Would like interpretation please....

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Would like interpretation please....

Post by Dreaming »

I dreamed that A man was looking for me. HE was walking to his silver car. He was holding golden keys. I noticed he was in deep thought. At that time, I knew that he was coming to look for me. This took place at night. He was coming from his apartment. Later the dream turned into me walking down the street, I looked back and saw his silver car at the corner of a street getting ready to make a right turn to where I was walking. It seemed as if I started to hide, and immediately went to look for my apartment. I kept going to different apartments thinking that maybe each one was for me. I went into one apartment and suddenly a man came in and told me it was not my apartment, then he pointed me to one. Anyway, Later I was talking with another man and he told me that my ex did not live in the same tattered apartments that I thought he was living in. At that moment I reached over and pulled up a vision of the apartment complex building that he once lived in. They where ridden with holes and raggedy. The frame of the apartment complex that he lived in now was nice. Anyway, I dreamed more that night, but I am not sure if it was a part of this dream. I am hoping and praying someone can interpret this for me. Thank you and God bless.
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Post by bjcollin »

What came to me as I was reading the dream was the song ... looking for love in all the wrong places ... Sorry, I know it isn't the most Godly of songs, but it is what I was hearing. I think this represents the past.

Silver car, redemption, Golden keys, access and authority, I think this represents the future and what your looking for. Apartments most often represent temporary dwelling places that we live in for a long season of our lives, aka during college or during our first working years until we move on to marriage and a house, etc. In this dream there is a searching going on for your own place and also a theme with the ex doing the same thing. There is some improvement (aka spiritual growth) that has been going on. It is God that provides the redemption from these situations, we just need to forgive and move on and press into God. Hope this helps.

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kind of confused...

Post by angel777 »

Hi, this is dreaming, aka angel777. Thank you for your help with my dream. I really appreciate it. When I read the part about the song, " looking for love in all the wrong places'" I did not understand ih my ex was looking for love in all the wrong places because he was looking for me, or since it was in thepast he had been looking for love in all the wring places, but now it's me he discovered he loved? (I listened to the whole song and it is so much like what I knew of him in the past, he seemed to be searching for some one he loved, he actually.told me he wanted.to be with someone he loved and someone who lived him. This was a year ago) I sure would appreciate any input. Thank you and God bless.
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Post by Realisticdreamz »

Hi Angel777,

Keep him, your ex, in the Lord's hands. I actually thought the newer place he lived could represent his changing and/or growing in the Lord. Perhaps it is a dream encouraging prayer for him so see it could make a difference for the better.

Let the Lord fulfill that void left and lead you to the proper place. :)
With love in Christ,

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
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Post by bjcollin »

Thank you for the IM.

How did you feel about the man in the silver car with the golden keys? To me in the dream this seems to represent the Lord who is here to redeem us and to get our lives moving forward (silver car) and it is He which gives us the authority and the keys to use for this (3 =God aka Father Son Holy Spirit, Keys = access and authority, Gold = Godly anointing). The rest of the dream seems to indicate that there is some redemption, repair, and some forgiveness that need to be addressed in the relationship.

Hope this helps clarify some.

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Post by angel777 »

I felt excited and as if God was doing something inhis life. Thee reason I felt excited and happy was because I knew tthat he was coming to look for me and for some reason when he was walking to his car in deep thought it seemed as if he where different. Me and have been prophesied.to in the past they we where ment to be together, but at that point I found it hard to believe because we both had issues. We both had hurt each other, but there was love there between us, but my drinking and his problems destroyed alot. I still love him and I ask God if he is who He would like me to marry. If so I would be very happy and amazed at How He works. I must admit I do believe that God is changing him, for some reason I just know that God is. I know that God has changed and is changing me miraculously. It is amazing. Thank you for the interpretations. God bless you.[/u]