Basset Hound

Archived Dreams from 2016
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Basset Hound

Post by fairheart »

Hi everyone! This is my first post on this site. Thanks for any wisdom you can give for this short dream.

There was a large basset hound dog lying on my kitchen floor. I was going to shoo it away. It spoke and said in a defiant tone, "I'm not going anywhere." In the dream I gave up easily and left it alone.

I do believe this is something the Lord wishes to remove as He has shown it to me, and whatever this is from the enemy or my own sin nature doesn't wish to leave. It also appears that I certainly gave up, like I knew I wasn't going to win, or almost as if I had tried before but been unsuccessful.
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Re: Basset Hound

Post by bjcollin »

Howdy fairheart,

Welcome to the Tehillah Dreams board!

First a story with zero relation to your dream... A few years ago, I was on a missions trip in Piedras Negras Mexico with some fine young people from Streams Ministries, when we were ministering at a small spirit filled church near the mission where we were staying. Since there was no A/C in this particular church, they left the windows and doors open to get some breeze. I was sitting in almost the very back of this church by the door when a large Basset Hound decided to come into the church and plop himself down in the middle of the aisle. For a while he was just sitting there as if he was watching the service which was cute. What wasn't so cute was when he decided that he had enough of the service so he rolled over, opened up his legs and started licking his private parts right in the middle of the church! The look on the ushers and deacons faces as they saw it and then as they tried to shoo the dog out the door and he was not budging just laying there using his weight to try and stay while they were dragging him out was hilarious... I was biting my tongue cracking up laughing and my wife was smacking the heck out of me for laughing. I know this is probably sad for me and my weird sense of humor, but it was one of my better memories of that missions trip. There were other good memories of that trip and good Godly things that happened on that trip, but that one memory kinda sticks with me. Just wanted to share.

Many times in dreams we feel one way or another about certain symbols, and that is ok as God speaks to each of us individually in language that we can understand and work out with Him so that we can deepen our relationship with Him while we are pressing in for the meanings. To me a basset hound is a wonderful companion dog with a keen sense of smell. They are low and slow and loveable. Dog's as symbols can be representative of loyal friends. So to me I would not see the basset hound in your dream as a bad symbol. Yes, pets in general can be symbolized as pet sins, but not always, for me those are generally cats in my dreams. The symbols are not strict guidelines, they are just suggestions, only God has the real answer as to what the basset hound in your dream means and if you press into Him, He will show you. In the next part of your dream, the basset hound tells you that it is not going anywhere... There are a couple of options on this, if you feel that this is basset hound represents a spirit in your dream, then what is being conveyed is that there is legal ground in place that allows that spirit to sit and stay right where it is at in your life and it will resist being told to leave. So in deliverance ministry, what we do is have you remove that legal ground first, then we take spiritual authority and command the spirit to leave in Jesus Name. For example, if the spirit is there due to a door of un-forgiveness, we ask the person to forgive and then we pray to remove the legal ground and then pray commanding the spirit that is holding on to come out. So what I really want to ask you first, is why you feel that this basset hound represents something bad in your life? What is it that you feel needs removing? What is the legal ground or open door that allows it to remain and hold there? Can you release that? Hope this is making some sense. I never know where people are at spiritually when they first join our board and I do not want to make assumptions.

God Bless you

in Christ,
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Re: Basset Hound

Post by rarara »


I just want to say that I like what B J Collin said. Basset hounds just make me laugh. They represent for me a good kind of stubbornness and also wisdom because of their adorable saggy face. Basset comes from the Latin word for low which could mean humble too. Hounds are known for chasing after things. The famous poem The Hound of Heaven is perhaps one example of this.

Kitchen is the "heart of the home" and so could mean your heart. Sometimes the things we carry in our heart are there for a reason we cannot figure out with our natural wisdom.

I want to respect, as B J does, that you may not see this dream this way and of course that is OK. :)

Dogs lying stubbornly on the floor are HEAVY. Burdens are heavy and I am wondering if this is not something or someone in your life that you feel a heavy responsibility and a deep love for. They are not going anywhere and you would not want them to but His burden is light because He has borne it for you. You are not alone if you have Him. And He does not want you to carry it alone either.

I haven't been active on the Board for quite a while but this dream caught my eye.

All just my thoughts of course.

God bless,

rarara, Angela
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Re: Basset Hound

Post by fairheart »

Thank you Brian and Angela for your thoughts on my dream. I enjoyed reading them immensely! The funny thing is that we used to have a Basset Hound and I love them. They are so funny and quirky! I really don't view dogs in a negative manner, and this one wasn't mean, but I had a feeling that it could be if pushed. One other characteristic of Basset Hounds is that they are stubborn, and this one certainly was. I couldn't understand exactly what the Lord was saying to me with this dream so I prayed about it, thought I would list it on this site and shelve it until it was revealed to me. I will try to make this story short. I have had some medical issues for about 5 years now, painful joints and fatigue after an illness. I have been on anti-inflamatories since then, with more than one unsuccessful attempt to get off of them. I had been taking them along with all the natural joint vitamins etc. to help and I decided to once again try to get off of the anti-inflammatories, a few days after having this dream. Well, lets just say I had similar results as the previous attempts and it was difficult to do basic tasks without pain and stiffness. I told my husband that I just couldn't do it, that this was no quality of life and that I was going to just take them again. Then Holy Spirit brought this dream to my mind and I realized then what it was about. That hound was the pain and joint issues that I had accepted as part of my life, thinking that it couldn't be changed, and Brian, the HS showed me I had given it permission to be there because of my acceptance. The next morning I got before the Lord, broke all ties with it, told it that it was not welcome and had to leave in the name of Jesus! I did not take the anti-inflammatories and have not for a week now PTL! Perhaps the Lord has more to show me on this subject, I am not sure yet cause Angela, I thought of the kitchen being my heart as well. Maybe I thought in my heart that my situation couldn't change so it was a stronghold? Anyway, this dream had a totally different meaning than I would have ever thought but am so thankful that it was revealed to me! God bless you for your input and help :)
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Re: Basset Hound

Post by bjcollin »

Glad to have helped. When reading your response, I remembered that sometimes certain people call pain their "old friend" when they have chronic pains, it reminded me of the basset hound very friendly but yet stubborn and not wanting to go. Praying in agreement that basset hound needs to go in Jesus Name!
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Re: Basset Hound

Post by fairheart »

Yes, thank you Brian :)