Dead Baby

Archives for 2013
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Dead Baby

Post by lonelysurvivor »

In this dream, we walk into a house where a baby was lying dead. We check the baby and no signs of life were there. We put the baby in a little box and close the lid. We call for help and begin looking around while standing there. The baby's mother was there and she had apparently killed her own baby. Then there is some people talking and the feeling of others present. I did not want to believe that the baby was dead so I go over and check once more. To my surprise the baby is alive. I begin to try to get some movement out of the baby. The baby then moves. I holler at the others and tell them that the baby is alive. They begin to move closer. We upgrade the call for help.

At this point the dream goes to a different version...

I now am standing in someone's living room while she is feeding her baby either in a baby swing or a high chair but this baby is a little bigger.

Then the dream ends.

Please help with this interpretation.
In advance, thank you.
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Post by SpecialK »

The baby is a ministry that you've had, and perhaps thought it was a dead one. However, the Lord is showing you the opposite. Once it is revived, you'll see an upgrade.