He wrote "FINISHED"

Archived Dreams from 2017
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He wrote "FINISHED"

Post by chrisy »

It is normal in my business for two or more small businesses to team up to bid on potential opportunities. After many years of challenges, the Lord blessed me through a teaming arrangement with another small business about three years ago. The owner of that small business is Mr. X. A few weeks ago I had the following dream.


I was in what I knew to be Mr. X's office space. It felt like the ground floor of a huge building. I was sitting in the conference room. The conference table was very long and sitting on the other side of it and away from me was a young man who I knew had a meeting with Mr. X.

I look through the conference room entrance into the wide sort of vacant office space and saw Mr. X walking nonchalantly going somewhere. I wondered why Mr. X was treating the young man so badly. The scene changed.

Mr. X was now sitting in the conference room - facing the young man. I was sitting away from them, close to its entrance. They spoke to each other... discussed something. Suddenly, the young man leaned his body to the left, placed his right hand up to the knot of his tie (to his neck) and angrily said/asked Mr. X, "So what color tie do you want me to wear?" (Apparently the young man felt affronted by his discussion with Mr. X.)

The young man then wrote on a notepad with finality. It seemed as if the notepad magically was up to my face so that I could see what he wrote. I saw written in pencil and very large uppercase letters the word 'FINISHED".

Any ideas/thoughts, anyone?
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Re: He wrote "FINISHED"

Post by chrisy »

Any ideas, anyone?
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Re: He wrote "FINISHED"

Post by bjcollin »

sounds like Mr. X has the potential to become big in his business and he is currently on the ground floor of his business so to speak... however there seems to be some problems that he has been facing. It is either that the problems are finished or that he is finished, hard to tell. Hope this gets you started.

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Re: He wrote "FINISHED"

Post by chrisy »


You said:
"...he is currently on the ground floor of his business so to speak..."
I didn't think about that... thank you!

"...however there seems to be some problems that he has been facing."
Can you please elaborate?

The feeling I got was that Mr. X was disrespectful to the young man - firstly, he showed no respect for the fact that the young man was there waiting on him while he went about nonchalantly doing "whatever"... Secondly, it seems as if the "situation" was exacerbated by what he said to the young man. Hence the young man wrote "FINISHED".

Think that I am beginning to get an idea of the dream's meaning...

Do you think that the "young man" symbolizes something?

Thank you!
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Re: He wrote "FINISHED"

Post by bjcollin »


I am not sure on the symbolism of the young man... he could represent Jesus or he could represent the younger generation. Either way, it seems that Mr. X is the cause of his own problems and that could be what is keeping him small. Hope this helps some more...
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Re: He wrote "FINISHED"

Post by chrisy »

Thank you, BJ.

Just a quick note - Mr. X's business is "small" as defined by the government. He makes several millions a year and has more than 70 employees. He has been doing quite well for many, many years. Mr. X is a "christian" and a couple of years ago, he told me how the Lord blessed him when he first started. I was warned by a devout Christian sister who knows and works for him that I shouldn't trust Mr. X or anyone at his office. Please note that I didn't tell her about my dream.

When I think of a "young" man, I think about someone's son... Thank you!!! I think I get it!!!

As I am writing this, what suddenly pops in my mind is "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin." The Lord blessed Mr. X and, unknown to Mr. X, the Lord sent his messenger/"Son" to evaluate him. Mr. X treated him badly from the beginning to the end. In my dream, the Lord shows Mr. X as someone who thinks that he is all powerful and in control of everyone - even one who is not his employee (the young man). The Lord shows that his feeling of "power" knows no bounds and he is out of control. Like King Belshazzar, he was "weighed" and found to be "wanting" and the Lord is going to bring it to an end. It is "FINISHED".

Thank you!!! The Lord gave you the nuggets to drop and the Holy Spirit completed it. What an experience I'm having tonight. Praise the Lord and bless HIs Holy Name!!!
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Re: He wrote "FINISHED"

Post by bjcollin »

Small is in the eyes of the beholder... The particular company I work for is not much larger than that business, but it is what you make of it in the business of course. In Govt businesses, the definition is business size definition is only important because of what you are allowed to bid on for your size and what you are allowed to be awarded... if you get too big then you can end up hurting yourself if the growth is not there to support it or vice versa you can stay small and just curb your company income potential to small contracts etc. Remember that dreams are only very rarely about the business sides of things, I have found that the most often thing that God is interested in are the spiritual sides of things. I would just let the dream play out and see if God confirms things to you on it or not, then let God correct you and use the experience to be able to better able to tune in to what He has for you to do like pray for Mr. X or for Mr. X's business. Hope this helps, sounds like you have a good handle on this dream.
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Re: He wrote "FINISHED"

Post by chrisy »

Thanks, BJ.

This is the second dream. First was a confirmed warning over a year ago.

Anyway, thanks again!

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Re: He wrote "FINISHED"

Post by chrisy »

So many times we have dreams, obtain the interp and leave it at that...

Well, here I am to state that the fulfilment of this dream occurred. The dream accurately prophesied what was going to happen. Mr. X behaved so badly that the contracting officer told me that I should NEVER team with his firm again. The contract is FINISHED and, as far as I am concerned, all teaming with his firm is FINISHED. He did so many awful and disrespectful things that one of the agency's employees described him as "mad". He was proud, arrogant, disrespectful and behaved as though he was a god and people should "bow" to him. NOTHING related to the future of the new solicitation for that contract worked for him - in other words, it was FINISHED for him.

Brothers and sisters in Christ - please heed the dreams that the Lord gives to you. Those dreams will guide your footsteps and prepare you for future events. God is good and He protects His children. I was not blindsided. I was not derailed. I looked on in amazement as what the Lord showed me unfolded before my very eyes.

Praise the Lord for He is good!!!!! All praise and glory to the Most High God - the ONLY Creator - and to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
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Re: He wrote "FINISHED"

Post by ispeaktheword »
