Surrounded by demons but Mouthing Scriptures

Archived Dreams from 2016
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Surrounded by demons but Mouthing Scriptures

Post by osutina »

Hello All:
I had a dream where I seen zillions and zillions of demons. It was like looking out into an ocean of endless demons except it wasn't an ocean. I assumed maybe it was hell because there was no sun, grass, etc. there was fire though. I was in a circle or semi circle with other believers around me but it wasn't many of us. I couldn't look to the right or left. I was floating, had on a light blue or white dress on, and had a glow on me. My mouth was wide open and scriptures of the bible were coming out of my mouth and landing on the demons. Once they landed on the demons, the demons disappeared then the next set of demons would step forward and the same thing happened. The scriptures would come out of the pit of my being and land on the demons causing them to disappear. This just kept going on until I woke up. I was not afraid because I knew I was protected by God. Any assistance with an interpretation is so appreciated.

Many Blessings On You All... Amen!
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Re: Surrounded by demons but Mouthing Scriptures

Post by RevK »

I had a dream where I seen zillions and zillions of demons. It was like looking out into an ocean of endless demons except it wasn't an ocean. I assumed maybe it was hell because there was no sun, grass, etc. there was fire though. I was in a circle or semi circle with other believers around me but it wasn't many of us(a). I couldn't look to the right or left(b)). I was floating, had on a light blue or white dress on, and had a glow on me. My mouth was wide open and scriptures of the bible were coming out of my mouth and landing on the demons.(c) Once they landed on the demons, the demons disappeared then the next set of demons would step forward and the same thing happened. The scriptures would come out of the pit of my being (d)and land on the demons causing them to disappear. This just kept going on until I woke up. I was not afraid (e) because I knew I was protected by God.
(a)Matthew 18:20'For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them'.
(b) Proverbs 24:26'Watch the path of your feet And all your ways will be established. 27Do not turn to the right nor to the left'
(c)Luke 10:19 'Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you'.
(d)John 7:38 'He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water'.
(e)John 14:27'Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid'.
I believe this is an assuring dream from GOD, that He is with you to help and protect you from the enemy (the devil). The greatest thing to know is that HE is with you! I didn't really interpret this one, perhaps someone has more to offer, I just felt to give scriptures. Bless your heart! :) :) :)
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Re: Surrounded by demons but Mouthing Scriptures

Post by bjcollin »

Love this dream! I would take it pretty literally. No enemy can over take you as long as you're protected by God and His Word within you sends them to flight. Cool
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Re: Surrounded by demons but Mouthing Scriptures

Post by osutina »

Wow! Yes and Amen!! What you both said was exactly what I needed to hear. I am truly thankful for your response. What an AMAZING GOD we serve! Thanks again.