my Daddy

Archived Dreams from 2014
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my Daddy

Post by shine »

I just requested prayer for my Dad. . .here's my dream from this a.m.

I'm on shore next to a pond ~ looking @ my dad. He's on a boat & quickly throws this really huge tarp from the boat onto the water (weirdly, I was worried that a whale in the water might have just gotten hurt). Then my dad is in the water, appeared to be drowning but didn't. Then he's on shore & steps closer to the water & lays down. . .he immediately starts sinking into the mud (like quicksand). . .I slid a rowboat over to him so he could grab it & I would pull him out of the mud with it. A man appeared near him to help him grab hold of the boat then I pulled him to safety.

THEN right after he's safe - same dream - 2 people (I think a man & a woman) walk up to me holding my glasses out for me. Saying that I don't remember having gotten knocked down & my glasses had been broke. (think they implied I had been unconscious) I was thinking I just had been having trouble seeing. kind of astounded I accepted my glasses back.
Whew - ! ? ~ so is that like saying now I can see again?!! My dad is about to have surgery for a spot of cancer on his bladder. He says he's not worried. I live a few states away, so for some reason family doesn't always tell me whats going on. . .he said he wanted to tell me about the condition cuz he didn't want me to be mad if I didn't hear it from him.

feeling the desire to go pray now!
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Post by shine »

The update for my dad - his surgery showed that he had a tumor. . .so after testing etc over a matter of about 4 weeks, my dad made the decision to have his bladder removed. He initially said that if cancer was already spreading through his body, then he would opt to let it run its course rather than to have a prolonged battle with chemo & end up losing battle.
When they removed the bladder, they routinely remove the prostate & lymph nodes. Upon biopsying all, a microscopic pinch of cancer was in one of the nodes. The Dr.'s think this will be a cancer that can be succesfully beaten. . .but Daddy put more importance on what my sister found out (she's in the medical field) and the Dr's she knew thought so too. So now he is doing chemotherapy!

Had a scare though. . .Robin Williams committed suicide the day before daddy went in to have bladder removed. When I visited him, just us alone, he talked to me about how Robin Williams---seemed like Daddy was leaning towards that route if necessary. I was quick to tell him I didn't vote that way!!! At any rate, his recovery has had some ups & downs. . . but once his appetite came back and all, he is doing so much better. My dad's attitude is great (except for that lull right after surgery). He is now on chemo, about to take his 2nd round.

When I visited the next time, I did leave a book about the bible. . .the history within. I hope he has found it by now. I also strategically placed "God's Not Dead" movie with their movies. . .still not sure if he's seen that. I left it with the back of the dvd showing - so that might draw him in before the title would scare him away.

All this to say. . . when i spoke with him on the phone last night. . .he said "there's a reason I'm going thru all this." Shocked me. . .I plan to call today and ask him what he thinks the reason is. So if you have read this far, say a prayer please. I love my Dad sooo much and want him to be saved! Dad has the best attitude in the world. . .I just want him to advance to where he has the mind of Christ!
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Hope in Christ
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Post by Hope in Christ »

Blessings to you and your family
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Post by shine »

thank you Hope in Christ! I did talk to him tonight, but didn't broach the subject of what he meant. . .he was a little tired. But at least with him saying that, I know that (Holy spirit) is trying to draw him near. I know he is around other saved people at times. We all work together 8)
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Re: my Daddy

Post by shine »

My daddy had successfully beaten that cancer. Then this past June, something started happening - like an intestinal block - but it wasn't. Everytime he'd get tested he'd go off the blood thinner medicine for a couple of days. This eventually led to an a-fib stoke. In rehab. then they did a reversible surgery intestinal. Now he has had another stroke. Tests show that he will not regain throat muscle movement, nor the right side of his body movement. He has chosen to go home and not be tube fed anymore. I'm heading there tomorrow to be with him and rest of family. Please pray for my father's salvation. Thank You!
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Hope in Christ
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Re: my Daddy

Post by Hope in Christ »

So sorry Shine, praying for your father, and your family, he sounds like a very dear man. Peace and comfort to you all. In Christ's love, hope
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.❤
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Re: my Daddy

Post by shine »

Well, Daddy passed away on the 29th of November - my mama passed away on the 18th of November. Soo - Dad was only 2 days older than mama, he lived on this earth 13 days more than mama. They had both been remarried - with my step dad passing about 12 years ago. My step-mom is devastated right now.
One of my dad's employees had told me (for a sign) to be on the look out for a feather. Last night @ work, a co-worker came to our department needing paperwork signed by my d.m. I asked her why she had decided to wear feather earrings today. . .she said she didn't know - she had just worn them. (they didn't match her necklace or clothes :) ) I let her know both my parents had passed away last month and that someone had told me to look for a feather - seeing two - maybe that was a hello from both my parents :)

Anyways, here is dream from early this morning:

Today at 4:45 AM
Daddy was singing to me. The first sentence he sang didn’t quite make sense, but the rest did. He was singing to me that he was with the Lord.
In the dream, I was excited and looking forward to get to tell my sister . . .I was going to ask her if she thought it was possible he could sing even after he had been embalmed.

In dream ~ I was alone with dad - we were outside. There was some glue or something along the jaw/chin line. So I was washing it off with some cleanser on a cloth or something. I remembered it didn’t matter if I used too much pressure to get it off, since he was already passed. I turned to rinse out cloth and he began to sing.

I wish I could remember the words to the song. But he definitely sang “Lord” and that he was with him (meaning daddy was now with the Lord). . .maybe about 2 stanzas of that song in a soft-medium voice (saying Lord throughout song). When he was done, I remember looking at his face and his eyes were still closed. In the dream, I wasn't aware of the huge significance of what he was singing. . .but I am now! Definitely know this was from Dad. . .I rarely say "Lord". . .I usually say God, Jesus, or Holy Spirit.

I am so glad God gave me this dream!!! Comments, edification, interpretations, always appreciated :)
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