jokes, animal, dry ground, africa

Archived Dreams from 2014
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jokes, animal, dry ground, africa

Post by sigmon2 »

Hi all, this is going to be weird but they appear connected though on two different days. Hope all are well.
The first happen day before yesterday and I was having a blacked out dream night. It's where I dream blackness then this dream pops in and goes, then I get blackness again.
So here it is....i go from blackness to sudden dream where me and another guy are saying against each other. I say his teeth are dirty and need to be brushed and he says your teeth are so dirty you could comb the yellow off. Then blackness. Then my brain is awake and soon after I open my eyes and get up.

I got this second dream that is strange. The dream starts with me and my daughter driving up to a house and getting out to go in. It dark outside. I hear screaming and my daughter goes up on the front porch and I started to Ho in but I remember the groceries in the truck. I still hear screaming and we get afraid as I started to go back to the truck for the food.
Around this hedge comes running a brownish sick, what I thought at first was a dog, but later look more like a lion cub but big. It was sickly. Sides sunk in but not totally. It came to me and I grabbed 2 sticks from somewhere and pushed it away. 3 times it tried to get to me. But not with snarling or growling or even with happiness. Finally it started chasing others down the street. They took off screaming as it went after them. I went for the food but had to go on the passenger side of the truck. Truck seem to be an old style kind. A tree, I believe a willow had its branches in the way and my daughter helped move them so I could get stuff out, and we started in.

Now here is where it changed. I am standing now in front of the truck with its hood up. I look around and everything is so very different. From green and nice though darker now in day lite but dry and like a severe drought happen. Dirty and hopelessness was there. Truck appeared broke. There was this tall white guy standing there with a water hose watering a grass less ground. To be honest it was like the water never made it to the ground. The water was so crisp and clear, clean, cool. The man was singing christian hymns. He was a singers! I was standing there listening to him in peace and calm in the midst such distress. Then I got past the singing and walked forward and saw the desolation. Everywhere was bad. Then. I begin to look at the scabby soil top and the leaf bushes and trees. I walk toward the steps of the house, the guy is there but I do not hear him now.
I see a sick elephant on the street in the distance. It begin to look like I was in a bad area of Africa. There were people but not to many. Then I turned to go in and I see the steps have like offerings on each step from top to bottom. Some where nice others, well. One little one I bent over and looked at it. I even picked it up and on a flat tin I saw what at first appeared to be rock, little and round. But I looked closer and decided in the dream that it was little pieces of poop.
Now I made it to the top and stepped into the doorway and I was rushed. I looked back and there was a long, long, long line of people. There were people working on the yard now with hand. Poor man hoes. A line of them digging crunching the dirt and clouds of dirt in the air. People working on other parts. The people in the line wanted my help. The first in line said their daughter was in need of first aid and they wanted Mt to take her into the house. Each in line had brought loved ones for me to bring in my home.
Then the dream started to fade as I stood there blocking the door at a loss at what to do.
Thanks for reading
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Post by sigmon2 »

Well, here goes my take....
Sick lion cub/big dog that scares people....bad news.
Man water singing christian church.
Area it takes community.
People....those non christian in my community.
The house was the Lord's
This was a spiritual insight dream.
Same story as the empty cups or other trouble in the community dreams. Just told in a different way so to help folks understand.
My church leadership refuses to hear the call to improve the church for the community. I am full of faults they are ok.
Part of the problem is no respect for me and the other part is the belief God does not use dreams anymore, only the bible and man speaking the bible nothing else.
I do not know how to reach them.
But the Lord loves them cause he keeps trying even with someone as unworthy as me.
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Post by sigmon2 »

Hi all,
Elephant...good stuff
Water....message of God
The request of the parents to me in the dream concerning the the young adults and youth.....can only be my Macedonia call
The different offerings were not for me but the Lord. They were of what the people had.

Thanks for reading
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It appears, my daughter in the dream might be her for real. She is very sick and may not be able to continue living where she does alone. She is getting closer to moving home. Had several dreams of this....
.i wonder if the sick/animal had to do with that seeing I have a room and could care for her. I was able to use sticks to make it go another way.
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Hi, tried to show how the timing of worship is and how boring it is with all talk. They refuse to believe anything is's all me. I am not right with God. Oh well.
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Forgpt...singing with prayer mixed in 13 minutes rounded up. talking - 63 minutes, silence - 15 minutes. After service go home come back next week. One hour and 15 minutes of talking before worship service also.
Nothing for kids or youth, no desire too. No community activities or outreach of any kind no desire too. There is a fear of the community by leadership. Baptismal so under used it's got damage from lack of use. Yet the Lord says this Church has a role to play in the community in the coming days. He loves them. Now if only they could see it.
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Was reading, came across this Ps 63:1 I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.
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Post by sigmon2 »

More good Lord stuff....

I spread out my hands to you; I thirst for you like a parched land.

So as we can see dry, parched land has a meaning for the un christian world.
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Post by sigmon2 »

so curious if the people coming at the end had something to do with getting their voice heard, church started a pastor search. but I wonder if they are looking for the same.....hmmmm
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Re: jokes, animal, dry ground, africa

Post by sigmon2 »

But I looked closer and decided in the dream that it was little pieces of poop.
I was busy thinking in a moment of thought and this came to me and I thought of dung. I looked it up and in the OT its part of the sin offering that is burnt up with the heifer. in the NT 2 places one its used around a unproducing tree for a year to help it before its cut down and the other is suffering loss of all things counted as loss. in this case it was an offering in the dream. I wonder what it will result in......
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry