream....lots of stuff going on but i feel it's a pretty simple message so I'm prayerfully pondering....
***More To Come***

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Hi All

Post by sigmon2 »

Basically, I agree it was pretty I am waiting to see if the dream just before it with the clock and 13 minutes plays out to 13 days or I just over detailed it......but I will not know till wednesday anyway.........At the moment former dreams are winding down, like about the foster kids where I was told not to interfere with them going to their mom and I just found out thursday that is where they are headed in a round about way....also the part where the foster kids got on a bus with me to get out of town dream, I found on thursday the state has decided to move them out of the area to another town where their mom and good relatives live far from here - another answer/dream coming true.........I just read an article in a local community paper where the local tribe is all excited about the building project in the waterway, right where their riverboat is...and they will build first per the agreements which means that boat has to move - per the 1994 dream........the economy is in such a state that if the event happens on schedule it will cripple the area just as the reports say done by the local government bodies...........
but I have only really two actions left that must is important.....I have no resources and as the Lord promised He must provide and in hand with that goes the foster kids leaving.....but the foster kids are a done deal because I was told the only thing that is stalling for them is housing for them to live oh my I tried doubting and I got into trouble but now I am into it again and ready to roll but can do nothing till I know the resources being provided to me by the Lord....without I cannot do a thing...........

but what has been consuming my mind as of late is what to say to people who are around me.............I have tried to tell my family as I go along because the dreams all say if they chose they can go with me.....but what about my coworkers and my church....what do I say to them and how? I do not care about being the fool or looking dumb but I have a couple of time tried to practice words to say to them of why I am leaving and how much time is left before the event could begin........oh well I guess that will come after I see what the Lord provides in resources.............I am looking forward to next week to see if something happens...............
see ya
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Post by sigmon2 »

Hi All
I was watching the news and I noticed some news from Israel and saw it is in trouble right now at the government level.....I remember a dream I had where the Lord showed me Israeli flag with a covering over the star of what I saw tonight, it was like a horse in a city that wears blinders to block out the view of the world around it and can only see the little space in front of its feet.......please remember to pray for Israel and the pain and suffering she must endure by choice and by decree.........
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Post by sigmon2 »

just had a thought about the freezer and the on and off switch.....I was unable to contiune my building up the emergncy supply but soon I will be able too, so by turning off then on the freezer could have meant a pause in collecting supply for storage.............
13 days have come and gone and so I am not sure for what to apply the 13 minutes but to think the clock meant the time was close and I wanted to give to much minute detail.........hope so....
see ya
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Post by sigmon2 »

I came back to re visit the ants for some reason....they fit my 94 bird dream and they fit one other thing and that is when two boys I had left so did the extra funds I was using to work on my emergency supplies......since then trying to make money work is like trying to make water work in the middle of the desert of just goes as fast as it comes but has been a year since this dream and I am still seeing some dreams come true but others just sit there with no answer........The first part of this dream has some interesting parts to consider like my son in the lower section with his fanny in the air is like saying kiss my "A"...he has joined the marines and will be gone the end of this daughter is not living with me yet and I have not moved yet......but I do have a 8 yr old boy so the toys in the room are curious because I am closer to adoption.....and maybe to a another boy who is his relative. I guess only time will tell........
see ya
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Post by sigmon2 »

I wonder if my son in the basement means....he just bought a house in California. far away do not hear from him hardly.
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry