Looking for new residence.

Archived Dreams from 2018
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Looking for new residence.

Post by lynadvs »

I have had reoccurring where i was looking for a new house or apartment.
Some dreams played out very similar. Others played out differently but felt the same as the others.
What could this mean?
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Re: Looking for new residence.

Post by bjcollin »

What were some of the differences between the repetitive versions of the dream? Sometimes that is the clue that you are getting closer to the dream coming to pass. My first thought is just simply moving forward in your relationship with the lord and growth spiritually.
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Re: Looking for new residence.

Post by lynadvs »

Once I looked at a place that looked shabby on the outside and was turned off by its appearance. I went inside and the place was huge very clean and absolutely gorgeous.
Most if the time i am driving around looking for a place and stumble upon this hidden semi abandoned neiborhood. Sometime I am not looking for anything - just driving. All the apartments in that neighborhood were the same. They were brick buildings each had four apartments. Some were occupied most were not.
Sometimes I would go in and look around sometimes i would just hurry to find my way out of the neighborhood.
When i would go inside my conclusion would be the same.
The apartments were rather dingy and needed alot of work, however the apartments were huge and they had a good foundation.