Ramps the back way

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Ramps the back way

Post by bella »

A guy I know was working in some sort of shop or business that was in a typical office space within a multi-storey building. Located up at Silverton Place.

When I looked through the glass doors and walls into this office, all I noticed was the colour ... The reception desk I think ... Dark gold/orange.

I left the building.

I was then showing and telling a friend that this guy worked there, only we were at the back entrance to this space, which was from the outside of the building (instead of being inside the building and showing her the front door.)

There were road ramps and we were driving along them and I'm trying to show her the back entrance but the layout of the ramps seemed to be hard to remember or work out and seemed different each time I looked, and I couldn't work out exactly where things were at to show her accurately.

I recall one ramp having a big 180 degree sweeping bend.

Note : minor edits except for Silverton place. Added that when I realised it was important.

Last edited by bella on Sat Jun 07, 2014 1:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bella »

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Post by keilani »

Bella--just wondering if irl u needed direction/insight regarding this individual?
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Post by bella »

Sort of. I just wish he'd ping off out of my dreams.
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Post by keilani »

lol ok i think I remember but i didn't want to jump off with what I was sensing insensitively.

The glass building and walls--indicates to me being able to see clearly into the situation regarding this man.

Speaking to the friend--getting counsel or advice regarding him....

From the outside--reminds me of the saying "from the outside looking in" which to me usually offers better insight/perspective on the situation at hand.

Back entrance--reminded me of a past matter or something from the past and that this situation was something you found yourself continually faced with entering. The only issue being that it caused more confusion than not (ie all the roads or choices/paths regarding the situation that you could take but were unsure where it would take you or would bring you).

The 180 ramp seems to be key--that the way out of this confusion is to do a 180 and head in the other direction completely.

Just my offering, praying God speaks to you sister and direct you according to His perfect will plans for your life. They are good plans! love u lots)
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Post by bella »

I confused myself. 180 is a straight line! Glad you knew what I was talking about. Should have said a hairpin bend :-)

And you were spot on about it being a past matter and it causing more confusion than not. Were you there? :-D

My lovely friends latest counsel is that I should try internet dating. Gag. But it worked for her. She and her husband are so well matched.

I don't know what this silver business is ... The name of the building. I had another dream where this guy handed me silver paper. I just don't get it. I also don't understand the significance of the gold coloured reception desks or boxes in the office.

Apparently God speaks to us in dream language that we can understand. I think I need to get reacquainted with my creative side because ima struggling here.

Appreciate your help here Keilani. It's helping me sort thru stuff.
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Post by keilani »

Lol @ were you there! Technically yes, I have been there and now looking back I can see that confusion was one key way of knowing that I needed to step back and leave it alone. I had to walk that one out and made lots of dumb choices along the way because when the heart is leading, even when you read scripture and try to listen, you hear EVERYTHING through the desire that is pulling strongest at you. And sadly enough, that is enough room for satan to deceive you and move you of course. I truly thank God for my praying family because had I proceeded in that direction, I see now my life would've been one big mess. Sometimes someone saying "no" vocally or through circumstances that produce more frustration and confusion is God's way of trying to keep you out of that mess.

After growing more in Him, I can look back and see where I missed it and what I should've done. My best piece of advice sister is to let the peace of God lead you. That peace is not moved by biological clocks, finances, or another's perception of you. It's not always easy but I see now what following His peace has produced compared to the life I had (even early in my marriage) where it was filled with anything BUT peace.

Trusting God to speak to you and lead you. And hey I tend to have an overly analytical mind (must be the science background) but walking by faith is a total departure from what we can reason naturally. For me, it required trusting God and trusting folk in general was very hard for me. He had to teach me that He was and IS trustworthy and that He would not hurt me, leave me or forsake me no matter what I said or did. God is good sister, praying He will lead you and teach you just like He did for me!

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Post by bella »

Keilani I had a good ponder of what you said. The thing with this guy just was really odd. Mixed signals all the way, friends encouraging all the way. Strange "only God could do this" events.

Despite all my friends' encouragement I was questioning it. God's limited to our wills.