over the mountain

Archived Dreams from 2014
Diamond Member
Posts: 1913
Joined: Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:53 pm

over the mountain

Post by spiritledd »

last day of school I was cleaning up after people and kept finding cake ...then a couple I know who got re-married IRL were outside and I was holding what looked like two bottles of heart shaped perfume connected at at openings they were beer bottle green I...I was suspicious about drink so I smelled one was alcohol ...husband said don't say anything ok? ...evidently wife re-lapsed and he was hiding it ...then I was gliding sliding on a golden trail ...it was kinda like a half tunnel like what luge ......came to spot I have seen many times before in dream I took off flying and was flying over water ...then I saw a mountain that had man made big pipes or tanks in it ...could not fly above it like so many times before ...pipetanks were yellow with green ribs sticking out were they connected