killing man in my hotel room, fountain, visit w/family

Archived Dreams from 2014
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killing man in my hotel room, fountain, visit w/family

Post by allforHim »

i went to visit my niece somewhere out of our states. I flew to a nice hotel to stay and meet her at her request. the hotel was brand new. i could smell new carpet, etc.

I'm in main lobby looking for her. I hear a water fountain somewhere...behind me to the left, i turn and see it's a tall tiered fountain, beautiful. I turn back to face a partial wall in front of me. its more like a divider wall with opening to the right. my niece walks out from behind it as i am walking to right to see on other side of it. I see my sister with whom I am (in real life at odds with and who does not want to speak to me or have anything to do with me even after I went to her for reconciliation over a year ago). My sister is dressed in a black shiny trench coat. In real life, this is not her style at all. She ignores me blatantly and her demeanor seems smug. My niece walks out from next to her. she is wearing her long hair back in a tight shiny bun, low on back of her head. she is also wearing a black jacket...but it is entirely too small on her...almost bollero-style, but still doesn't fit well at all. its matte black. It almost looked like she was trying to dress like my sister; i couldn't tell if she was trying to do it intentionally or not.

I was very mad at her. down right angry. She said, "oh yeah, I'm gonna hang out with your sister instead". It was fine for her to hang out with my sister, but I was so mad that she asked for me to fly down to visit her and then be thrown to the wayside without any apologies or consideration at all. they were already hanging out, shopping. but they never purchased anything.

I turned to go back to my room. I wasn't even unpacked. I figured I'd just turn around and fly back home. I'm still mad at how she handled it. It seemed odd to me.

as i approached my room, corner left room, end of hall to the far left, ground level, right next to window, I could see under the door--shadow of someone in my room! not room service bc door was closed, locked. I could see in my mind's eye that this man was going thru my suitcase! Why?!! I suddenly had...(this is sooo weird here, sorry, truly weird...) an over sized hand-held emulsifier in my right hand as my weapon. No clue where it came from. i just suddenly had it. it was silver at blade part and gold on handle/electric cord end. I could envision in a cartoon-like vision using it on this invader's face: the blades would catch on his face twisting him up like a loose piece of cloth caught in it. No fear over what to do. I was ready.

I was ever so quietly waiting outside the door. I saw my shadow on the floor almost reaching under the door. the door bottom was about 2-3 inches from floor. I knew he was suddenly looking under the door. i held still. I could never do this in real life ever! Then he got up and continued. I could further see in my mind's eye that he suddenly went from being in all blackish figure/clothes, to being in a button down blue and black plaid shirt, long sleeves. He was now either rearranging or removing items from a service cart.

Then someone came up behind me, another resident of the hotel, to merely enter the stairs behind and to the right of me...parallel to the hallway. they were noisy. I thought for sure the intruder would open the door to look and find me out. I held up the hand was bigger than ever now, turned on and twirling, but silent. it was like long and thick as my arm, if not thicker or longer!

I woke up. I haven't had an intense dream as this in a while. It was very detailed to me.
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Post by allforHim »

the bolero jacket sticks out to me too.
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Post by allforHim »

...and...I remembered: when i saw man going thru my suitcase, i was at peace. I knew that I had nothing questionable in it... like, i didn't have my fancy clothes, nothing valuable like jewelry or anything to be stolen, etc. Just my regular jeans, tshirts, sweaters, etc. Only what was necessary for the trip.
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Re: killing man in my hotel room, fountain, visit w/family

Post by allforHim »

thot i'd bump it for another look. :)
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Re: killing man in my hotel room, fountain, visit w/family

Post by allforHim »

bumping again...over year old dream