
Archives for 2013
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Warrior Princess
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Posts: 3953
Joined: Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:44 pm


Post by Warrior Princess »

First we're at a picnic outdoors and a storm comes up so we move to shelter. I remember changing my clothes at one point. Then, I am seeing this incredible vista of the desert and mountains, so large and far, it's almost a view of the world. There's a massive windstorm that picks up sand and animals from the desert, high into a huge thunderhead anvil/shelf cloud and drops them where we are, dogs, sheep, tigers, etc. We're then on foot in a city that seems like London but also has Middle Eastern influence in the architecture. It's dangerous with these animals running around and my parents are saying they need to go to Africa. We enter a building, my daughter is doing some sort of treasure hunt involving her handmade "book" of paper containing messages and pictures that she sends and receives back from (?).

Then I'm at a dinner, eating dessert first, I had a tiny fork usually for serving olives. I get an extra chair and everyone moves down to make room. I asked why one of the guys left the table, his wife said he's been watching TV lately when he eats, so apparently he was in another room. Then, I go back for Thanksgiving food, turkey, etc. Then we're watching TV at the table, Dick Van Dyke show, someone at the table was in an episode, some kind of contest. I changed the channel, but turned it back since everyone wanted to watch it.
~Warrior Princess
"Now come the days of the king."