Urgent Request for Interpretation

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Post by chrisy »

What has been very confusing throughout this experience is that I thought he was the attorney that the Lord had chosen to resolve the land issues.

Prior to the dream of the land, the Lord gave my sister and I parts 1 and 2 of the same dream on the same night - my dream confirmed hers and vice-versa. Everything seemed to be in line until last week...
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Post by ElijahsTask »

Hi there

Something to consider:

I do not use this as a means very often, but you ( and your sister if you so choose) could set a fleece.

Like I said, I don't do this often but when in a crunch, somethimes I resort to setting a fleece.

Blessings to you
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Post by bella »

Hi Chrisy

I'm sorry you've had this confusion. I know what that can be like.

My experience is that i never exclusively choose a direction based on a dream. Ever. Especially if I don't have an exact immediate sense of the meaning of the dream...with absolutely no doubt.

I always aim to be led by peace and have learnt that there's a place in me I can go to really get the answer. Sometimes I have to stop and really search to find the place, but the pace is always there. I just lose touch with it sometimes.

Anyway that's my offering about that subject.

Being a lawyer myself, I suggest the following on finding a lawyer you're happy with... Ask others who they've used and were they happy, search complaints registers to see if the lawyer has a problem history, find out how they manage their personal life...

I know personally in my early years of being in the charismatic environment I was taught to ignore practical realities (like I listed above) and to only deal with Christians or more specifically other charasmatics because they were the only people who could be trusted and sanctioned by God. I've since proven that's a furphy. And yes many people I've come to trust and respect have TURNED OUT to be Christians, but not always.

Having said all of that, are you even SURE -absolutely sure - that you need to get rid of this guy? I wouldn't make a decision based on his dream or our offerings. Is there some other reason why you think you should get rid of him? Are there several events which cause you to doubt his suitability?
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Post by chrisy »

Elijahstask and Bella,

Thank you again for your follow-up. It is indeed greatly appreciated.

I do not use this as a means very often, but you (and your sister if you so choose) could set a fleece.
Thank you. I do need a clear/confirmed word from the Lord. I will take this recommendation under consideration.

My experience is that i never exclusively choose a direction based on a dream. Ever. Especially if I don't have an exact immediate sense of the meaning of the dream...with absolutely no doubt.
Neither do I make a decision on an unconfirmed word of the Lord. Please note that I thought that he was the chosen attorney after several events unfolded and I realized the meaning of the dream that both my sister and I had. We tried a couple of attorneys before but it somehow, through no fault of their/our own, things just never came off the ground. My Mom told us to follow the dream and everything seemed to fall in place. He was the one when we first found out about the fraudulent transactions on the land a few months ago, reminded me that God was in control.

Then... last week, everything seemed to fall apart. He made an 180 degree switch... The people who have perpetrated the fraud on the land are other attorneys and related professionals and we are getting significant "push back". His actions indicate that he is trying to push me to walk away from everything - I don't trust him at this time. I think that they may have paid him off.

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Post by bella »

Have been praying for you and this situation.
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Post by underhiswing »


Father we pray for a honest hard working attorney (that will hear her, and be loyal to her needs) to be placed in her path. In Jesus name. Amen.
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Post by keilani »

Amen to the prayers. Binding every plan of satan asking Father for truth to be revealed and to expose every hidden thing in Jesus' name. May He give you the direction and resources you need in Jesus' name! Light Be!!

Just to encourage you sister, there was a time when I did need an atty to give me truth and understanding regarding the law, I went to the Lord, THE ATTORNEY, and asked Him to work justice on my behalf (Lk 18: 1-8, esp v 8 ). Just through my own research, pieces weren't adding up (some parts of the legal process due me, I later learned were left out wrongfully) but I didn't know enough to do anything or have any clear direction. I was 39 weeks pregnant which just made me want to fight more, but I tell you I never spoke anything but the Word when fear tried to come (and it did). In the end, God ordered circumstances, an atty just "happened" to call me after an email request I sent. In that brief phone call, he gave me the information I needed to have everything turned in my favor and dropped. And I didn't spend a dime, just released my faith and trust. I am praying for the same favor and grace to accompany you so that this will be a quick work and not some long drawn out thing because satan loves that, loves to dry up resources and cause fear and turmoil. May the peace of God guide you and direct you all! Shalom!
***More To Come***

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Post by underhiswing »

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Post by chrisy »

Keilani, Elijahstask, Bella and Underhiswings,

Thank you all for your prayers and, to which I say, "Amen". I am trusting the Lord to see me through. I am trusting Him to direct my path and for a victorious outcome.

Many thanks and blessings to you all.
