this made me wonder about my walk with The Lord

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this made me wonder about my walk with The Lord

Post by kingnme »

Hello all..just a question about these symbols together

standing in a convient store (seemed like I was going there a lot)

making and eating biscuits cutting them (cookie cutter) adding cream making sandwiches walking around with them in a plastic bag

it kinda was a LOT of small biscuits

going to and fro to my mother to see what she needs ...yet she's not pleased (as in nothing pleases her no matter what I do)
Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? micah 4:9
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Post by Palm »

It seems like the theme is getting what you need for yourself, making choices. You are being assertive and proactive.

In stores, people go to pick up what they need and want, and sometimes enjoy the process of choosing. They rarely seem literal in dreams -- more about decisions that need to be made in real life.

Baking special cookies -- you weren't afraid to make them (conceptual intake, items for consumption) exactly as you wanted them to taste. You didn't have restrictions in your head of -- oh no cholesterol, oh no sugar. You just made them, and kept them preserved and safe in a bag.

Could be nourishment (conceptual) or could be intake, consumption. From how it looks, you made choices for entertainment and activity rather than broccoli and fish -- working a second job, saving money, more frugal, more spiritual efforts.

That could tie in with your mum not being pleased -- that she either wanted to treat you special herself, or wanted you to get more serious about your goals and consumption. Your mum might not be herself -- she could be your church advising you to take things more seriously, or a nagging employer, or a voice in your head.