Garbage truck Bus James

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Garbage truck Bus James

Post by bella »

I was a passenger on a bus. I was sitting up near the front on the opposite side of the aisle from the driver. As we were going along we could see a garbage truck ahead of us had hit a pedestrian because there was something sticking out the side of the bus. We started yelling to them to let them know there was something protruding from the truck which was taking people out.

Then we saw the two guys in the garbage truck were having fun. They knew what was happening and they were enjoying it.

Then, the two guys from the truck somehow managed to get on our bus through the back window and were making their way up the aisle to where we were at the front. They intended to harm us.

The driver of the bus was a guy I work with named James. James very quickly stopped the bus, got out of the drivers seat, turned to his bag which was hanging beside him, pulled out his gun and started shooting the men. Very accurate, confident shooting (he's a policeman in real life). But then he seemed to snap and he also started shooting each woman passenger at the front of the bus, one by one, starting on the other side from me, making his way towards himself, then turning to my side of the aisle and shooting the woman nearest him. I was next in line to be shot, but I closed my eyes and pretended to be "shot" by closing my eyes and dropping my head the way the others who'd been shot looked.

End of dream.

IRL James and I get on well. At first I was concerned the dream meant I couldn't trust him, but later realised it's to do with his name ... James means "usurper".
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Post by Grace »

If the bus represents a ministry than James may represent the leader of that ministry. The two guys may be persons that somehow make their way in through the back door so to speak. Their intentions are evil. The leader recognizes them for who they are and gets rid of them.But he snaps, trusts no one and starts targeting everyone.

I am just wondering if you are already seeing something like that happening and the Lord would just give you some insight in what happened in the life of a certain leader so that you might have empathy and help bring restoration.
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."Deut 31:6
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Post by SpecialK »

Someone may be trying to usurp your ministry(perhaps deliverance ministry). Because of the back door, has this happened to you in the past? If not, then it's a warning dream to be on the look out for someone who'll try and sabotage your ministry. You can pray against this.
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Post by bella »

Thanks for your responses ladies. Very helpful.

Grace there was stuff happening before this dream and a bit of a finale on the day directly following the dream.

I'm still not entirely sure of the exact interp, but it's to do with work.

I intend to stay put. Gods already told me when change will happen for me.

Maybe it's just saying to me to keep my head down and eyes closed until the danger passes?

What I'm also quite sure about is that the bus symbols, for me, are about work because my calling/ministry is in the 'world' not in the four walls of a church building. So that's good. Can now think of some other bus dreams and see if that helps bring clarity.
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Post by bella »

More stuff's been happening. I just reread my dream and have worked out who James represents. It's a woman who's been usurping the manager's authority (James means usurper) not the actual James at all (he's lovely).

She's taken out several previous staff members and she's been trying to take me out of the picture. I think it's finally backfired.