
Archives for 2013
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Post by kingnme »

Hi everyone.


F.O.A. honestly i cant remember any other particular scenarios in my dream other than this black TARANTULA

...it seemed like it was a dream about getting some answers to something i was inquiring about

..talking to different people about a results of something perhaps... just don't remember at all..

this tarantula just appears out of nowhere..

for every different person i was i was trying to get information from

THERE IT IS! creeping past...[shudder....]

in my mind in the dream...im thinking WHAT? is that spider doing...

just KAhR-EEPY


would you believe ANOTHER one just creeps up ..wOw?

it came right next to the first one ..then they sorta ..well to describe it so you can understand if you can imagine this

take both of your hands
and place it palm to palm with your fingers being its legs

so from the floor they connected together THAT WAY...

so i went into the archives before i stopped by here.

.i couldnt find anything a little more concrete

Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? micah 4:9

Post by Joshua »

being that it's a type of spider...the phrase WEB OF LIES comes to me sense you were "trying to get information from people"

just my opinion
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Post by bjcollin »

Tarantulas are ground dwelling spiders they do not make webs.
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Post by underhiswing »

The action seems to point to "breeding of lies", as they visually take a human breeding position (not the way spiders breed).
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Post by Palm »

Like a mirror image?

That's a hand motion for the kids' song, "Itsy bitsy spider."
Went up the water spout, then the rain washed him down, and he climbed up again. Brave resolve.

It could also show two teaming up as one to find the solution. But in your dream, it seemed lurking like a threat -- did it feel that way?

(Back in December... remember?)