Revolving Neck

Archived Dreams from 2014
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A Warrior's Heart
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Revolving Neck

Post by A Warrior's Heart »

In this dream, I saw a young girl who turned her neck all the way around. Visual description- basically the back of her head was on the front of her body (where face belongs) and the front on the back. I had feelings of worry and I thought that she may have broken her neck. She seemed to be playing some kind of game with her neck. She turned her neck/face back around but I told her sternly not to do this again. Any thoughts? I love the new look of the board! Wonderful!
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Re: Revolving Neck

Post by firewater »

I saw a young girl {Something that is not fully mature.} who turned her neck {It's interesting that you say "turned her neck" instead of "turned her head". The head which is designed to have headship (eg Nerve messages come from the head; and Christ is head of the Church. But in this case it seems the neck is having headship has headship} all the way around. Visual description- basically the back of her head was on the front of her body (where face belongs) and the front on the back {The head is now facing the opposite direction to the body}. I had feelings of worry and I thought that she may have broken her neck {The body losing ability to receive instructions from the head - very serious.}. She seemed to be playing some kind of game with her neck {Not taking things as seriously as she should - still immature}. She turned her neck/face back around but I told her sternly not to do this again{It's interesting how you interact with the dream here. It seems clear you sensed this was not a good thing.}.

I assume she wasn't walking or otherwise moving when she did this.(?)

I am wondering if this relates to your church, small group, or a ministry or Christian organisation you may be involved in or praying for. My gut feel is that the thrust of the dream is not about you personally, but I would not exclude this.

The neck should simply be a connection point between the head & the body. In the context of your dream, this could symbolise a prayer group/meeting, intercessors & prophets as they have this kind of function. People praying pass requests to the head (Jesus), & prophets pass messages from the head to the body. Jesus is the chief shepherd 1 Pe 5:4 & pastors sit as undershepherds having responsibility for the church, so the senior pastor is meant to represent Christ to the church. So he hs the authrity of the Head.

I wonder if this dream may be refering to some immaturity in a prayer/prophetic ministry where it is attempting to some extent to steer the pastor (Christs representative & also therefore Christ), rather than functioning as a healthly connection to him. In a local church context this means for example that if a prophet/intercessor receives a word & the pastor doesn't have a peace about it, then the prophet should accept this in submission & move on rather than trying to still re-deliver the word or variations of it (I have done this!!), or try everything possible to try & force the pastor to see things his way (I have done this too!!). It is possible that the pastor got it wrong, but that is between him/her & God. It's a matter of the prophet/intercessor trusting God - that Jesus is Lord & this won't stiop His will from beng done, & resting in that.
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Re: Revolving Neck

Post by rarara »

Hi Warriors Heart

When I first read your dream I kept thinking of an owl. You know how they can turn their head almost all the way round?

I could only find stuff in the dream language that did not add up to what I was thinking.

I'm not saying that I am right but what Keilani has just posted on Sharing His Fruit from Kris Valloton sums up Much Better what I was trying to express.

I kept thinking that if God made the owl He made it for a purpose and to also reflect His Glory in some way even its behaviour is weird at first to us and makes us uncomfortable; anyway the talk by Kris us well worth a listen even if this is irrelevant.

Shalom, rarara