worship music dream

Archived Dreams from 2016
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worship music dream

Post by Joshua116 »

dream took place in some wilderness area in the middle of nowhere

i saw some trucks, pickup trucks full of people and i felt i was with some people in one too

there were lots of people

just a flat out worship experience somehwere, a place of trees, a valley, a mountain, camping site perhaps

then the dream changed to me being in the shower alone and leading a worship song with people outside my shower following in singing

i dreamt this the other day when i wasn't even happy with god, had been frustrated about things then oddly last night at Small Group, they felt the need to lay hands on me and prayed over me about things like my personality and calling

i didn't even initiate this
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Re: worship music dream

Post by bjcollin »

showers in dreams are often showing times of personal preparation. Pickup trucks are work trucks, i.e. lots of people are looking for their vocation and calling. The wilderness is just that, the wilderness and wandering in our lives where God refines us and prepares us for entry into the promised land. There is more to worship than just personally enjoying God in the wilderness or in the great outdoors. Worship starts from within us. Hope this helps shed some light, although I think you already had an idea about it based on your last statement. You think the prayers are stirring up some things within you?
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Re: worship music dream

Post by Joshua116 »


yeah i don't want to disappoint, fall short of their prayers, their 'prophecying into' statements

i know or i feel that i don't have enough social interaction in my life

i don't know if i need to DO more at the Church that my Small Group is a part of, join me groups, something

i have my crazy work schedule to consider too