
Archived Dreams from 2018
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Post by militantone »

Hello all, saw a Menorah and all the dream said was " The Menorah is for people who..." Then the dream ended. Didn't quite catch the last part of the sentence. It was not lit but just the Menorah itself. Any thoughts on this?
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Re: Menorah

Post by bjcollin »

Just some info... The traditional menorah or candle stand was used as the only source of light in the Tabernacle and the Temple. It's a spiritual representation of the Holy Spirit (aka the 7 manifold spirit of God) which is to be continually present in our lives. The light illuminates the path to the Holy of Holies which held the presence of God (represented by the Ark). My advice is go research the menorah in the Bible.
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Re: Menorah

Post by PastorJKG »

Yes it is an invitation to seek out the rest of the sentence in God. Find out who it is for and become that person. I love these type of dreams.