short rental car dream

Archived Dreams from 2018
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short rental car dream

Post by Joshua116 »

i recently dreamed that i and my friend Greg who i met in Church group were driving these rental cars

i say "rental car" only because at the end of the dream we took the cars 'back' somewhere

Greg walked ahead of me into the building and then as i was about to walk through the door, a young lady walked out

this young lady is someone i've asked the Lord about many times

her name is Lauren and i had first met/became aware of her existence the same way i met Greg, through Church group

she is the same person i talked about in my last dream about pouring grapes on somebody:

viewtopic.php?f=2&t=39996&p=197533&hili ... es#p197533
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Re: short rental car dream

Post by male4christ »

Perhaps you, Greg, and Lauren are on a journey to guard what God has entrusted you with. You all may be on your way towards owning something or taking on a greater role in ministry. You & Greg may need to set a budget to get ahead in what Gods calling you. As you seek the Lord and fellowship at his table remember to feed each other encouraging words and cover each other by the washing of water of the Word and by the blood of the lamb.

Pray for understanding