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Post by keilani »

Just a little gem from my eight year old I thought I'd share. Normally we understand being naked to be exposed or not covered (covering normally makes me think of a need for prayer). This morning he asked me if I ever had dreams of being naked and I said, yes you can have them and God is usually trying to tell you something.

He responded "yes, I had a dream where I had no clothes on and the Lord told me it meant that I was not prepared for battle and that I needed to pray in order to be prepared."

It amazes me that the Lord is teaching my children what I am learning now as an adult in my 30's. I hold onto this scripture and pray it daily for ALL our children and for ALL HIS children!

Father, I thank you that all our/Your children will be taught by the Lord and great will be their/our peace in Jesus' name!

Is 54:13
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Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
and...enlighten everyone about God’s secret plan—a secret that has been hidden for ages in God who has created all things.
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Post by bjcollin »

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Post by discerning »

What a blessing! The words of wisdom that effortlessly roll off the lips of our little people never cease to amaze me. Let us all slow down and listen to what the Spirit is saying through them. They have much to teach us if we but listen. A teachable spirit is a precious treasure.

I know what you mean, keilani. I've got a score of years on you and I'm still amazed at what I'm learning from my 11 yr old g-son. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord.

And a little child shall lead them...

Merry Christmas!

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by HisBlood »

Love it :like:
We overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of our testimony.....
Be Transformed......
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Post by keilani »

Amen to that! I love that our children and grandchildren can encourage US in our walk with God! Abba is so wise in His ways:)

Hope you all had a lovely Christmas! Excited for what 2014 has in store for all of us here!!!

shalom :mrgreen:
***More To Come***

Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
and...enlighten everyone about God’s secret plan—a secret that has been hidden for ages in God who has created all things.