DREAM: Two Blind dogs

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DREAM: Two Blind dogs

Post by eyes.enlightened »

DREAM: I was alone on an elevator that was going upwards. The elevator stop on a floor and I saw (2) blind dogs come on. This is all I remember about the dream. I’m wondering what this dream is trying to say to me?

Your thoughts are appreciated?
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Re: DREAM: Two Blind dogs

Post by bjcollin »

What type of dogs? What were the dogs doing on the elevator? Did they just enter or did they enter and turn around and sit down or what were they doing on the elevator?

The reason I ask is that In my past dreams dogs have represented everything from my self personality (black lab puppy), close friends, and guardian protectors (both good and bad). It all depended on the type of dog and what they were doing in the dream. Also it depends on whether or not you're a dog or a cat person. Also, the blind part is interesting to me meaning that they are either not able to see what is going on or that they have been blinded to something. So I am feeling that in your dream that could be good that the enemy can't see you while your being lifted up.

Hope this helps,
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Re: DREAM: Two Blind dogs

Post by eyes.enlightened »

Hi Bj,

I really didn’t noticed what type of dogs and I am a dog lover. I just remember that the door opened and the blind dogs walked in (I thought to myself “two blind dogs”) and they stood near the left corner of the elevator. Then the door closed and the elevator continued going up, and I woke up.

Bj, I sure like what you said, “could be good that the enemy can’t see you while you’re being lifted up”. If they represent the enemy that’s is good response, and it reminds me of how God blinded the enemy for Elisha. (2 Kings 6:18). However, I didn’t feel threatened by the two blind dogs, I just thought to myself it’s interesting that 2 blind dogs just got on the elevator. Another good point you made was that was that I am being “lifted up”. Thanks Bj! Praise God that I am going up. I sure need a promotion in all areas of my life.

I am still pondering on this dream, and asking God who or what does the dogs represent?
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Re: DREAM: Two Blind dogs

Post by HisBlood »

Has this well covered, some thoughts came to me as well! What if the dogs represent what is familiar to you? They were able to come on the elevator the doors opened to them to enter with you! You weren’t threatened by them and that could mean you are familiar with them! Like familiar spirits, mindsets, reasoning? They can’t
see you because they aren’t/won’t be part of the
revelation that you are being lifted up to!

Examples are fear, worry, anxiety, rejection, etc. Things have worked against us through our lives and Christian walk
causing these things to build a protective wall for us to fall back on!

This scripture came to mind -
2 Cor. 10:5

4The weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world. Instead, they have divine power to
demolish strongholds. 5We tear down arguments, and every presumption set up against the knowledge
of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 The Passion Translation (TPT)

3–4 For although we live in the natural realm, we don’t wage a military campaign employing human weapons, using manipulation to achieve our aims. Instead, our spiritual weapons are energized with divine power to effectively dismantle the defenses behind which people hide.[a] 5 We can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God. We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought[c] and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One.

Just some other thoughts on the dogs
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Re: DREAM: Two Blind dogs

Post by eyes.enlightened »

HisBlood wrote: Tue Aug 27, 2019 9:25 pm
What if the dogs represent what is familiar to you? They were able to come on the elevator the doors opened to them to enter with you! You weren’t threatened by them and that could mean you are familiar with them! Like familiar spirits, mindsets, reasoning? They can’t
see you because they aren’t/won’t be part of the
revelation that you are being lifted up to!

Examples are fear, worry, anxiety, rejection, etc.

OMGosh! HisBlood, this makes sense too. I have been overly concerned lately about so many things. I have been breaking out in hives, which I’ve never experienced before. Attacked from everywhere at one time, and unable to do anything in the natural to resolve the problems, while I stand there helpless, watching one thing at a time, just fall apart. Now, it will take a miracle to get out of all this mess, because I was expecting that the vision was about to speak and not lie, though it tarried and I waited so long. So, the two blind dogs could represent anxiety and worry. I am concerned I have to admit.

I’ve been fasting and praying so much, trying to fight this thing in the spirit. I’m trying to hold on to my dreams and visions God showed me and promised over 25 years ago or longer. It gave me hope and confidence to hold on so long. I couldn’t have held on to something that long in peace if it were not so, then all hell broke out at one time. Right at the time when it seemed like it was about to come to pass. The vision died at a twinkle of an eye. It left me in shock and wondering what and where do I go now? I believed with the integrity of my heart and so, by faith I am trying to hold on, although I don’t see anything. I can’t see in the spirit nor in the natural.

WOW, it just hit me, the two blind dogs may be representing how I am feeling about what’s going on within me at this time. I can’t see in the natural, nor in the spirit either. That attack left me feeling like the visions and dreams I had been believing that God showed me and told me left me blind sided—and basically feeling robbed and blind—second guessing if it’s what He told me or was I deceived or what? So, I lost my sight—in a sense. It left me blind in the Spirit because what I thought I saw by faith has been shakened and it left my heart sick. When I walked in the vision by faith, I could see where I was going in the spirit so it gave me sight in the natural too. I was seeing in both realms “natural and spirit” because I had hope. Hope gave me the confidence to hold on for so many years in faith. The two blind dogs may be about me—part of how I am seeing in both realms but God is encouraging me to know that I’m going up in the Spirit and that’s good!

This is just coming to me as I am responding to your post, His Blood. The LORD has used you, and other things are opening up to me at the moment. This is amazing, I’m going to have to chew on this a bit more, getting deep.

Anyhoo, thanks HisBlood, more things are opening up, I will go get quiet and finish hearing what else He’s saying to me.

Once again, thank you my sister!

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Re: DREAM: Two Blind dogs

Post by HisBlood »

That’s awesome sister,
I love when HE shows us things to set us free!
He promised if we seek HIM, all these things would
be added to us! That’s my prayer for you, as you
rise up higher and closer to HIM!
Christ in YOU, the hope of glory!

Seek first.....Matt. 6:33
Matthew 6:33-34 The Passion Translation (TPT)

33 “So above all, constantly chase after the realm of God’s kingdom[a] and the righteousness that proceeds from him. Then all these less important things will be given to you abundantly. 34 Refuse to worry about tomorrow, but deal with each challenge that comes your way, one day at a time.[c] Tomorrow will take care of itself.”

Be super blessed
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