Ancestry Sin

Archived Dreams from 2018
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Ancestry Sin

Post by WingsofHealing »

October 10, 2016 ~~ I am sharing this for prayer. Spirits keep coming back and and I am so tired. Shalom to you ~~
My son Charles had a dream (he has the most intense dreams, and this one was:
Nov 8/9 / 2014
In my dream I woke up from my bed in the middle of the night. I went into the kitchen. Joseph appeared at the backdoor and came in. He was a younger version of himself and his eye wasn't messed up. I turned around and another one of him appeared out of nowhere by the microwave. I freaked out bc something wasn't right. The second Joseph came in the living room and jumped on the entertainment center and just froze in place. The other one was lying motionless on the couch. Another little kid was in the room. I think it was Phil or Dan. I yelled for mom and dad to come check this out. My mom came in and told my dad something was messed up between heaven, hell, and earth. It was like something was wrong with a portal. Dad grabbed his bible and started reading through it, like he was trying to find an answer to this problem. I looked/walked out back in the yard and there was a huge thick white wall in the middle of the yard. I didn't look up to see the top but I believe it was 100s of feet tall. I think it was about 6ft thick and 20 ft wide. My mom was out there looking at the wall too. I think my dad was on the porch. I think the next cat that came back was Samantha. We weren't letting them in. It was like they were demons or something that weren't supposed to be here. Stuff rising from the dead and multiple versions of them seemed bad since we knew it really wasn't them. They were something else. I came back in. I felt like something was trying to get into the house. I looked out the front screen door and saw nike and some other cats just show up out of nowhere. There was an orange feral cat and another orange less threatening cat at the door too. The feral cat wanted in and was hissing at me. I started hissing back at it and hitting the screen door to get it away. There was a tear in the metal door too, like from an old rust spot. I opened the door briefly and looked under the AC and cinnamon wanted to come inside. I pushed her away and shut the door and looked at mom and said "it happened." Cinnamon is here. I then started looking in my computer for viruses. It was like this was happening bc there was viruses/curse on my computer. We started running all kinds of scans and pop up windows started appearing. It was like whatever was doing this didn't want to be found. We kept trying to fix it but nothing was showing up. I thought maybe I asked mike since he knows computers. He asked me questions about software I had on to remove the virus.
He then logged into a website or software that used an outside computer to scan my computer rather than have my computer scan itself.

His login was~~mikeknowseverything~~and the password was~~ imgrade2leveltoo

I Woke up with the word David or King David in my head. Saw a guy with an image of a crown.
May we ALL FIND the healing in the Lords wings and be still to absorb all we can.